Chapter 4- Busted

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Okay so knew I shouldn’t have made my way down to the coffee place, I especially knew that I shouldn’t be going to meet someone that could be a potential serial killer, or worse… I arrived at the shop, it was already pretty busy considering it was a Saturday morning, I had a quick look around to see if there was anyone that I knew, it seemed to mostly old people. “hello, table for one?” the woman’s sudden voice made me jump. “uh, yes, I mean no I’m meeting someone here’ “great this way” I followed the young lady to a small table that was half-covered by shade and a half in the sun. I sat down on the chair in the sun and took the menu from the lady. “I’ll give you a minute to have a look at what you would like” ‘thanks” let’s see, mocha chino… oooh vanilla coffee, oh wait they have those frozen fruit thingies ‘see anything you like” his voice made me suddenly freeze I waited to see if I had imagined it, eventually lifting my eyes to see his piercing stare at me ‘I… ah… “I cleared my throat about five times but it didn’t seem to help, Lucis sat down on the chair across from me “actually I’m waiting for- “ “me, honey, you were waiting for me,” he said waving his hand in a lazy kind of fashion “sir” the lady was backhanding him a menu; her eyes were twinkling with a huge smile plastered on her face until she realized that he was at the same table as me. “are you ready to order?” she said in a bored tone. “Give five minutes will you please,” Lucis said giving him a small side smile “glad to see that you made it” his face was shifting again. Did no one else freaking see that? I kind of just stared at him trying to make out the face, that I had seen by the lake, but the harder I tried the faster his face seemed to shift. I let out a huff and sat back, “what the hell is up with your face” my eyes widened when I realized that I had said that thought out loud, I sat up again about to apologize but he didn’t even flinch at the question, I could make out a smile as his mouth shifted its shape and size, “what are you unsure about,” he said sweetly not looking away from his menu. His fingers were running up and down the back of the menu almost in a pattern. I had been watching his hand for a while because I hadn’t noticed that the waitress was back and was asking what I would like “Lilith, dear” Lucis’ voice cut through my attention I looked up to see the lady looking at me, a bit annoyed. “Mocha please,” I said abruptly looking down at my hands. Once she walked away I let out a sigh. I really shouldn’t be here. “Lilith?” “would you stop saying my name” I snapped looking up at that perfect face I had seen at the lake, what the… seriously   “why don’t you tell me what’s your mind?” he said softly, reaching his hand out towards mine, I pulled my hand back under the table “I shouldn’t be here,” I said slowly “why is that?” I heard a tinge of annoyance in his voice but I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I looked up at him. His face was soft almost loving but his eyes looked harsh “Why am I here?” “I thought we could talk,” he said pulling his hand away and running it through his hair making him look very boyish “so talk? I mean there has to be a reason that you brought me out here” “sassy, better watch that mouth, it might get you into trouble one day” “Lucis…” I said folding my arms and raising my eyebrow at him “Fine, Fine, I have a… friend. That’s has developed a game that requires testing” “a game?” “a game, perhaps you have heard of it, I’ve got a few of the people around the campus testing it for me” I grabbed my bag opening it, and pulling out the disk that had master maker printed on it. Throwing it onto the table and looking up at him, his expression fell for a split second but went back to the warm smile “ah I see you already have it” “I found it in my book that I bought the other day. The book you knew that I was going to buy. It doesn’t work I might add” “I’ll admit hiding it in the book was the wrong idea but I can assure you, it works “he pushed the game back towards me “think you might enjoy this, just give it a try” without thinking I grabbed the game back and shoved it into my bag and let it drop back to the floor. “you-“ I trailed off when the waitress came back with our drinks, as she laid them onto the table I kind of just sat there staring at him awkwardly he gave a small smile and a thank you to the waitress that made her blush and practically skip away. he set his piercing green eyes on me and smiled “you were saying?” “You seem to have your way with the woman,” I said tilting my head to the waitress as I took a sip of my drink “she’s not my type,” he said softly “oh you have a type, well in that cause dial down the charm before she falls madly in love with you” he suddenly frowned at me “Are you jealous?” his voice sounded a bit rough, I could not help but let out a laugh “Jealous? You are not my type” “oh you have a type” he counted “I do” fluttering my eyes and putting slightly “and you buddy do not cut it” “I beg to differ” his voice was getting softer but huskier at the same time. “little Lilith needs more adventure in her life, you are getting bored with the everyday routine, bored with the want to be, surgeon who had very little time for you now, that’s why you took the chance to come here today, it’s something different, exciting” I stood up abruptly looking down at Lucis, his face starting to shift again.  “am I wrong little demon?” he said smiling and tilting his head to the side, slowly standing up and towered over me “have I hit a sweet spot that you don’t like to show?” his hands taking my waist, his face inching towards mine. I could help it, it just happened. As his lips connected to mine my fist connected to his cheek.   Matt   Matt hated the early hours of the morning he always found it annoying and a little too cheery, he hated all the people that crowed the paving and how happy they all seemed, he had a few choice words for Greg when he saw him but first… coffee. He made is order at the counter, when a familiar laugh drifted towards him, he slowly moved around looking for the source of the sound when his eyes fell on Lilith, she was a small geeky girl and her hair always different color every time he saw her, although she seemed to be sticking with blue for the time being. She laughed again, this time Matt saw her hand take someone else’s, he thought it might have been Greg and was ready to walk over to the table and tell him off for the early wake-up call, but I wasn’t Greg that he saw when he started to move closer. He didn’t even recognize the guy that Lilith was with.  He stopped walking watching the two carefully, the guy was trailing his fingers up and down Lilith’s arm and he had a massive smile on her face and giggling now and then. Then Lilith got up, it looked like she was angry about some but that suddenly faded and she was in the guy’s lap kissing him. Matt took a few angry steps towards the table determined to pull Lilith off the guy and shake her. What the hell had gotten into her! After taking a few steps more Matt came to a complete halt, a sudden urge came over him to leave and quickly, to find Greg and… and what? Tell him? The Barista at the counter called out his order, he collected it and left. The sudden urge to find Greg eating at him I got home as quickly as I could, trying to process what the hell had just happened. My mind was reeling, a lot that he had said was true, but I so badly wanted it to be untrue I so badly wanted to be the normal girl that I was portraying, the safe girl that everyone had come to know. I stood with my back to the front door trying not to burst into tears. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that the sudden banging on the front door made me jump, thinking that it may be Lucis I pulled the door open “WHAT-“ I stared but fell silent when I saw Greg standing there. “Greg” I sounded a bit too surprised “expecting someone else?” he bit “what no-“ “so you just opened the door enthusiastically because you knew it was me’ ‘what are- “ “where is he” Greg’s voice boomed “where is who?” I asked but Greg pushed his way into the house “Greg what is wrong with you” “don’t play where is he?” “Greg who?” I tried taking his hand but he shook me off as quickly as he had just touched something slimy “Matthew saw the two of you by the coffee shop, mind telling me what you were doing there with another guy” “Matthew, what? Greg nothing happened we were just talking “kissing another guy is not just talking” Greg shouted “Greg that’s not what happened-“ “so you didn’t kiss?” “well-“ I could feel anger boiling up as Greg cut me off again “you didn’t jump into his lap and start sucking the guys face in the middle of public?” “Greg I-“ “you are most defiantly your father’s daughter” “would you just shut up for a second and listen to me, he kissed me I didn’t go there with the intention of it happening, I didn’t even know it was Lucis-” “Lucis, you made out with LUCIS?” “I did-“ “you wanted a new adventure, do it without me I am not sticking around and waiting for you while you go around screwing other guys” he turned and walked towards the door, putting his hand into the jean pocket and pulling out a small box and chucking it at me. “Greg stop!” he stopped in the doorway his face engrossed in a rage “I didn’t do anything, I left as soon as things went weird, I-“ “you what Lilith? What lie can you possibly come up with a whole coffee shop saw you, multiple people and you want to stand there like you were the victim, sounded like you were enjoying it a bit too much for me to believe that you were just there to talk, is that where you went the other day? To be with him. Your stupid friend was at the mall with a surprising lack of books, and you nowhere in sight. Care to explain?” I went dead silent there was no way I could explain where I was that day because Lucis was in the same spot, he turned and started to walk away “Greg no, please,” I said going to touch his arm “Don’t touch me” he said pulling away from my hand and storming away “GREG!” I called out from behind him but he didn’t even glance in my direction. I looked at the small box in my hand, opening it to find a ring fixed to a red gem glittering back at me. The tears I had been holding back seemed to break through the dam wall and ran uncontrollably.   I was the perfect picture of the sad lonely girl that just got dumped while I lay on my bed holding the small box in my hand, my phone had been going crazy all day but I didn’t bother to check it. I kind of just wanted the silence to eat me up and make me disappear.   I saw my phone light up again and with a hell of a lot of effort I got up enough to reach over for it. Most of the messages where people trying to get the scoop of the big breakup, others were asking about rumors that had already started flying around. I threw my phone to the foot of the bed and took out my laptop, going through old photos and videos that I had saved on it.   NEW EMAIL   I didn’t recognize the address but opened it anyway   [DARK]: I heard   I quickly guessed thought I knew who it was and sent a reply   [LIL]: This is your fault you know that right? Can you just leave me alone? You have done enough   [DARK]: Have I? you don’t see the good my little Demon? You are free to change your life, free to do as you please my little Demon   [LIL]: that’s the kind of tomfoolery that has me in this situation. I am not yours.   [DARK]: Not yet   I sat and stared at the reply, unsure of what I was feeling. I needed to tell this jerk off but for some reason, my finger would not allow me to type out the words that would end this conversion at once   [DARK]: I know your thoughts and desires, I know what you need little demon and I can give them to you, he can’t.   [LIL]: you can’t you don’t even know me   [DARK]: Then why are you sitting on the bed talking to me when you could be out trying to fix what was broken. Why is he out having the time of his life while you lay on your bed miserable?   [DARK]: Come to me little demon.   Nope, this s**t wasn’t going to happen again I closed my laptop and put it under my bed covering my face with a pillow as I laid back down, no, no, no!   A glowing light seemed to intrude on my sleep, I slowly opened my eyes to see the screen of my phone was on, I must have touched something in my sleep that caused it to open. I picked up the phone and a stabbing pain hit my chest, pictures of Greg out and parting were all over the screen of my phone, I began to scroll through the pictures getting more and more upset as I went, he seemed to over the whole thing and made a show of by kissing a different girl in every photo. I looked at the time. It was only 9:30 pm. I laid the darkness for what felt like an eternity. I pulled out my laptop from under the bed.   [LIL]:  where?   I waited a while before he answered, long enough that I had started to bite around my fingers again, wondering if I was ready to do this? Was I going to do this was another thing that kept going through my mind? No. I had to send a message back and tell him that I changed my mind, Ping Crap… too late   [DARK]: It’s in your bag   My bag? What is? Annoyed I got up and started to look for my bag, dumping out the contents of it on the bed. It was mostly old recites and random lipstick items, keys… what in the hell did he mean it was in my… a gleam of colors caught my eye, there sitting in the middle of the bed was a CD case. I picked it up and looked at the name on the CD within. oh alright, fine, I’ll 
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