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A white light appeared in the sky and obinna came out of it screaming down as he crashed face down into the earth, by the gods that's surely the worst way to travel he said getting up slowing and stretched himself while making bone crackling sounds, he rubbed the ring on his finger and summoned doma, you should work on your landings you know, am sorry obinna apologised but where are we now he asked? Doma flew into the sky and took a look round the land and saw that the grasses were all blue, the sky had a magical aura around it, give me the map he said to obinna flying down, obinna looked into his bag and gave him the map, doma checked for a while and said, we are in the land of the bondons, they are little fairy like creatures and they are quite harmless, he said to obinna, let's get going we need to get to the village before night falls, he said.. After walking for a while they both came across a magnificent city, obinna was marvelled at such beauty, the entire city was made of sapphire, the city was surrounded by a river and can only be accessed into by a draw bridge, they got to the edge of the river.. Stop right there and state your business!! Shouted one of the bondon guards while the other guards had crossbows and arrows at the ready, doma stared at obinna and gave him a light punch on the shoulder, say something before we get shot he muttered under his breath.., obinna looked up at the wall and said, hello there I am obinna from the realm of the living I am on a quest to save one who was captured and taken across your land to the realm of the spirit, I seek passage to cross, has he finished speaking the head guard approached the wall, a sturdy little fella with pointy nose and his greenish skin marked all over with magical runes and symbols as they only wore animal fur that slide across the chest down to the waist and covers the waist down to the torso (all bondons have greenish skins)... he held a javelin, so why are you not on your way then he said obinna?, This time doma spoke, oh good sir it is dark and it's dangerous to spend the night in a an uncharted territory, please if it's not too much trouble may we spend the night in the city, I promise we will be of our best behaviour, the head guard stroked his orange beard for a while and raised his right hand up, lower the bridge!!! He said, the sound of the iron pulley's and mechanism of the bridge been lowered made obinna give a deep sign of relief, they walked in and met the head guard already waiting with two other bondons at the end of the bridge, obinna found out that they were quite very small and it was almost as if he was very tall, the head guard stretched his hand and obinna had to lower his head down a bit to take it, I am girida head of the palace guards, welcome to the city of BONDONIES... Wow!! What a magnificent sight, doma are you viewing this? Obinna asked, Seriously? are you really asking me that in front of this folks? You just a mortal with the gift of the gods and now have mere access to the vast realms around you, I will have you know that I am over 4 score century old, and a well traveled and experienced guardian beyond your comprehension you are lucky to have me, he said with a show of pride on his little face, obinna burst into a fit of laughter as they continued walking behind girida the head guard who if listening on their conversation paid no attention to it, they gradually made their way from the city Square and into the castle of the king, the castle is fenced all around with sapphire blocks while the palace inwards was laid with marble and quartz, there is a beautiful garden by the left side of the castle building which house's several exotic fruits, the likes obinna have never seen before, in th centre of the castle stood a beautifully carved out fountain flowing with clean water, right at the Middle of the fountain stood a majestic gold statue of the king, their is an inscription underneath the tablet of the status, *estu aegon salater de Valegon graizio leveu Griffith" obinna tried to read it but he couldn't, he called on doma and girida and asked what language this is written in and what does it mean? Doma couldn't read it either, but the head guard told him not to worry about that, and told him that the words mean, "king Aegon son of Valegon slayer of the mighty Griffith" let's go the king awaits in his chambers he said and smiled at obinna before turning and leading the way into the hall, obinna gave doma a quiet look and said "what's that all about" maybe language is taboo doma replied him, they all headed into the big hall and as they walked obinna felt a tingling sensation in his right arm, but he didn't pay much attention to it.... He felt it again, and then looked at the arm and saw that the black spots were turning white one by one, he got scared and showed doma, doma went closer but before doma could take a good look at it, a trap door opened above them and a huge net fell on them, what's the meaning of this!!! Screamed doma to the head guard, this is against the code of indril!! obinna was trying to disengage the net but to no avail, you do not detain a messager of the gods!! Doma kept screaming at girida, you will pay dearly for.....,doma was cut short by girida, am sorry friends he said, I truly apologize but instructions are instructions he said and pulled a lever by the wall, no wait!! Obinna screamed but it was too late, another trap door opened underneath them and they fell into the dark pit below screaming..... Where are we? It's so dark in here?, Looks like a big cage, jeez smells awful too, obinna said disgusted, we are in the dungeon boy and believe it or not, we are in a very grave situation, we need to get out of here and fast too, said doma. What are we to do now obinna said approaching the gate of the cage at yelled at the top of his voice, let us out this instance!!! But all he heard were echoes of his own voice, he yelled again and again, he was about yelling the fourth time, when a voice in the darkest part of the cage yelled at him to keep quiet, obinna and doma were caught off guard, they had thought they were alone in the cage, the figure came closer to the light slowly and said to them, scream all you want no one will hear you, we are in a deep cave below the earth, she said removing her green scarf and revealing her face to them. Who are you? asked obinna, I should be asking you that instead, you met me here, this is our land, have not seen your kind before here and neither have I seen the Flying cat, flying cat! Who are you calling a flying cat!!! I'll have you know I am a guardian of the order and one of the high fairies of the city of HYDRAI, give me some respect young lady Doma said angrily, oh am sorry she apologized, what about him, what is he? She said pointing at obinna. I am obinna, a human from the realm of the living, obinna said himself, so why are you a prisoner here, are you a criminal of some sort? No am not she, my name is Ophelia daughter of Aegon, high king of the bondons... So you are a princess? Doma said, hmmm that explains the manner of approach but why are you here as obinna said?, Ophelia sighs, our kingdom was attacked unexpectedly, we fought hard, many died, my father and I and many others fought hard, but we were captured, my father and some of my people were turned to ice, I was locked up here to serve as a deterrent example to others, she said. Wait did you say turned to ice?, Yes ice she said, by who?, Who would do such a thing? I did!! a cold shallow voice echoed from the dark tunnel leading to the cage, suddenly obinna felt his hand tingle again and the black spots started turning white, the whole place began to get cold, that's her Ophelia said, she is here. The approaching shadow gave a sinister evil laugh as the soceress materialised from ice and water and stood right in front of the cage, hello my little mittens, sorry to keep you waiting, you must be the human, hmm, I must say I am tard disappointed you were captured and Fooled so easily by mere tricks of the mind, anyways I have so much in mind for you, doma gave the soceress a stern look and said, do you know that you are interfering with the plans of the messager of the gods??, Or pipe down doma I very much know who you are and all about your journey to the realm of the spirit, but you know, I have plans of my own you see, expecially for him she said pointing at obinna, she gave that evil laugh again, turned to go then said, oh Ophelia darling, the king sends his regards, Ophelia got angry and tried grabbing her but she disappeared instantly with only her evil laughs been heard in echoes. Ophelia was angry she took a good look at obinna as he held his right arm tight and said, you don't look or smell like a human, she went closer to him and her attention was drawn to his right body transformation, she was shocked and quickly grabbed his right hand and started examining it and at the same time speaking, it's you!!! You are the one she spoke about!!! The sojourner!!! Those markings on your arm, didn't you feel anything when you got to the palace?? She asked. Well actually I did and the spots were turning white and hurts, he said. That's the shape skin of panthera, you can sense beings of evil magic, and also have the ability to shape shift, thats why it hurts when the soceress approached, you sensed her evil, my mother was a druid, I am an half caste, she dreamt that you would come to free us and now you are finally here, said Ophelia happily, obinna looked and doma in surprised shocked and doma looked back at him completely taken aback, something is going on in their mind and saving a kingdom is certainly not one of them....
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