20 - Misunderstandings

1734 Words

Isla I woke up as raindrops started to fall lightly on my face. The trees created a thick canopy, so only a few thin drops made their way down to the forest floor, but I could hear the wind swaying the trees and a clap of thunder overhead. It had to be a pretty bad storm. I moved a little further into the woods and found a drier spot under a tree that had started to grow sideways, where even the rain couldn’t penetrate. The saddest howl pierced through the wind and rain in the distance. It sounded pleading, desperate. But instead of scaring me, it comforted me to know that I wasn’t alone. I let the soft sounds of rain hitting the canopy of leaves far above me drift me back to deep sleep. Jackson I woke up to a strange scratching sound on my door. My eyes were heavy, and I felt disorien

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