4 - The Collar

1093 Words
Isla “Dear, it’s me.” A familiar soft voice reached me. I slowly turned around as realization hit me. Abigail knelt next to me. I simultaneously broke down in tears of relief, anger, fear, and sadness. Once I stopped sobbing, I told Abigail all that had happened today. Abigail started to shake, I could feel her wolf come forward, which was rare for an Omega, especially because we were rarely allowed to let them out. “That little bastard did what to you?!” She almost screamed. I surprised myself by laughing; Abigail rarely swore. “Sweet girl.” She looked at me and frowned, placing her hand under my chin; her gray eyes softened. “Don’t,” I croaked. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore, and I didn’t want anyone, not even her, to take pity on me. Abigail smiled, thankfully understanding, and pulled out some biscuits and cheese from a napkin and a water bottle handing it to me. I ate, not realizing how hungry I was. When I finished, I laid my head down on her lap. She started playing with my hair, and I fell asleep within minutes; even though I didn’t realize it, she stayed with me until morning. After a surprisingly good night's sleep, I stretched my sore limbs. My bed, or should I say mattress, was barely more comfortable than this. I didn’t notice when Abigail left. Usually, I was a light sleeper, but I had a rare deep and, thankfully, dreamless sleep. The first signs of dawn started to settle, turning the sky a murky gray color. I laid back and ran my hands through the grass, breathing deeply, reveling in the feeling of the earth and this moment. A sense of calm washed over me like I was meant to be here. My body awakened, as silly as that sounded. I was taken from my thoughts abruptly by the sound of the door being slammed against the side of the house. I sat up suddenly, back to reality. “I hope you slept well.” Meghan stalked toward me, her slick ponytail bobbing behind her, a sickly smile plastered on her face. “I did, actually. Thanks for asking.” I stretched and yawned for effect, meeting her gaze, something she wasn’t used to from the other Omegas. “Well then, this might have to be your new bed. It suits you.” She laughed, placing her hands on where her hips should be if she had any at all. “As much as I would love to leave you out here until you’ve learned your lesson to not lie about sleeping with a ranked member.” I scoffed at her words. “I need all hands on deck before Hailey's party. Unfortunately, that means I need even your desperate ones.” She pulled out a key and unlocked the collar around my neck. As soon as the heavy weight fell, I rubbed my neck. I didn’t realize how tight it was; it would surely leave a mark, at least for a while. “You are under no circumstances to be around any of the ranked members. From any pack, you w***e. Do I make myself clear?” She glared at me. “Crystal,” I replied with a smile, standing up. I brushed past her into the packhouse kitchen, over today already. I was honestly so relieved hearing that I wouldn’t have to deal with any of the ranked members, especially the Alpha and his pervy son. I went upstairs. I had just enough time to wash myself up a bit before starting on my long list of duties for the day. Being back downstairs and getting our assignments again felt strange. It didn’t seem like only twenty-four hours ago that I was assigned to deep clean bathroom duty alone. With all the events yesterday, it felt like a week ago, and I was tired, mentally exhausted from it all. I tried my best to stay out of Meghan’s way, standing in the back as she droned on about Hailey’s upcoming party. “My name is riding on this party, so I expect nothing less than perfection.” We’ve heard that line a million times over this past month. There was a party planner, and The Luna oversaw everything as part of her pack duties. Meghan was just in charge of setting up and cleaning. Actually, she was just in charge of ‘overseeing’ the setup, and overseeing was a very loose term for what she actually did. Mostly, she had just been yelling at all of us, not lifting a finger herself. “The party is this Friday, so we have exactly five days to have this place looking better than ever,” she said, “Some of the Alphas and Betas are staying for the weekend, so all of the guest rooms must be deep cleaned and set up.” There were a few groans from some of the Omegas, but a quick glare from Meghan shut them up. “I have it under strict orders from the Alpha that only a select few will be allowed on the ranked member's floors, including the ranked visiting members, after yesterday's incident.” Meghan looked around for me, but she thankfully couldn’t find me. “Thanks to your friend, Isla,” she said with such malice and sarcasm, “There will be a lot of rooms to get ready, and only five of you will be allowed to do it.” This time Meghan let the groans go and even smiled at people’s displeasure, knowing it was because of me. A few of the Omegas asked their friends if they knew what I did or what happened yesterday. I tried to make myself as small as possible so they wouldn't notice me. “So, the deep cleaning will start today,” Megan said and continued to rattle off the names of the Omegas charged to deep cleaning duty, apparently approved by the Alpha. I didn’t know any of them personally, and they all seemed to be a bit older, in their forties or so. I wasn’t sure if this was Meghan’s decision that she was passing off as the Alpha’s, so no other Omega would tempt him, or if the Alpha really was that worried about Omegas being on his floor. I didn’t think much about it; I was just glad I could stay away from them and hopefully lay low until the party. If only that were possible.
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