chapter 8 - Reality Of My Mind

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I grabbed my big fluffy gown putting it on as I slid open the door to the deck of the room, I couldn’t help the similarities that it had to the one across the lake. I sat down at the edge of the deck and gazed at the stars, the moon looked as though someone has taken a huge bite of it only leaving a slight sliver of its existence. The stars seemed to be brighter than ever though. I reached up as though I could grab at one. I was struggling to get my head cleared, a lot of feelings were swirling and for some reason, I could feel myself changing. I wasn’t sure if it was for the better or not. Things that I cared about I no longer wanted, I wanted to change as much as I could now. “you make a habit of this don’t you?” Lucis’ voice brought a rush of calm to my mind “I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to wake you,” I said still looking at the stars “I could help with that, tire you out a bit more” his voice got husky and low. I stood up and turned to look at him. My eyes going wide and my mouth hung open. “whoa… I mean… wow… I, uh, what… how did that even fit?” I slapped my hand over my mouth, and I was pretty sure it was going completely red in the face, Lucis on the other hand simply leaned against the door, in all his glory, and a smirk on his face. “could you not, someone might see you,” I said taking off my gown to give it to him. He moved quickly, wrapping his arms around my mine and trapping them. “Don’t” he whispered “no one sees what’s mine” he said into my ear “yet they can see what’s mine?” I pushed away from him. He looked at me with surprise on his face. “Little demon, I don’t belong to anyone” “well then I don’t belong to you, should have thought about that before making me fall for you” I pushed past him to get back into the room. “so f*****g stupid,” I said to myself getting my things together. Where the f**k was my phone? “what are you doing” he walked into the room watching my every move “what does it look like?” I snapped “I’m leaving!” my voice started getting louder. “no you are not,” he said calmly “uh yes I am, you got the f**k you wanted now you can just move on to the next stupid girl” I could feel a sting in my throat. I kept my eyes down as tears ran from my eyes. f**k was I seriously going through this s**t again for a man. “I don’t want anyone else Lilith” his words made me stop in my tracks, I looked up at him I could feel my anger rising as I tried to make sense of what the f**k he was saying “then explain it Lucis, cause at the moment you are confusing the f**k out of me” he walked up to me and took my face in his hands. “simple, I want you and no one else” “it’s not simple, if you are going to claim me as your own, it works both ways” I had moved out his reach again and continued to look for all my things. He took my hand and made me look up at him again. “I’m trying Lilith,” he said sadly, “the last time I let someone say I was there it ended…” he railed off “don’t confuse me with another woman, I not like any of them, I am my own damn person Lucis” “I know little demon” “do you though?” I challenged him. He kind of just stared at me for a while “thought so” I said dropping my things on the floor and walking towards the door. “wait” he whispered, I lifted my hand and shook my head “Please don’t, you can come to look for me in an hour,” I said in a stern voice, I walked out of the room and quickly down the hall, he had one thing right I wasn’t going to leave but I was going to hide out in new bubble world. I made my way down to the basement. I was met with the most beautiful sight as I entered the underground room, lights had been put at the bottom of the lake to keep it alight during the night, the huge light in the middle of the room was glowing with a soft warm light. I walked to the couch and dropped onto it. pulling my legs up and resting my head on the headrest of the couch. I watched as the water world in front of me went on with life, without a care in the world. Lucis   Lucis walked up and down the room, he wasn’t going to let one silly girl get to me. Was she silly though? was her request so bad. Perhaps not, maybe the fact that she had told him not to follow her was so that he had no choice but to be trapped in his mind. He was going crazy. After everything, he just wanted to be by her side. Maybe it was time to rethink this. She had to be the one that could change everything. Everything he worked for… did he want all of that changed? “ugh,” he growled at himself running his fingers through his long black hair. why did she have to be so stubborn, why did he have to be so damn closed off? Surely there was a middle ground. This was supposed to be simple? Why wasn’t it? was it her? “f**k it” hour or not her had to find her and fix this before it was too late. He slipped into a pair of jeans and walked over to the door taking a deep breath before walking out to find her. One thing he did remember well was that she did well on her own she wouldn’t have a problem walking out the door and into the night. Although he was pretty sure he hadn’t heard the front door open or close which meant she was still in the house. He walked over to the door that leads to the basement. She was drawn to his place as much as he was, he opened the door looking at the wall that stood between him and her. Lucis took a deep breath and pushed through the wall.   She sat on the couch curled up in her robe. She looked tiny amongst all the fluff. Lucis walked over to the couch slowly standing behind her for a few seconds. She was humming something to herself, the tune was familiar but he couldn’t quite place it. He moved slowly and sat behind her, pulling her into his arms.   “though you might be here,” Lucis said in my ear “it’s a bubble away from the world,” I said softly looking back at him,” you didn’t wait an hour” How would you know, you lose time down here” I pointed towards the huge grandfather clock, “it chimed twice when I got down here” “honestly I was going out my mind, needed to be near you” “bit clingy aren’t you?” “Not normally” I felt his breath on my cheek, and heard him take in a deep breath. I looked back at him again “same, normally do pretty well on my own. I’m struggling now and I blame you for it”. Lucis let out a sigh “I'm your little demon” he whispered into my hair when I looked forward again. I turned completely to look at him “You are gonna have to try harder than that” I whispered before lightly rubbing my nose against his. “Much, harder,” I said running my hands down his chest and stopping just above the waistline of his pants, before standing up and dropping the fluffy robe. Under it, I had the black hot pants and the strap top he had given me. “tell me how,” he said sitting up reaching towards me. “tut-tut,” I lifted a finger and wiggled my finger to him, “no touching, your hour isn’t up” I looked up to the clock to see what the time was, “looks like you have 20 minutes to go,” I said smirking at him as I made the one strap slip off my shoulder. I heard him groan as I moved back a bit more, slipping the other strap off. “you said I could that laptop here and use it when I need it,” said softly “I did,” he said sitting back his eyes darting over my body his voice strained “what did you mean by that?” I asked slightly lifting the top to reveal a bit of my stomach and hips. I visibly watched as Lucis sucked in a breath and sat up straighter. “exactly what it suggests,” he said struggling to get the words out “well, it suggests that I’m gonna be here more often than not” I moved the shirt up more revealing my whole torso. Lucis gulped “Maybe that’s the idea,” he said sounding breathless “is it?” I started taking off the top completely “what would that mean for us” “us?” Lucis gulped again moving himself to the edge of the couch, I nodded “Little demon please you are killing me” “no… answer” I whispered moving back more and sliding my hands down my chest and sides. “I want to… you around.” He stammered “and?” “Lilith,” he said standing up, I moved back again “I’m falling for you, little demon, this is uncharted waters for me. I don’t know what you want to hear” I slipped my thumbs into the band of the hot pants “I don’t want to hear what I want; I want you to say what you want” I lowered the waistband a bit pushing down the hot pants slightly. Suddenly the grandfather clock started to chime. I looked up at Lucis as he walked closer to me. Taking my hand and pulling him against his body, “I’m yours, you are mine” he whispered I put my hand on his mouth as he tried to kiss me. I moved out of his arms.  “sit,” I said walking behind him and pushed down slightly on his shoulders, oddly enough he did as I asked. I moved and kneeled over him. I kissed his jaw and moved my mouth to his ear. “not off the hook yet Loki” I whispered standing up and giggling a bit. He let out a sigh of frustration. I looked back at him watching him stand back up “let’s go on a quest,” I said as he looked up at me   Lucis God this woman was going to be the death of him. Every time she showed more skin he could feel it pounding at him, 20 minutes of this. f**k he was going to combust. he was struggling to get the words out to answer trying to be as honest as he could, fearing that if she caught on to a lie she would stop her little striptease. But it was the ‘us’ question that caught him off guard, he had no idea how to answer it. this was completely different from what most girls, most girls just let him do what he wanted this one… this one was making him feel s**t he never had before and it was driving him up the wall. He could feel the strain of the jeans against himself. His brain wasn’t working at full capacity why was this so damn hard with her. “I’m falling for you little demon” her face at the words changed for a brief second but when back to the somber sexy look that she was using to drive him to breaking point. 
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