
1041 Words
Scarlett was sitting in the chair opposite Greyson, she was very animated as she spoke. He was listening to her intently while Jaxen was slouched on the sofa not caring at all about the topic.  “It’s not ok to have little children unattended, what if Hettie was taken?”  Greyson huffed and Scarlett huffed back, she was sitting at the edge of her seat leaning forward. Her steady gaze did not break, she was dead set on her goal.  Greyson gave a slight smile, a smile that was laced with rejection, “we just don’t have the means to start a daycare, Scarlett. We don’t have a building that would meet the needs, and we don’t have the cash flow to support that many extra salaries.”  Scarlett folded her arms over her chest and straightened up her back, “then move some cash around!”  She was steadfast in having a daycare at pack grounds. Greyson flipped up his computer and typed around a bit until he found the spreadsheet for pack income and expenses. He pushed his arms to the desk so his chair rolled back showing her that she could take a look. Jaxen peered up from his phone as he did that, he was surprised Greyson would give Scarlett a view over their finances. Scarlett scooted with her feet so her chair rolled over to his side and she leaned forward to look at the numbers.  She quickly pointed at some numbers and shook her head, “this needs to be revisited, your expenses are too high for this. A pack of this size should have half the cost than you have.”  Greyson lifted one eyebrow as a reply, he didn’t say anything but let her continue. He had tried all year to cut down costs but was not able to, every time he proposed something the pack would have something to add, interject, or just plain refused. He did agree with her but he wasn’t able to get the pack on board on some cutbacks.  Scarlett was now full-on engulfed in the spreadsheet and pulled the laptop closer to her, she scooted further in, pushing Greyson further away. He raised his hands in defeat and Jaxen chuckled at the interaction. Scarlett swiftly copied the spreadsheet and started to change some numbers around on the copy. She turned some numbers around in a fashion he had tried to earlier that year, he did agree with the cutbacks. But he was surprised when she started two new columns, one for saving and another for investments. She put two-thirds of the leftover money to saving and a third into the investment column. She turned around to face Greyson that was sitting behind her peering over her shoulder, they both just looked at each other for a while looking for some type of reaction. Then Greyson took a hand and rubbed his face and let his head fall.  While he looked at his lap he told in a resigned tone, “I tried that Scarlett, the pack is not on board with it.”  Scarlett scoffed, “I guess I don’t need to call you alpha anymore.”  Greyson swiftly lifted and looked at her with hope, but then she continued and it was more an insult than a strengthening of the bond.  “I guess the alpha is not so alpha after all.” She looked at her nails as she blew on her fingers like she just had delivered him a smack.  Greyson growled underneath tightly sealed lips, he had never growled at her before and it made Jaxen straighten up. The tension was instant in the room, but Scarlett was unaffected.  Then she leaned forward with a small smirk and held one hand on his knee as she purred at him, “I do like it when a strong alpha set’s his foot down though…”  She was blatantly flirting with him to get him to agree with the new finances and lay the law without the pack’s agreement. Greyson threw his head back and roared out in laughter, then he straightened up and grabbed the back of her head with his hand as pulled her close and crashed his lips into hers. Scarlett was taken by surprise and so was Jaxen, he was grinning in hope as his alpha and best friend finally made a real move. Greyson slowly let go of her lips and Scarlett had wide eyes and flushed cheeks as she looked at him in shock.  Greyson grinned as he spoke in a husky voice, “you don’t get to flirt without me kissing you, remember that Scarlett.”  His grin got wider and Scarlett cleared her throat, she didn’t know what to say and seemed embarrassed by his kiss.  Greyson however took it as cool as ever and raised a hand towards the laptop, “it does not solve your problem though.”  Scarlett scoffed, still affected by the kiss, “don’t worry, I have my plans to solve that. I noticed you didn’t have set aside for savings and investment, that is priority number one with the extra cash.”  Greyson agreed so he nodded and rubbed his cheek, “it’s set then, I will let the pack know of the cutbacks, and you can get back to me when you have a plan for daycare.”  Scarlett grinned wide and threw herself into his embrace, she hugged him and gave a quick peck on his cheek before she ran out of the office.  Before she dashes out the door she yelled out, “see you later Jaxen.”  And left sat both Greyson and Jaxen chuckling together, they both were very pleased with the progress he had gotten with Scarlett. She didn’t realize it, but the kiss was not the breakthrough. It was her taking charge and putting her foot down with the finances, it was Luna’s job to help the alpha with difficult decisions. That day Greyson was suspiciously chirpy and the pack noticed, they were even more surprised when he announced the new financial plans, without any room for changes. He was alpha, so he had the say, and they listened to their beloved leader. 
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