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They reached the restaurant and put on their dress . “I have the secret room key. You lost the key right?” Abhishek said to Alax while no one was around. “Oh , you have that? Give me.” Alax said. “I’m not giving this to you. If you want, tell me the full truth. Why Neeraj and Rithika didn't recognise you? Why are you hiding here as a boy by boul cutting your hair ?” he raised all his doubts. “I’m not gonna tell you.” Both of them started arguing. Alax leaned on him to get the key from Abhishek’s hand. Vimal saw the scene in which they were touching each other very closely. Alax moved his body from Abhishek when they saw Vimal. “This is not what you think.” both of them denied. Alax returned to the reception. “I guess I just saw a bl movie.” Vimal commended “Bl movie? What nonsense ! That won’t happen.” Abhishek denied. “Then explain it. I guess you love him. Right?” Vimal guessed. Abhishek looked at Vimal. “What do you mean? I don’t love him.” he tried to deny again with a smile. “Don’t joke. I can see love in your eyes. When are you gonna propose to him?” Vimal enquired. “You said that there is love in my eyes?” Abhishek asked with curiosity. Vimal nodded saying yes and went to the kitchen. “Why did I join her? Why didn't I tell others that Alax was a girl? What did she do to me ? I was against love. How can I love someone?” Abhishek said to himself and was sad. “What did he say?” Alax enquired Abhishek. “He said that it was like bl movie.” Abhishek replied with blush. “Bl? You mean boys love?” Alax felt fun to hear the reply. “Anyway we should be careful. Try not to make a scene when others are watching. They will misunderstand. Give me the keys.” Alax added and took the keys from Abhishek’s hands. “My aim to join your team was to find who you really are. Now I know who you are. Now I don’t wish to be with the investigation team. Cuz this is your secret investigation. I will act like I don’t know anything. I will even act like I don’t know you are a girl.” Abhishek replied. “Are you sure?” Alex confirmed. Abhishek nodded and returned to help Rithika. Rithika was waiting for Abhishek. “ Hey , I guess we should start to take our revenge.” she guessed. “Yup. That’s right. How are you gonna take revenge now? I mean, he is near you.” he looked at Neeraj and said. They were a little far away from Neeraj so he couldn't hear them talking. “Today night we can meet. Make sure no one sees us meeting.” she replied. “Not night. Can’t we meet in the evening?” he disagree. She looked at Abhishek’s eyes. “I mean , it will reduce tension if we plan earlier. That’s it.” he added. “What if she finds out about the secret door? I can’t let that happen. So I should avoid meeting at night. Next time onwards I will act like as promised to Alax.” he thought in his mind. She agreed and both of them parted for their work. At night they met at her room. “I've got an idea. To get more clear about the solution , what about watching movies , shows and series related to cold man?” Rithika suggested. He agreed and she turned her laptop on. They started binge watching shows and movies. At night Neeraj and Alax got into the secret room. “Let’s discuss every point from the beginning. Check if we missed something” Alax informed and Neeraj agreed. “First murder occured 10 years ago. Murderer collected the victim's blood in a large plastic cover and left the body behind. We can tell that the killer is a blood hunter. Second attack was 6 years ago with the same method of killing. Recently the murderer killed 4 to 6 people. Maybe it will be to get attention from the people and police. We interrogated people who were suspected as the killer.” Alax explained. Next morning Rithika got into the kitchen. Neeraj was washing dishes. She looked at him. “Hey , can you come with me to the market?” she asked him. He looked at her. “Abhishek?” he enquired. “Oh, he didn’t wake up. He is really lazy.” she smiled and replied. “Alax?” he again asked. “Oh, he has something to do here” she replied. Alax stepped into the kitchen. “Alax, could you please give a tea to Abhishek? He slept late yesterday.” Rithika requested. “Ok. Sure. But where did he sleep yesterday? I thought he would be coming. I waited for him by lying on the bed. When I woke up , he still didn't come.” Alax enquired. “Oh , he slept in my room. I mean , the upper deck of my bed “ she replied. Neeraj washed all the dishes and removed his apron. “So are you coming with me?” Rithika confirmed. He stepped outside of the restaurant. Rithika also stepped outside the restaurant and he followed her. After a few minutes Alax stepped into Rithika’s room to give Abhishek tea. Abhishek woke up when Alax kept the tea cup on the table. Abhishek caught Alax’s hands and pulled him to the bed. “Hey, what are you doing?” Alax enquired. “I had to ask you a few questions,” he replied. “Questions ? About what? About investigation?” Alax doubted. “Investigation? What investigation? If my memory is correct, I forgot about the investigation. I wanted to ask about Neeraj. Can I?” Abhishek asked again. “Oh, yup.” Alax agreed. “You are his close friend? You don’t feel uncomfortable with his personality? I mean , if we change his rude behaviour , will you like it?” he asked. “What if I don’t like it?” “Then also we will change it.” Abhishek replied with a smile on his face. “Actually , he was not like this before. He used to laugh a lot and talk a lot . We were just like you and Rithika. We all went on a vacation. An accident occured when he was on the way to pick me up. He lost his sense of emotions. That’s why we all feel like he is rude.” Alax explained. “What do you mean?” Abhishek was surprised to hear his answer. “When was the incident? I mean how many years ago?” Abhishek asked again. “It was when he was 20 years old.” Alax replied. “We used to compare his brother with him. His brother had a rude personality till 17 years of age. At a certain point his brother felt that being rude is useless. Now his brother has a normal personality.” Alax added with a smile on his face. Abhishek was shocked to hear his reply. “What happened? Are you ok?” Alax worried. “I’m ok. Anyway , thank you for the tea.” Abhishek replied by hiding his surprised face. Alax stepped out of the room. Rithika and Neeraj returned to the restaurant after purchase. Abhishek rushed to them and caught Rithika’s hands. “Hey, what happened?” Rithika was curious. “Do you wanna know the breaking news?” he asked her. “Yup. Of course.” she replied. “The one who rejected you was not Neeraj.” Abhishek announced. Rithika was surprised and confused. “What do you mean? Then who was it?” she was curious. “It was his brother.” he explained everything to her. “Where did you get this information?” she asked. He thought for a while. “Just…, it’s from a secret source. Even though it’s secret, you can believe this” he replied. “I’ll believe you.” she said. “Who is his brother?” she enquired. “Nope. No need. Imagine that you don’t know this information” she added. “Why?” he was clueless. “You said that his brother is not rude now. Then nothing is there to change in his brother. But Neeraj has no emotions and feelings. There is a lot to change in him.” she replied. “And , when Neeraj changes , we will discuss about his brother.” she added with a smile on her face. “As your wish” he replied. Abhishek got a call the next day. “What happened?” Rithika asked Abhishek. “I guess I'll have to go. I’ll tell you everything later. Hmm..” Abhishek replied and ruffled her hair. He packed his bag. “You will take time to return?” she asked. “Not sure” he replied and got into the car. “Where did Abhishek go?” Alax enquired her. “Idk. He said he will tell everything later.” she replied. “Oh, ok. Actually , I had something important in my house. I came to ask for one day leave” Alax said. “Oh, ok. No problem. Ask Vimal too.” she replied and got into the restaurant. After a few hours Alax went to his house. At night Vimal returned to his room early. Neeraj was cleaning the floor. Rithika looked at him and bought a tissue. “Hey, you are sweating.” she said and wiped his sweat. She touched his head. “You have a high fever.” she added . He touched his head and wiped the sweat with his hands. “Look at it yourself” she said and stopped him from cleaning the floor. He looked at her eyes. “Don’t work now. Take a rest. Me and Vimal will clean the restaurant.” she said and made him sit on the chair. “You didn’t eat food. Right? I’ll cook porridge for you” she said and caught his hands. He stood up and both of them went to his room. “It will be hard for you. Right?” she guessed. He lied on his bed and she got out to call Vimal. She knocked on his room door. But Vimal didn't open the door. She opened the closed restaurant kitchen and started to prepare porridge. After preparing the porridge, she woke up Neeraj. She started to blow the porridge. “Don’t blow the porridge. I don’t feel hot” he said. “Anyway, thank you” he thanked her. “Even though you don’t feel hot , it will be dangerous inside your body” she replied and took a spoon of porridge. She blew that and he drank the spoon of porridge. “I can have it myself” he said. She looked at his eyes and smiled. She continued to feed him. Next morning Neeraj woke up and lay still on the bed. He touched his head and took the cloth which was on his head. He saw someone sleeping on his chair. It was Rithika. He moved her hair from her face. She woke up suddenly and caught his hands. “Oh, it was you? I’m sorry” she said and moved her hands from his hands. “How is your fever?” she enquired. She placed her hands on his head. “You got cold too?” she enquired and pointed to his nose. He took a tissue and blew his nose. “I’ll tell Vimal. Don’t come to work today.” she said and was about to go out of his room. He caught her hands and dragged to the chair. “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked. “That’s what I wanna ask you. What are you trying to do? Why do you care about me? Did I ask you to do this?” he raised all his doubts. “I’ve a reason.” she replied. “Reason? What reason?” he asked again. “Cuz, I can’t stand others feeling sick” she thought for a while and replied. She escaped from the chair and got out of the room. “What was it? He said thank you yesterday? Oh, it was really a golden word when I heard that from him” she blushed and talked to herself. “In any case, I’ve to take revenge. My first challenge is to cure him” she said to herself and walked to Vimal. She reached his room and knocked. Vimal opened the door. “Hey, goodmorning.” he wished her. “Right back at you. I knocked on your door yesterday. I guess you are not a sensitive sleeper.” she said and smiled. “Oh, yesterday? Was there any problem?” he enquired. “Yup. Neeraj was not well. So I was about to ask you to clean the restaurant. But you slept early.” she replied. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear. Is he not well? What happened to him?” he enquired. “He has a fever and a cold,” she replied . “I was about to prepare some tea and porridge for him” she added. “I’ll come and help” he said and followed her to the restaurant. She started to prepare medicinal tea and food. “You are not well?” Vimal asked and touched his head. He then handed over the tea cup to Neeraj. After a few minutes Vimal returned to the restaurant and found Deepak working in the kitchen. “Hey, when did you come? Why are you doing these things?” he smiled and asked. “Alax and Abhishek are not here. Right? I thought that if I’m here, it will be helpful” Deepak replied and continued his cleaning. “Vimal is sick. So he won’t be there. So you will be really helpful” Rithika informed. “Oh, he is sick? Where is he?” he enquired. “He is in his room. I’ll call him for food. Would you like to join?” she enquired. He agreed and both of them left the restaurant. After a few hours Alax returned to the restaurant. He found Rithika working in the kitchen. Rithika welcomed him. “Why do you feel worried? Is everything ok?” Alax enquired. “Abhishek didn’t return. He didn’t even call. I’m worried about him” she replied. “Oh, he didn’t tell you where he was going. Right?” he asked her. She nodded, agreeing . “I forgot to tell you. Neeraj is sick. He has a fever and a cold.” she informed him. “Oh, is it? Lemme see him” he replied and got into Neeraj’s room. Alax reached Neeraj’s room and opened the door. Alax took a thermometer and checked Neeraj’s fever. “It’s reducing. Don’t worry” Alax informed Neeraj and ruffled his hair. “Abhishek hasn't reached yet. It's been a long time. Rithika is really worried about him” Alax informed. “What do you doubt?” Neeraj asked. “I doubt that something happened to him. When a call came, he was worried. She said that he tell everytime when he goes.” Alax replied.
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