Chapter 25 - Pull of the Moon

1745 Words
I found it harder and harder to function in the real world. Life seemed dull and even more so boring. People around me seemed too ordinary while other daily life actives just seemed too easy. I found myself craving the world that I could only access by a screen.  A world that seemed to transport me far away from everything. I laid in bed next to Lucis as he slept, slightly annoyed by the fact he was able to sleep and was stuck looking at the roof, even the huge glass wall with the world’s biggest fish was uninteresting to me tonight. My safe bubble was getting smaller and smaller by the day. It was no longer this underground world, although a huge part of it still included Lucis, even he at time s didn’t help calm my mind anymore. I got up walking over to the laptop that was neatly placed on a small table. I turned it on and sat down on the chair waiting for it to start up. Now and then looking at the fish moving in the water. Without another thought, I logged into the laptop and started up Master maker   I stood in the cave, completely by myself. It was in darkness; the only light was coming from the mouth of the cave. I made my way to the opening of the cave, looking up at a huge bright full moon, the white light that was given off by I completely bathed the dead trees in a soft almost comforting glow, I walked out into the light myself, the glow on my skin gave me goosebumps, I felt a sudden rush of energy run through my body like an odd heat, running through my blood but at the same time, a rush of ice touching my skin. Nothing, at that moment, seemed important other than the pull I was feeling from the moon itself. I walked along the dead trees keeping myself in glowing light, avoiding all the shadows. It almost felt as though I were floating. All my cares, responsibilities were gone. I was leaving a world behind that mattered very little to me anymore.   Lucis   He woke up with a start after putting his hand down on the bed and feeling it empty. He bolted up in the bed looking around when his eyes caught the light in the far corner of the room. There his blue-haired beauty sat, her eyes glued to the screen. She was completely deaf and blind to the world, she was almost in a zombie-like trance as she sat there. This would be the day that he would leave her to her own devices. At least that is what he thought, as he watched her he couldn’t help but feel nervous. Something was punching him in the gut, was he just not ready to let her, or was there something more to her, he would find out in a matter of days of course, but that seemed so far away. He had his suspicions but there was no way to be sure. He lay back down on the bed listening to the sound of Lilith's fingers hitting against the keyboard and clicking on the mouse. He swallowed hard and got up. Slowly walking over to her. She was concentrating so hard on what she was doing that she didn’t even feel his hands going through her hair. she gasped, weirdly enough she had glanced down at her arm then looked up again, he could feel her anger, that was good, she was feeling genuine anger at whatever she was up against. Lucis looked down at the arm that she had just glanced at. Seeing three wounds weeping blood. Fear caused through him, it happened a lot faster than he had anticipated, the game had her hooked.   “mother fucker” I said out loud as looked at my arm, three bleeding cuts were there, I looked up at the stupid hairy beast as pain coursed through my arm for a few seconds. I was assuming this thing was a werewolf, seeing as it had been a human just seconds before. The beast roared and landed down on its hands and knees thrashing as it continued to grow hairier and bigger. Okay, I thought to myself what the f**k kills a werewolf. Wait? was I even supposed to kill it? I jumped back as its huge arm swiped past me, very nearly knocking me to the ground. I moved back some more giving myself enough distance from it. I watched as it howled out in pain, thrashing its head this way and that every now and then. Suddenly it became very still, everything around me seemed to be holding its breath now, nothing made a sound, not bird, not a bug, nothing.   AWWWWHHHHHOOOOOOOO   The deafening sound cut through the night before the beast snarled and ran off towards a small village that I could see in the distance. The sound of people screaming suddenly filled the air. “f**k, kill. Definitely kill” I said now running after the thing. The village in the distance had very few houses and even fewer lights around it. I watched as people flooded out into the open circle of land that was boarded by the houses. I got into the crowd shouting for them to head into the woods. Women and children ran it some men stayed behind while others made a break for it heading to the outskirts of the village. Somewhere already making fires and others were bringing large pots filled with water “stand back girl” one of the men pushed me back “no place for yeh,” he said pulling one of the large pots of water onto a fire pit. “Humph,” I let out, looking towards the house that had crashing noises coming from it. taking matters into my own hands I moved away from the group of men, towards the houses. Skipping the first, then the second, and sneaking into the third. The house was dark but I hoped that I was right. The beast seemed to make its way through the houses to avoid being in contact with the humans. I opened a door slowly, my bow and arrow in hand, I heard something go crashing through what I thought might have been a door but by the sound of the men shouting, I figured the best had gone through a wall, just like it did again as it stormed its way into the house with me. It stood still as it sniffed the air. My guess was that it was a lot safe within the house than it was outside, the men out there had probably built these houses and would avoid destroying them. The beast walked slowly through this house almost like it knew I was in here with it. taking a few steps and sniffing the air again. Few more steps, stop, sniff over and over again. I kept to the darkness of the house although knowing full well that if it wanted to find me it probably could. I moved as it moved keeping a few paces behind it. “Mommy?” came a small voice from a room down the hall. the beast snarled and gave off a hungry growl as it stalked whoever else was in the house. I had a few seconds to decide what I was going to do. It was a child’s shriek that hit my ears, I suddenly realized that it had been sniffing out the child this whole time and hadn’t even noticed me “Mommy!” the child shirked as it saw the beast moving towards it “mommy, help” the child’s voice broke into a sob as it shrieks again. I moved from the dark pulling back the arrow in the bow and releasing it. the arrow sank into the beast’s shoulder making it scream out in rage, it turned its glowing green eyes on me and swiped at me as I made a run towards the child.  Jumping in the air and up against the wall and down on its back as the beast made another attempt at hitting me down with it large paw. The beast started thrashing around, hitting up against the walls and rearing up trying to get me to lose my balance. The beast hit up against the wall again reaching back and grabbing onto my leg. I was thrown off its back into the wall, my spine hitting the hard surface, the air leaving my lungs as I crumpled to the ground.  A little girl no higher than a bar stool stood looking at me her eyes wide with fear as she pulled on my pants. I sucked in air and heaved as I tried not to cough. I stood up and spat the blood from my mouth, drawing my bow and arrow again, aiming at the beast’s head as it roared and charged toward me. I let go. The arrow flew straight and true. Going through the beast’s left eye and sank in deep enough to come out the back of its dead. I took three deep breaths as it fell silently to the ground. Before I slid down to the ground myself. I could feel my body giving in and my vision turned black, this was probably it. this I imagined was the same thing that Matt and Amanda had probably felt. I opened my eyes for a few seconds to see that the beast was a man again. I could hear a few voices but I had no idea what they were saying, my eyes closed again, black into darkness. I opened them again when I heard a shout from what sounded like a woman, the woman came running towards me, no, not me, the child. Picking her up and taking her away. Back into darkness, the light was fading fast and the voices sounded miles away. I felt my body shift, thinking I slumped down more I forced my eyes to open once again, I was in someone’s arms, being carried into the night air. The cool air felt nice. I tried to make out the man’s face but soon gave up and descended into darkness again 
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