Chapter 2 -Trapped

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‘how about I take you home?’ Greg said trying to keep up with me as I walked down the sidewalk, ‘I don’t want to go home; he will be there’ ‘who? Loki? Why- “? ‘no, Greg my father’ I came to stop turning to face him ‘why on earth would Lucis be at my house” ‘um…’ ‘ugh’ I threw my arms up in frustration, Greg caught my arm “babe, come on, I didn’t mean it that way. Come, I’ll take you to the lake house, no one will bother you there’ ‘great now I’m gonna be killed in the woods cause no one will know where to look for me’ ‘Lilith! Calm down’ Greg grabbed me by the shoulders ‘no one is going to kill you, I won’t leave you in the woods on your own, I’ll stay there with you’   The ride to the lake house was quiet. I watched as the world seemed to speed past us. ‘you okay?’ Greg said softly. ‘yeah, that was a lot to take in. what my father had said. Wasn’t exactly expecting it’ ‘do you want to talk about it?’ I stayed quiet for a long time, did I? was that the point that Lucis had made? ‘no, I just want to spend the night with you without any weirdness or issues of the world’ ‘so uh I’m guessing, asking what you were talking to Loki about would interfere with those plans’ I frowned and looked at Greg, ‘are you bothered by it’ I asked sounding more annoyed than I was going for ‘Well no, but the guy is dodgy as hell I just want you safe’ ‘I’m safe’ I looked back out the window but my mind was reeling. I wanted to tell Greg about how he had given me a card that I had thrown away but that had reappeared in a book. I wanted to scream at how I didn’t want my father to get married to the woman that had broken up our family. The car came to a stop just as I started biting the skin around the nail of my middle finger I was so deep in thought that the sudden taste of blood in my mouth startled me. ‘s**t’ I heard Greg’s voice as he moved to my side of the car and wrenched the door open ‘how bad is it this time’ ‘I’m sorry, I, I didn’t even know I was” ‘shut up and let me see’ he took my hand frowning as he examined my finger that was now bleeding and the rest of my fingers that looked raw. He sighed ‘come on let’s get inside, and clean this’ he said shaking my hand. We walked up to the cabin in silence, the crunching of stones under our feet sounded louder than it should have. Greg unlocked the door dropped our bags and motioned for me to sit while he disappeared into the room.  I walked to the huge window and looked out onto the lake, the moon was casting a comforting light tonight over it. Suddenly my eyes caught the glow of lights in the distance, the cabin across the lake had its lights on. In all the years I had been here with Greg I had never noticed that cabin being in use. ‘hand’ ‘aaaah! God’ I jumped back towards the window, pushing my back up against It ’can you f*****g not’ ‘ooooh, the F-bomb, and unfortunately not a god but close, now hand’ I rolled my eyes as I offered my hand to him. Greg cleaned up the blood and then assessed the damage. ‘you know, most people bite their nails, should look into that if you are going to keep up this nervous habit before you have nothing but bone left for fingers’ ‘nail-biting? I think my mother would rather have me lose my fingers than have a daughter with a nail-biting habit. New neighbors?’ I asked tilting my head to the cabin across the lake. ‘yup started seeing them about a month ago’ I turned to face the window again Greg put his hands on my waist and moved closer to me. I could see our reflections in the window and gave a small smile, I always looked like a little girl next to Greg, he was at least ahead taller than me, and build like a jock. Even though he was nowhere near being one. Greg bent down and kissed my shoulder and slowly moving up my neck as I leaned my head back against his chest. His hand slid down my arm causing the strap from my top to fall down my shoulder. I tried to turn so that I could face him but he held me in place, his hand finding its way around my waist and up my shirt. I tilted my head to the side feeling his lips skimming along my neck. ‘Greg stop’ I opened my eyes to see a smile of white teeth and pale skin ‘why’ he moaned against my neck ‘there is someone outside’ it felt way too long for me to get the words out, my throat was dry and all the breath had lost my body. Greg looked up looking annoyed ‘there is nothing Lil, you are seeing things’ ‘I’m not there was someone there, I saw them’ Greg gave a breath of frustration, let go of me, and closed the curtains. He turned back to me running his fingers through my hair and kissed me slowly ‘there is no one there’ he said softly, and then in one swoop had me up in his arms and carried me over to the couch. ‘horror or horror’ he said dumping me down and walking into the kitchen. ‘hmmm that’s a tough one’ I said turning on the T.V and going through the options. The smell of popcorn soon wafted around the cabin, I picked a movie just as Greg came back into the room and settled down next to me.   When I woke up it was dark. Greg was fast asleep, stupid snoring bear I thought before smiling to myself and kissing his forehead. I slowly got up and walked towards the sliding doors that lead out onto a deck. I walked slowing taking in the cold air and the sounds of the lapping water close by. I sat down, my feet dangling from the deck. I heard footsteps behind me they were soft trends, not Greg’s. ‘is this where you kill me’ I said sarcastically ‘fitting’ ‘no’ as his voice reached my ears I smiled stupidly to myself. ‘so you are stalking me then’ ‘stalking is a strong word… you intrigue me” really intrigued? Like I’m some specimen in a jar ‘do you want to come to sit, take a break from being a stalker’ still looking out at the water the moon was full tonight and had most of the place lit up? ‘no’ I looked back with a sigh. Turning and getting up to look at Lucis. ‘okay, why are you here’ he just shrugged in response. ‘are you the one I saw outside the window ‘yes, I saw lights on here so I was curious about who it could be’ “so you decided to become a peeping tom? “honestly that wasn’t my intention, I didn’t expect to see you and the meathead getting busy right by the window’ ‘wow, meathead? you don’t even know the guy” “true but he’s standing in my way with getting to know you so yeah, meathead” I swallowed hard at that, clearing my throat before I talked again ‘you at that one’ I asked turning around and looking up the lit cabin across the lake ‘yes, I like the quiet and the lake gives me that’ ‘ah huh, well…’ I made a move to walk towards the door to get back inside but Lucis moved so that he was blocking my path. ‘do you like playing games?’ ‘games?’ my voice giving away my sudden heart rate spike, I cleared my throat ‘what kind of games?’ ‘the ones you find on a computer I guess’ Lucis said putting his hands up in a defensive way ‘oh sorry,’ I looked down at my feet, “there’s a game that might interest you” “Why would it interest me?” “It takes you into a whole new world, you can be anyone, anything you want to be. A place you can escape the harsh reality of living life” ‘what makes you think I need to escape?” “well, again, you are out here with me instead of being in there” he c****d his head to the side a small grin playing at his lips, as he suddenly seemed to closer to me, his hand reaching out to touch my arm. I moved back slightly “you don’t know anything about me,” I said slowly trying to contain the sudden urge to scream “I know enough to know what goes on in that pretty little head of yours,” he said lightly touching my temple with the tip of his middle finger “in fact I already know that when you are nervous you destroy your fingers” he slowly pulled my hand from my mouth “I know that you feel like your father betrayed you, and you have never really let a male in the way you have let the meathead in but, it’s not enough for you is it? Little Lilith wants more doesn’t she?’ Lucis’ head suddenly swooped down inches from my face, my breath hitched in my chest and I stumbled backward, trying to put distance between us, that’s when I noticed it, his face, it wasn’t changing, his eyes were piercing green against his pale skin, with a strong jaw bone and full lips, and a nose that was any plastic surgeons dream.  ‘your face’ I whispered before I could stop myself ‘look it late and- ‘ ‘yeah, of course, catch you at school’ he moved to the side with a smile. I walked back into the cabin looking back to see no one standing behind me.  Was I just talking to myself? Am I going crazy?   I felt his lips trailing a line up my arm, then slowly going up my neck towards my ear, his hands sliding up my thigh, then up my arm ‘Lilith’ he whispered as his hand moved up along my neck, slowly moving “time to…’ his hand circled my throat “DIE”    I woke up with a jolt, I was lying in bed. Greg was still snoring away, his hand cradled to his chest as though he thought it may have been mine. I smiled and got up, walking to the bathroom and looking in the mirror I hadn’t gotten much sleep, most of the night was spent jumping out my skin at slight noise or a shadow cast. I washed my face and looked at the dark circle under my eyes. I sighed picking up a toothbrush and looked back up to find a pale face looking back at me, I turned looking behind myself, there was nothing, okay so I’ve officially f*****g lost it I thought to myself. I went back to what I was doing when I suddenly felt hands pulling me towards a solid mass, I froze, this couldn’t be happening “Hey babe” I instantly relaxed thank the stars I turned to look at Greg. Every pore in my body was screaming for his normalness, his comfort. I pushed up onto my toes and kissed him hard wrapping my arms around the back of his trying to get closer to him, his body reacted exactly how I hoped and he encased me in an embrace, softening the kiss but not breaking it. He lifted me and carried me back into the room. Laying us both down on the bed. Greg’s hand caught my thigh as my hands trailed up his bare chest and up to grip in his hair. Greg shifted his weight so that he was kneeling over me as he slid his hands under my top, lifting it as his hands moved higher. I broke the kiss yanking off my top and snatching Greg’s head again bringing his mouth back on mine. His lips starting to make a trail down my neck to my shoulder, I rolled my head back looking towards the window, frowning when I saw something flash across it, I moved out from under Greg putting my finger to his lips when he tried to protest the action “let’s take this to the shower,” I said in his ear, I walked away taking the lead into the bathroom. Turning on the water and getting in, closely followed by Greg, who grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall, soon there was steam floating all around us his lips ground against mine and his hands found every inch of my skin, his body invading with an overwhelming force.   I sat on the bed in a kind of trance while listening to Greg in the next room on the phone with his mother. I could hear him pacing like he was waiting for something “Okay great,” he said then when quiet “yeah we’ll be back in town tomorrow” I heard the call die as Greg made his back to the room. I had my back to the door he jumped onto the bed making me lose my sitting. “so my mother wants us to meet her in that new fancy place that just opened up” “Okay what’s the occasion?” he got up and walked around the bed holding his hands behind his back “you, my dear are looking at the worlds next best surgeon at the St. Leonard hospital” “no way you got in” I hadn’t jumped up like I think he was expecting me “that’s awesome, when does the program start?” “in three days” “well I guess we better make this day count” I giggled as he sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap  
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