A Sizzling Dinner

3060 Words

AZURA. Corrado was thrilled to see me and was showing me the entire apartment. The delicious smell of food was making me lick my lips, or was that his scent? I wasn’t sure… either way this place smelt divine. Kiara and Alejandro had left after lunch and although I’d miss them, I was glad I at least got to see them for a short while. Kiara’s parting words were to take care of myself, and the baby, along with a not-so-subtle comment to talk to Leo and try harder... In what way… well I knew what she wanted and hoped for. Think before acting Zu. Marcel had asked if I wished to stay at the mansion, but I had politely declined, deciding to return to the apartment beneath Leo’s. The short conversation I had with him now replayed in my mind. (EARLIER THAT DAY…) "Thank you for everything." I

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