16 - That Smell

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Jackson Their pack house was a massive dark wooden house with floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the front door. The house was brightly lit, and Omegas were setting up what must be the ballroom. It was a vast space that I’d never been in before. We usually conducted meetings in one of their meeting rooms or over formal dinners in the dining room, which is no less impressive. “I feel like we’re about to walk into a castle.” Lucas whistled. The front double doors were two stories high and looked like something that came from a medieval castle with massive bolts and hinges. Someone came out to meet us while we unloaded our bags. A peppy blonde girl who looked like a Barbie doll with too much makeup bounced down the steps. “I apologize for pulling you from the party. We sent a note that we would be a bit behind,” I said, meeting her at the bottom of the steps. “Ah yes, Alpha Jackson from the Moon Stone Pack.” A bright smile crossed her face as she tugged on the end of her bleached blonde ponytail. “It is a pleasure to have you.” “The pleasure is all ours; this is my Beta Lucas and my Gamma Cam.” They both nodded at her. “If you don’t mind showing us where we are staying, we can freshen up and meet everyone for the second half of the festivities.” I gave her a polite smile. “Of course, it would be my honor to show you to your rooms,” she said, batting her eyelashes. I internally groaned; I wasn’t interested in casual fun anymore. “Let me get a few Omegas to help with your bags.” The blonde turned. “That’s not necessary. We can handle them ourselves.” I stopped her. “I can have dinner sent up if you’d like?” Her voice was too sweet. I almost said no, but Lucas looked offended when I opened my mouth as if he could read my mind. “That sounds lovely, thank you.” I nodded. We followed her inside; the front doors opened up to a circular foyer with white marble floors and a massive spiral staircase decorated with twinkling lights and some kind of greenery. I had to admit it made the huge front room seem cozy and less intimidating. Soft chatter came from the dining room to the right. Thankfully, the doors were closed, so we could slip past unnoticed. The blonde showed us up the first flight of stairs to our rooms. I had a room to myself; Lucas and Cam were sharing the room next door. “I hope everything is to your liking.” She took a too-close step toward me. “Let me know if there is anything I can get for you.” She paused, dropping her voice. “At any time of the day or night.” She winked and turned to the stairs, swaying her nonexistent hips as she went. Once she was out of view, Cam and Lucas started. “Any time of the day or night.” Lucas winked at me and batted his eyelashes. “Our Alpha still has it, apparently.” Cam said dryly, but a smile played on his face. “I’m not interested,” I said, going to open my bedroom door. “If you won’t, I might,” Lucas said, shrugging. “She is all yours. What you do with your free time is up to you. I’m not intending on that kind of fun this weekend.” I was here to address a rogue issue and get back to my pack as soon as possible. “Come on, man, even Cam is starting to seem more fun than you.” Cam smacked Lucas upside the head but cracked a smile. “See you guys in thirty, and then we can get this evening over with.” I ignored them, opening the door. I left my door cracked, and the food arrived within minutes; I was impressed. Thankfully, we were near the top of the stairs, so I could hear when people were starting to move to the ballroom. Once it was apparent that dinner was over, I reluctantly made my way to Cam and Lucas’ room and knocked. “Come along, lover boys,” I shouted through the door. Lucas opened the door with a wide smile, holding up a bottle of whiskey. So, it was going to be that kind of night. I sighed, but at least it wasn’t tequila, not a great look for either of them or me. “Come on in, Alpha.” Lucas bowed, opening the door wider. “We would be humbled to be your escorts to this ball.” Cam bowed beside him so low that he almost fell. They both laughed and stood up straight. Cam had to be already tipsy; he usually left the antics to Lucas. “Get me a drink, and then let’s head down. I don’t want to call attention to us.” I looked between them. “On the contrary, we do,” Lucas said, putting his arm around Cam. “Well, Cam, not so much.” He frowned at our Gamma. “But I’m here to cause a scene.” I rolled my eyes. “As long as your scene isn’t sloppy, I’m okay with it.” I grabbed the bottle of whiskey from his hand and took a swig, not bothering to use a glass, and then set it down on the table, putting the lid back on, signaling we were done with it. “Shall we, gentleman?” I asked. “Indubitably,” Lucas replied, his eyes shining. “Do you even know what that means?” Cam raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s like saying yes if you were a prince, I think.” He retorted but looked confused. “Your best behavior, gentleman.” I looked between them, and Lucas groaned, “Fine, well, just not your worst.” That got me a cheer from Lucas, who clapped me on the back and led me out of the room. Heading down the stairs, most of the guests were congregating in the front hall, with the ballroom doors still closed. Great. They were going for a shock-value moment when opening the ballroom. I was used to this kind of thing when my mom was Luna, but I was already annoyed leaving my pack with recent rogue sightings; I didn’t care for the attempted theatrics. As we descended the stairs, I noticed some of the unmated she-wolf’s eyes on us, appraising the three new additions to the party. I didn’t care if they liked what they saw; I wasn’t in the mood for anything casual, anything that wasn’t my mate I was losing hope of finding. Behind me, Lucas was saying hello to some of them, probably with his signature wide smile and a ridiculous wink. I fought the urge to smack him. When we reached the bottom of the steps, one girl sauntered up to us by herself. She had not stopped staring at me, and I would have almost admired the confidence if it didn’t annoy me. That’s when I smelled it.
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