The Beast Feasts -Gabriella

3795 Words

His eyes flare brightly taking me by surprise as he runs his firm, yet soft hand down my body, hooking it under my knee and pulling my leg over his hip. “Then prepare to be feasted upon,” he says with lustful promise. Slowly he rolls me on my back, his eyes never leaving mine, and quickly I gasp when I feel his hard c**k press firmly against my core. I can’t be sure, but based on what I’m feeling between my legs, I’m a little scared of what he might be working with. Nevertheless, my teeth sink into my lip as I let out a gentle moan when he ever so slightly thrusts his hard-on perfectly against my swollen clit and I’m so f*****g glad I didn’t put on panties last night. He grabs the collar of my sweater dress and in a fluid motion tears it straight down the middle exposing my naked body to

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