2511 Words

Presently my attention was attracted by the shadow of something moving in the trench without, and a moment later the figure of a child appeared, creeping upon all fours, as, wide-eyed, and prompted by childish curiosity, a little girl crawled to the entrance of my hut and peered cautiously and fearfully in. I did not speak at first for fear of frightening the little one away. But when I was satisfied that her eyes had become sufficiently accustomed to the subdued light of the interior, I smiled. Instantly the expression of fear faded from her eyes to be replaced with an answering smile. “ Who are you, little girl?” I asked. “ My name is Mary,” she replied. “I am Victoryl’s sister.” “ And who is Victory?” “ You do not know who Victory is?” she asked, in astonishment. I shook my h

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