Death Game

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Jeremy pushed the door open and walked in. “Hey guys.” “Hey”, they chorused. The fun of winning Garullon was slowly fading from their faces. Somnolence was supposed to clear up but it was taking too long… like it wasn’t going to happen, at all. “What’s wrong? Why do all of you look so dull?”, Jeremy asked. “We just won Garullon” “Yea, for what?”, Lisa asked. “Somnolence is still here and we are still in Somnolence. It’s a waste of t- “ “It’s not a waste of time, Lisa”, Jeremy replied. “I found a way out of here”. “The portal we have to jump through; it takes us to where we belong”, Prof Adkins said. “We don’t belong in the real world. We will fall into hell if we go through that portal”. “You don’t know what to do?”, Jeremy exclaimed, unbelievably. “You are the Professor! You always know what to do”. “You’re right”, Prof Adkins replied, reluctantly. “ I know what we can do; what you can do”. “What is that? I’ll do anything” “You can convey us out of here. You will convey us through the portal. We’ll fall in the real world with you”, the professor said. “We won’t be comfortable, having ourselves in you the normal way. If you are comfortable with this, you can create our own Somnolence” “How do you mean?”, they chorused. “It’s no problem. All Jeremy has to do is suck in our souls. I will handle the rest and we will build a world we desire with our own hands”, the professor said. Jeremy sighed. “I guess you should be teaching me the soul sucking thing”. He felt a bolt of lightning flash across his face. No one else noticed that. Beside him, the strange writing man had appeared and he was writing again. The terror was written on Jeremy’s face and anyone would notice it without staring too much. He could see the paper on which the Fate Writer wrote. It was his name, written again and again and again. Prof Adkins walked up to him and whispered in his ear. “Is it the Fate Writer?” “Yes. He’s writing my name again”, Jeremy replied. “Well then, let’s get out of here”, Prof Adkins said. “Then, we’ll find the Cosmic Kong” ***★*** Jeremy walked out of the house, gallantly. He felt more comfortable than the other times they were speaking in his head. He could feel them but he didn’t feel the burden of having to carry them. He was in full control. He was also able to make them see the things he saw. He stared down the hole and took a few seconds to imagine how their new lives would be. “Can you see the pit?”, Jeremy said. “Can you see anything?” “Just cities and cars”, Greg answered. “Looks like I belong in the office of a real estate owner” “Yea, as a cleaner”, Big Momma added. “Are we all seeing the same thing?” “I guess it’s because that’s what I can see”, Jeremy replied and jumped into the portal. He felt everything he ever knew and lived revolving around his head. He was remembering everything. The fall was taking longer than he expected. He was feeling nauseated. Jeremy dropped on the ground, suddenly, in the middle of a forest. He threw up, immediately. “Hey, be careful or we’ll fall out in an ocean of puke”, Patmos scolded and looked at the professor. “That can happen, right?” “That’s not going to happen, dummy”, Prof Adkins replied, amidst laughter. “Are we there? Real world” “It sure looks like it”, Jeremy said. “In a kind of forest. Let’s get out of here” “It’s up to you to start running”. Jeremy composed himself and walked through the bushes. He could sense the city was nearby. His instincts led him out of the forest. A car zoomed past, almost hitting him, just like the nightmares in Somnolence. The honks seemed much more louder than before. He hadn’t heard a proper car hooter for a while. Somnolence was awfully silent, like a total shutdown of the sense of hearing. He crossed the streets carefully and got confused of what to do next. The ghosts could see everything that Jeremy could see. Apparently, Prof Adkins was making an exact copy of what and where Jeremy could see. “Why are you stopping?”, Prof Adkins asked. “You really need to get down here, Jeremy”, Patmos said. “If you could see these place. It’s far better than Somnolence”. “I’m confused”, Jeremy replied the Professor. “What am I supposed to do next? I don’t have any idea of how to start a new life”. “Sorry about that”, Tupac said. “In addition to that, you are a murderer. You should probably be running, right now”. “Or you could find someone you know”, Greg said. “You can create illusions and buy everything you want. No one gets to know” “That would be stealing”, Jeremy replied. “I don’t want that. I could just get a job”. “How do you get a job?”, Billy asked. “You are already wanted. I’m just asking”. “Well, then. I could just take a new face and live a new life”, Jeremy said and walked to the front of a shop window. The glass reflected a picture of his face. “Whose face should I take?” “Which face would help you get the help of the Cosmic Kong?”, Prof Adkins asked. “We have to get to him before the Cosmic messengers come again”. “I’m guessing that face is yours?”, Jeremy said. “It’s definitely yours”. “Yea”, Tupac said and they agreed. “I’m sure no one remembers his face” *****★***** The helicopter landed on the field. The building they were headed to was just a few meters away. They had been wise to build the headquarters in a nonresidential area, far from where ordinary people could just stumble on. They walked out of the helicopter and the dressed Gorilla came out with them. He looked much more in a muscular human’s size. Only his head and the hairs on his body would make one guess that he was a gorilla. The ‘Council of Cosmos’ could be seen on the building, ahead of them. It was the Cosmic Kong’s first meeting. He was reluctant to go there but he had made the promise to always show up, two years earlier, and he hadn’t shown up at any of the meetings since then. “Hey, Garfield”, the man beside him called him. “Are you ready for the your first meeting as a Cosmic being?” “How do you know my name?”, the Cosmic Kong asked. “I am a Cosmic being. You shouldn’t need to ask that”, the man replied. “I guess you mean you are ready for the meeting”. “How bad could it be?” “It has never been”, the man replied. “Now, yours is probably going to start with a request. Honor it and all will be fine”. “I won’t accept it if it doesn’t sound good for me”, the Cosmic Kong replied. “Thanks for the advice”. “Well, then. I like that”, the man said. “I’m Piloter, by the way. It’s nice to finally meet you” They walked into the building. The Cosmic beings were already on their seats around the table. They were right on time and only their seats were left to be filled. They took their seats, quietly. “I would like to welcome a new member of the table, The Cosmic Kong”, a man said. He was sitting on a slightly raised seat, in front of everyone, probably addressing them as the leader. “I am Russo” “I know who you are”, the Cosmic Kong cut in. “It’s been you years since the order… or request of me amongst you but I found it inappropriate to be here with people of your caliber… I forgot that this is not only a gathering of powerful people, it is a gathering of protectors; people who fight to protect the world with all they’ve got. I forgot that I should be here using my power to help others and improve the society instead of keeping it to myself in the jungle. I am truly sorry for the dishonor” “Your apology is accepted, Kong”, a lady said. “We are also happy to welcome you amidst us. It is our pleasure” “Thank you”, the Cosmic Kong replied. “Addressing the first sentence you made as the reason of your absence, I believe you may have misjudged us and probably misjudged yourself”, Russo said. “That’s the part where you mentioned power” “Ok?” “Perhaps, to boost your confidence in your self, will you prefer we give you the Sceptre and you become a Cosmic being?”, Russo said, looking at the others if they’d approve the offer. There was no show of disagreement. “You won’t be just any Cosmic being. Considering the level of powers you already possess, I believe you will be one of the strongest Cosmic beings to ever walk the Earth”, the lady added. “What do you think, people?” They looked at one another and nodded. “The task that lies ahead requires him so more power makes it easier for us, anyway”, one of the Cosmic beings said. “What task lies ahead?”, the Cosmic Kong asked. “That’s too soon, Ricard”, the lady muttered, in disappointment. “He hasn’t even settled in”. “Calm down, Kong”, Russo said. “There is a threat to the system. He is considered a Cosmic flaw, being a Cosmic being which shouldn’t exist in the first place”. “Then, how does he exist?” “Because one of our previous members is a fool”, the lady said. “Kylon Kylon had made so many mistakes in the past and it led to us kicking him out of the Council. The Top Cosmic has refused to let us strip off his armor and take the Sceptre from him for unknown reasons. However, this Cosmic flaw managed to find Kylon Kylon and Kylon just gave the Cosmic powers to him, freely”. “Is this because Kylon made him or because he did something wrong?”, Cosmic Kong asked. Russo sighed and replied, “Because he is supposed to be dead… but somehow, he made a glitch in the system. He appears dead, then he’s alive again, then he’s dead again. He has recently brought some dead souls back with him and things could go awry if he is not destroyed. Cosmic messengers have been sent to him but he seems strong enough to take them out. If there’s one person who can defy his Cosmic abilities, it is you” “What do you want me to do?” “We need you to take the Sceptre away from him and deliver it to us” “That’s not possible without killing him, as long as he has ingested it”, the Cosmic Kong said. He knew that was the request. “I don’t think I am going to do it” “Listen, Kong! That’s what makes you a Cosmic being”, Russo tried to persuade him. “He is a Cosmic flaw. If we don’t stop him, millions of lives might be destroyed in his place” “There is always another way to do your dirty work. Not with me”, the Cosmic Kong said and stood up. “I will not take the soul of an innocent but if a person created him, let that person unmake him!” “Sit the f**k down, Garfield!”, the lady yelled at him. “You created him!” “We agreed not to mention this, Medusa”, Russo muttered. “Now you’ll complicate the issues” “She’s right, anyways”, a man said. “He has to know and admit his fault”. “What are you guys talking about?”, the Cosmic Kong asked, a little calmer than before. They didn’t only seem serious with the accusation, he sensed the honesty. “When you messed with the Fate Writer, you changed a lot of things, Kong”, Russo replied in a calm voice. “It was the wave you created that disrupted the system. The Cosmic flaw you have to destroy is the instrument that keeps the system unbalanced. We have to take him out and end all of this.” Cosmic Kong returned to his seat. “I created him?” “Yes, you did”, the lady replied, harshly. “Now listen! It was a request. Now, it’s an order. You’ll take the Sceptre from him and deliver his soul to hell!” ***★*** Jeremy was walking on the streets, trying to get an idea of where he was before he would go looking for anyone. A door opened in front of him, suddenly. He was so carried away that he almost walked into the person. “Oh, sorry ‘bout that” “It’s no prob-“, the person stopped talking, halfway. “Jeremy?” “Mia?” She jumped on him and they hugged. “Oh my God! I’ve missed you. Where have you been?” “It’s a long story, Mia”, Jeremy replied. “And I’m not sure I have any time to explain, yet… but I might need your help”. “I’ll be glad to help you, Jerry”, Mia said, smiling. “Dave was saying you would be far away from here for ever”. “How is Dave? I missed him so much”, Jeremy replied. “Our boss is dead?” “Yes. How did you know that?” “I heard about it”, Jeremy said. “I really didn’t think all of this could just happen, at all… but it all happened, at the same time.” “I trust you, Jeremy”, Mia replied. “You can’t kill your wife and I know that” “I really don’t like talking about it, anymore”, Jeremy said and smiled at her. “It sounds worse, saying it to a girl who used to have a crush on me” ‘You have no idea, Jerry’, she thought, blushing. “Dave told you, didn’t he?” “On the same day this thing began. Isn’t it coincidental?” “Yea, we shouldn’t be talking about this”, Mia said and they started walking. “As a woman with chest bowls, I know you would need an apartment but the rent would be up to you when I help you get one” “Before I thank you for this great promise, let’s talk about the chest bowls-“. “No. Let’s just get going before they think we’re mad”, she said, in the middle of an uncontrolled laughter. “You’re crazy. Dave told me about the compliment” “I’ll let you in on a secret”, Jeremy said. “I speak with ghosts, now” ****★**** Garullon’s eyes opened suddenly. He was feeling relieved for the first time in a while. There was no fire. It was just the cool breeze and the sky. He sprung up, quickly. He wasn’t in hell, anymore. He was in the real world and the first thing on his mind is revenge. He surely wasn’t going to let it go. He was n***d and dirty in a dump site. He slowly crawled out, as he saw a man standing nearby. He walked stealthily and made sure no one was watching. He grabbed the man from behind, putting his arm over his mouth, with his immense strength. He pulled the strange man to a secluded place and snapped his neck. He undressed the man quickly and wore the man’s clothes. It was a little oversized but he was good to go. Garullon was starving. Luckily, the man had a few bucks in his pocket. He walked out, staggering like he was just learning to stand on his legs. He found a restaurant, nearby. Immediately he stepped in, he saw a familiar face looking directly at him. It wasn’t a coincidence. The man sat there, staring and smiling at him like he had been expecting to see Garullon. Garullon tried to remember where he had seen the man. He remained standing, staring at the man. The man raised his hand, making a gesture for Garullon to come closer. Garullon hesitated. The man made his hand look like he was going to snap his fingers. He did it in slow motion and Garullon seemed to understand. He walked closer to the man and sat in front of him. “Who are you?” “Have you forgotten, so quickly?”, the man asked. “I was hoping you would’ve last on this land” “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”, Garullon asked, looking around. The man blew air at him. Garullon suddenly remembered every affliction from hell. It was like he was made to feel the fire for one more second. Then, he remembered the man’s face and the deal he had made. “Do you remember me, now? Or I have to remind you of the game you’ve stepped in?” “What game? The deal was to get me out of hell” “And what do you get me in return?”, the man asked, smiling mischievously. “You have twenty four hours alive. You can return to hell afterwards”. “No way! That wasn’t part of the deal. You never told me that!”, Garullon retorted loudly, attracting the attention of others. He paused, as everyone seemed to be looking at him for a second. “Ok, Hermen. What can I do? I don’t want to go back to hell” “I was desperately waiting for you to ask”, Hermen replied, quietly. “You take a life, you get twenty four hours to live. The time limit will not-“ “I have to kill someone to live through a day?” “Don’t talk back at me like you plan to be innocent”, Hermen said. “We both know you want to kill your brother, so badly… well, you will have to kill more than just him. You’ll kill to buy more time. You’ll kill to get to him. You’ll kill to kill him” “Ok. I already killed one person”, Garullon said. “Does that change anything?” “That’s good. The game has started then”, Hermen said, wore his eyeglasses, and stood up. “Just don’t be surprised when you see the same person around again… I’ll inform you when the rules of the game changes”. Hermen walked away from the table. Garullon wondered what he meant by the statement. “What do you mean by rules?” “Sir?”, a stranger called him. “You’ve been talking to yourself for a while. Is there a problem?” Garullon looked back but there was no sign of Hermen. He was gone already and the clock was already ticking.
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