Naughty Games

1923 Words

Adrien The cold shower does not help get my d*ick to behave properly but I refuse to jerk one off with thoughts of the wrong person just because. It’s not that I care I got a hard on because of a guy, it’s because of who that guy is. Sure, Seth Radke looks hot, and probably many guys and girls are piling up at his door step but even if I was into guys he wouldn’t be my type - too bulky, too tall and dominating. And I am not into guys, I have never been. I am not against it, it’s just not my thing. I think? Yet, I do remember my dreams from last night - they were of him manhandling me and tossing me around like I weigh no more than a feather and even though there was no specifics to my little dirty dreams, my treacherous body doesn’t seem to mind it one bit. Frowning at myself for being s

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