
1239 Words

(Elsie's POV) I jumped into consciousness with alertness, my eyes frantically searching for the ghost that was chasing me in my dream. As I slowly got aware of the surroundings, the first thing I noticed was that I was in a dark room, illuminated by the moon. The second thing I noticed was there was no ghost chasing me. The third thing I noticed was I'm not the only one in the room. I was dumbfounded to find the triplets surrounding me, their arms locking around me like a parasite. I had made it clear I wanted to sleep alone and they had agreed, so what do they mean by sneaking into my room? I'm already afraid of my desire yet they seem to fuel it at every turn. They are making it impossible for me to stay sane. I'm already going crazy as it is, they don't need to put oil in the fire to

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