
1257 Words

"Hmmm, what to do?" I screeched in panic while my hand covered the tap I had destroyed. I swear it was a mistake. I was just trying to figure out how to open it but ended up twisting it on the wrong side, and the tap hung open, water spraying on my clothes, immediately soaking me from the neck down. I may have applied some pressure while trying to twist it, but it wasn't my fault I broke it. It's the tap's fault for being delicate. I struggled to turn the tap off. When I finally managed to stop the water fountain, I was already wet from head to toe. Water dripped down from my hair and it stuck to my face unattractively. My clothes are thick so they didn't become see-through. Thank god I love wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. At least I would never be stuck in a situation where my clot

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