
1244 Words

(Calvin's POV)  "Oh god," Elsie moaned loudly as she came. Her voice teasing the f**k out of me. I swear Destiny is doing this to us to boast. Our mate is getting pleasure out there and all we can do is listen to her enjoying Destiny's paws on her. Or is it her tongue that has our mate scream out like this? I couldn't be sure but what I am sure of is that our mate is surely enjoying whatever Destiny is doing to her. I looked towards Brandon and sure enough, he looks like he is a second away from tearing the door and pouncing on our mate. I'm not better off either. My c**k is straining my pants so tight that it f*****g hurts. I clenched my fist and lightly tapped on the door to indicate to Destiny that she has teased enough and if she got any far my Lycan is going to take control over an

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