
1040 Words

“So this Aiden alpha is your mate?” Jaxen looked suspiciously at Charlotte as they relaxed on the sofa in the elite’s area.  Charlotte nodded, “yeah, we meet a few weeks ago. He was not pleased that I had a kid from before, but it seems like he has gotten over that.”  Jaxen was still not convinced, “so he will accept your kid and make him a part of your family?”  Jaxen was expecting any mate of Charlotte to include her little kid as their family, he was hesitant to trust Aiden as he did not do so right from the start. Jaxen only knew her for two weeks but he still felt like protecting her like a close relative.  Charlotte chuckled, “he was difficult at first, I was ready to reject him. But then he turned around and begged me to forgive him, he wanted Hank as his child. So I accepted hi

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