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I like your idea of busting out of hear boy, but may I remind you that we are in a metal cage, how are we going to get out?, Doma said giving obinna a stern pissed of move, Ophelia is also lost for words as she has tried every means and search every nook and cranny of the cell but has found no way, the only thing that occurred to her was the guard that brings in food rations once a day, obinna was not the least worried, he said to them, don't worry I have a plan, we have been here 3 sun's now, and I have observed that the guard that brings in our ration has no weapon on him most times. And so what if he has no weapon on him?, how do we go through the cage and seize him??, don't worry about that he said and called them both together, here is what we will do... By nightfall the guard came in as usual to give the prisoners their evening rations, he looked round as if observing and asked where is he?, who? asked doma, the other prisoner with you lot he said angrily but Doma and Ophelia kept mute, he was about to raise an alarm when obinna materialised behind him with one swift movement of the arm gave the guard a hit to the neck rendering him motionless as he fell to the ground with a thud.. what took you so long? you almost gave us away there said doma, am sorry I couldn't resist the temptation he said giggling as he opened the keylock, Ophelia pushed the gate opened and gave him a stern look, I prefer you better as a mouse, she smiled, let's get out of here before he regains consciousness. she lead them out of the dungeon and into the courtyard they made their way quietly to the stables and hid behind it, wait here both of you, and keep our of sight I need to retrieve my gears from the Armoury. But that's too dangerous, what if you are caught? we do not intend on lingering anymore here, Obinna may have trusted and agreed to help you but I still have my doubts about you princess, Doma said to her and looked at Obinna as if passing the same message in like manner to him too.. I won't delay, I just have to get my weapon and get back, I will be very careful, besides I can handle any guard, am not a weakling if you must know, and saying that she quietly left and into the Shadows.. Ophelia quietly and skillfully maneuvered her way into the palace, making sure as not to make any noise and avoiding the guards on patrol, she nearly got caught at one time but was fast enough to take cover behind a hanging tapestry, she made it to the Armoury and luckily enough she still remembers the lock sequence, she slide open the door gently and quietly and made her way into the room. The Armoury held so many weapons of all kinds and were made from materials ranging from wood and rare earth metals imbuned with magic of various effects, Ophelia made her quickly to the cabinet on the left and slide the lock open, she heaved a sign of relief seeing that they were all still there, she grabbed them all and stuffed them into a bag and pulled the bag across her shoulders, she turned to leave when she heard sound of footsteps coming closer to the entrance. The guard while on patrol noticed that the armoury door was opened and was surprised as it was locked the last time he passed through here, he went in and found an intruder loading up a bag, he drew his sword and approached Ophelia and putting the sword to her neck he said drop the bag, you are under arrest for theft. Ophelia was taken by surprise she had not expected someone to notice the opened door, she cursed her luck, but she needed to think fast. turn slowly and quietly the guard said or run you through and he meant it, because the tip of the blade actually hurts Ophelia had she made to turn, suddenly a glass seems to shatter some distance between them, the guard not wanting to be caught off guard turned swiftly to the direction of the sound and found that no one was there, but before he could resume his previous gaze, Ophelia held his arm, looped the sword off his hand, spinned around him and grabbing his neck from behind twisted it, she then gently laid the body down, picked up the bag and ran out to the stables. What took you so long?, Obinna said, am sorry i got carried away she said, let's go, they looked into the stables, two horses, they smiled at each other, just perfect, they got on the horses and galloped at full speed through the city amids the sudden alarm to close the city gate, but it was almost too late as they made it narrowly across Bridge and into the dark woods.
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