On The Move - Jartre

2601 Words

The moment she’s out of sight, I let out the breath I hadn’t realised I was holding as I scrub my hands down my face and sit up. I thought I’d experienced everything this universe had to offer, but since meeting Gabriella, I’ve begun to realise how much is still new to me. I thought I knew what love was, only to find out I had but only touched the tip of it. I now see what true, unyielding love is and it makes me wonder how I ever lived without it. Not only is true love new to me, but so is fear. Thinking back over my long existence, I can’t think of a single moment where I felt true fear. I’ve never been scared of anything. Not of someone or even my own actions. I’ve known pain, but not fear. Until now, that is. From the moment I met Gabriella fear has taken root within me, branching out

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