Standing Her Ground - Gabriella

1373 Words

I race home as fast as I can and slam the front door shut when I enter my loft. I toss my things on the kitchen counter and get ready to unleash hell. “JARTRE!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Not even a full second passes before Jartre is standing before me in the living room in all his 7’9” glory. That electric energy fills the room, blanketing me with comfort, but I don’t let it distract me. He graces me with a warm smile, but it quickly vanishes when he sees the fury I am directing at him. “What the f**k have you done?” I snap, breathing heavily. His face becomes blank like a stone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Cut the crap, Jartre. I may be human, but I am not a fool. Don’t you dare treat me like one. What the f**k did you do to Mitchell?” I question sternly. His

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