14 - Run

897 Words
(Isla) Dinner prep was done, and most visiting pack members settled in. Everything was surprisingly on schedule. I spot-cleaned the station I was working on and went to see if I could help anyone else. As I walked past the door of Meghan’s office, it was thrust open, startling me. I thought Meghan was all dolled up and showing herself off to our guests upstairs by this point. “Ah, perfect, you come here.” Someone grabbed my elbow, and I recognized the party planner from my brief encounter with her, “This needs to get to Meghan, like an hour ago.” She pushed a thick envelope into my hands. “Give it directly to her; she needs to open it immediately.” “I-I’m not supposed to be upstairs.” “Tell her I sent you, go go go.” She pushed me toward the stairs. “Can someone else -” I got cut off by the door being slammed in my face. I looked around, and all the other Omegas were busy with their own tasks, and I felt guilty putting anyone else in Megan's line of fire. Maybe if I waited by the top of the Omega staircase, I’d be able to get her attention without being seen. I trudged up the stairs, taking the steps that lead off the main foyer, it was near enough to the main staircase, and I hoped she was near there. I silently opened the door and peered out. Meghan was talking to a guest and standing next to Hailey. Her back was turned to me, but her signature blonde ponytail was hard to miss. A few guests milled around the front entrance, but thankfully no one noticed me. I kept my focus on Meghan, silently pleading for her to turn around so I could catch her eye. I opened the door a bit more when it looked like she was turning around; no one was paying attention in this direction anyways. They were all so busy with the party. A few gorgeous men in suits were looking at Hailey, no, staring at her. One nudged his friend, and the other looked her way appreciatively. Maybe she did look really good tonight or something. Their gazes seemed to look past her. s**t, they weren’t looking at her; they were looking over her head. Staring directly at me. Hailey watched their gaze, and she turned around as I tried to close the door. I was too late. She was already heading towards me, staring daggers. “Not you again.” She sneered, crossing her arms looking down at me. “You really need to learn your place. At the bottom of this pack,” she emphasized. “Hi Hailey, nice to see you; you look lovely,” I said, trying to placate her. Honestly, I was too exhausted from this week of work for another unnecessary confrontation. “I was just here to give something to-.” She shoved me, and my head hit the wall behind me; I muffled a groan. Her claw-like fingernails dug into my arms, holding them against my body. “What were you doing up here? Spying on my guests like a f*****g perv?” “I - I have this from the party planner." I finally got out after the immediate shock wore off. My head rang. “She said it needs to get to Meghan as soon as possible,” I grunted and waved my hand with the envelope in it, but her grip on me didn’t loosen. “I’ll take that.” She snatched it away from me and looked it over, but she didn’t move to leave. “I’m sure they’re missing you at the party,” I suggested after a few awkward seconds of her staring at me. “Hailey, the rest of the guests are starting to come down for dinner.” Luna Julianna called to her. “Hmpf.” She turned around, but not before she looked back at me with a burning glare. “You need to understand your place. I might have to get a little dog collar made for you, pet,” she seethed. What is it with these people? Were they really that bored that they had to harass everyone for sport? I was glad I wasn’t allowed the ‘privilege’ of interacting with the other ranked members from visiting packs today if they all acted like this. I closed the door but kept it cracked so I could make sure that Hailey gave the envelope to Meghan. I wouldn’t take the blame for this on top of everything else that I’d had to deal with recently. The Alpha whispered something to Meghan as he passed her. He looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with me. A cold chill ran through my body, it felt like my blood turned to ice once Adrastea kept whimpering in my head, but I was frozen in place until he returned his gaze to Meghan. I made my way back down the steps, not caring if Meghan received the envelope or not. I just had to get out of there. I paused outside the kitchen door to catch my breath. The cold chill still didn’t leave me as I held my arms around myself, shuddering. We need to leave - Adrastea whimpered.
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