Chapter 31 - Magic of Water

1243 Words
Cassie lead me past the men that scattered the ground around the camp towards the spot of the river that she had been at earlier that day. She giggled as she ran, looking back, to make sure that I was still behind her. “Cassie, what are we doing out here? I asked looking back at camp making sure that no one had followed us. “come,” she said in an excited voice she stopped standing in the shallow water and putting her hands hovering above the water. She whispered a few words and water rose and twisted around her wrists, the water almost looked like it was glowing blue. I watched as she moved her hands up and the water followed moving up her arms and back down as though it had turned to smoke. I was amazed, and it must have shown on my face because she giggled again and then whispered something else and the twisting water turned to solid ice that sat up her arms like a vambrace around her forearms. I reached out to touch it, it was warm to the touch which confused me cause it left a cold feeling on my fingertips when I pulled away again. “try it,” cassie said, she was almost daring me. “Cassie, I'm not a which like you” she looked at me with a half-smile “Please? I’ll teach you” I smirked at her, knowing that this was not going to work. I nodded and she made a weird squeak noise, the ice falling from her arms and flowing back into the water, she took the stance again and waited for me to stand next to her. I signed and crouched down next to her, my hands hovering over the water “Ego te aquae imperium,” she said the words slowly so that I could copy them as she spoke, the water started moving under her hands but stood still undermine. I looked to the side and saw her shaking her hands so that the water stilled again, “like you mean it” she whined, she hovered her hands over the water again, “Ego te aquae imperium,” she said louder and with more oomf in her voice, the water moved again under her hand circled her wrists, I took a deep breath looking down at my hands “Ego te aquae imperium,” I said loudly, the water turned a glowing blue color as ut lifted and circled around my wrists and legs, I stood up watching as the water danced up and down my arms and legs. “Glacies,” Cassie said with a command in her voice, the water turning to ice on her arms again “Glacies” I copied, loudly and demanding, the water turned to ice around my arms and legs. Looked down at my arms and legs, shocked at what I just did. Cassie on the other hand was jumping up and down clapping her hands and laughing. “Aquae,” she said, turning the ice back into water and letting it fall, I followed suit and the water flowed back into the river. “you did it” she shouted as looked at my hands, “that’s impossible” I whispered more to myself than anything else “Mommy taught me to do that” Cassie’s voice held a note of pain, “it was the only thing she taught before” she broke off looking up at me a tear falling down her cheek, “Daddy said that when we go to the bright valley, there are witches that can teach us more” she smiled at the thought of being able to learn more. “that’s a good idea” both Cassie and I jumped at the sudden deep voice, Mandrake stood on the bank of the river, his hands resting on his hips “How long have you been there,” I said slightly horrified, “long enough” he laughed as Cassie ran to him and jumped into his arms, “ice and water seems to come easy to you,” he said getting all seriously, “But I am guessing fire will work just as well, seeing as you have a dragon” “what’s Draco got to do with it,” I asked walking out of the water “dragons are not just given to anyone” Lucis said walking out from behind Mandrake. Mandrake conferred with a grunt. I walked up to Lucis nuzzling his chest and then looking back to Mandrake. “It could very much be a flook, but we will see” Mandrake shook his head but didn’t push what he was thinking. “and you little missy,” he said tickling his daughter, “should be asleep” he turned on his heel and walked off with Cassie, turning back for a second to tell us not o stay up too late. I smiled at him and when to sit by the edge of the river, running my fingers through the water again and whispering the incantation to myself, the water glowed blue again and twisted around my hand, I lifted it and looked at it as it swirled, “I guessing the language is Latin,” I said softly “Most probably,” Lucis said sitting next to me, “do you know any?” I said examining the water around my hand as it moved up my arm. “small amounts” “what's the word for “ball”?” I looked to the side, Lucis screwed up his face as he thought “sphere?” he said sounding unsure, I bit my lip looking at the water, concentrating on what I wanted it to do “Sphera,” I whispered the water moved from a soft flowing form into a rolling ball hoving above my hand, I looked to Lucis and smiled “Glacies,” I said the ball of water turned to ice and fell heavily into my hand. The ball felt warm which confused me, “Open your hand,” I told Lucis and I dropped the ice ball into his hand, my palm was left feeling cold, I watched Lucis face turned from an expression of wonder to confusion “it's warm” he whispered passing the ball from hand to hand and then placing it back in mine. He frowned, I figured he now felt the cold feeling, now that the ball was no longer in his hands. I stood up, without thinking I flung the ball towards a tree. I expected it to break against the hard trunk. But nope, the sound of the ball hitting the tree echoed through the area. Where the ball hit the tree was now a gaping hole. “ouch,” Lucis said standing up and walking up to the tree, examining the damage. “that could hurt,” he said almost laughing. I lifted a brow at him, as he came out from behind the tree the ball in his hand. I waved my hand whispering for it to turn back into water. Watching as it melted and fell to the ground. There was something that came alive within me, I could feel it swirling inside. A rawness, a wildness that needed to break free    
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