7 - Her Bite

1661 Words

Kristoff “Enough!” my vision goes blood red and everything changes at that moment. The glass in my hand shatters, and I feel the sharp shards cut through my palm, blood trickling out hurriedly, the liquor mixing with it, making it sting so much. She screams and jumps away from me, and I straighten calmly to go after her as she sprints down the hallway toward her room, barely looking back. I stalk after her, each steps thoughtful and deliberate – intense. I loathe her words. I loathe that she’s become my weakness. If she can insult my dear, deceased mother and is still breathing, then that shows I’ve gone soft. I hate that no matter what I can’t hurt her. I hate it. She lets out a strangled sound as she slips into her room. I jog a few meters and insert my foot in between just like I had

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