Lawson Rand

1223 Words

“Sir, wait! You’re not allowed to go in!”, the receptionist shouted, running after him, as he stormed towards Travis’ office. “Get out or you’ll get one too”, Baron said, as he turned to her, pointing his pistol. She stopped, immediately, and raised her hands. “Go back to your post, will you?” She turned and walked back, slowly. He walked into Travis’ office and pointed the g*n at Travis. “Good night, Quinn” “Wait what? What did I do?” “You kidnapped her and you dared to kill her”, Baron replied him. “I was going to throw you a lifeline. Taking his daughter alone was enough for De Antonio to take out your family. Now you killed her, you’ll get what’s coming for you” Travis closed his eyes, as Baron was surely about to shoot. “Please”, he muttered, quietly. “I didn’t kill her. I swear”

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