Can't do it

994 Words

Greyson sat in his office, it was completely trashed. The desk was smashed into pieces, paper, and broken items strewn all around. The only thing that was not broken was the chair he was sitting in. In his hand he held a smartphone, looking at his outgoing calls ‘Scarlett 56 unanswered calls’. He must have left a dozen voicemail messages to her, but she did not call back. His text outbox was the same, all of his messages were unanswered. His eyes were pitch black as he roared out in pain and anger, he then threw his phone into the wall so it shattered into tiny pieces. He shifted right there so his clothes ripped off him to tiny pieces and he bolted out through the door. It was closed so he shattered that into pieces as well as he went right through it. His wolf ran and ran until he was ex

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