Stood up

1058 Words

Greyson was so nervous as he walked over to the little pond he had seen Scarlett at, it was close to two pm and he wanted to hold her and breathe in her scent so bad. As he walks through the little path he kept straightening his hair, he had tried to style it before he left but he couldn’t get it to sit right. He got closer and closer to the pond and he thought he could smell her sweet scent when Jaxen mind linked him. His eyes glazed over and his face got a look of dread and anguish. He bolted back to the packhouse to meet Jaxen, he was short of breath as he got to him.  “How is she? Is she ok?” Greyson was frantic as he asked Jaxen, he knew very little from the mindlink but he knew enough to know it is serious.  Jaxen let out a breath and held his hands out as it would help Greyson to

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