56 - Confrontations

1892 Words

Isla I was running faster than I had ever run before. I looked down, and silver paws that looked like moonlight pushed me forward. Dim sunlight fought its way through the trees in the murky forest. I kept running until the sunset, and the night turned bright with stars. I looked around and saw the outline of other wolves. They weren't close enough for me to see them in detail, but I could feel them around me, hear them near me. They must be part of my pack. The forest seemed to open; the trees became sparser, clouds parted, and moonlight shone down as a silver beacon. We were children of the night, and the moonlight was just for us, guiding me towards something. I followed the moonlight’s path; it got brighter as I got closer to it. The silver light turned to gold, and a flash of light

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