Ogling the Enemy

2444 Words

Seth God, he’s hot. Even with his mouth opening and closing wordlessly as he stares at me with those big dark eyes, he’s the embodiment of s*ex. Taller than I expected, almost as tall as me, his hair tousled by the light breeze, and those flushed cheeks of his that make me wonder how much hotter they can get when he’s on his knees with a d*ick between his lips. The best part? By the way he’s staring at me there is no way this man is straight. I take my helmet off, shaking my head to loosen my hair, and he traces every movement with wide hungry eyes. Hungry for me. I try to play it cool as I walk towards him deliberately slowly, a smirk on my lips, and he just waits for me to go and get him. My brain barely registers the scent of nocturnal flowers and something else, something I have nev

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