8 - Birthday Morning

1195 Words
Isla The next few days went by in a blur. There was extra work to finish, and we started our days early and ended them late. There wasn’t much else to focus on besides constant tasks preparing for the ‘ball’ and the arrival of visiting ranked pack members. The other unmated Omega females chatted excitedly about the potential of meeting their mate in a pack member they hadn’t seen before or maybe an Omega visiting to help another pack's Alpha. Everyone was on their best behavior in hopes of getting chosen to work at the dinner and party. On Friday, we were woken up to loud knocks on our doors hours before we were normally expected. The sky was still pitch black the dull ache of stars still dotted the sky. Someone in our room turned on the light, and we all groaned. I covered my eyes and laid back down for a second before Abigail touched my arm. I looked over at her; she mouthed ‘coffee.’ I nodded, trying to give her a grin, but my mouth was too tired to obey my request. She tucked me in and kissed my forehead as the other Omegas left the room. No one knew it was my birthday; it wasn’t something that I ever mentioned. Normally, I would be up with the others or maybe just a few minutes behind, but what were five extra minutes in bed? It was a birthday gift to myself. I must have drifted back to sleep because Abigail softly shook me. I groggily opened my eyes and forced myself up in bed as she handed me a fresh steaming cup of coffee. Coffee in bed was such a luxury. I took a long deep breath inhaling the rich scent, and already felt more awake. My wrist was almost fully healed, thankfully. Even though I didn’t have my wolf being a werewolf still came with accelerated healing. I promised Abigail I would still take care of it and not put too much strain on my tender wrist. “Happy birthday.” Abigail smiled at me. “I have something small for you now and then something special for you later at the lake. I’ve been saving it until you turned eighteen.” “Abigail-” I started, but she shook her head. “You just enjoy that now, and I’ll be right back.” She went to her bed next to mine and brought over something wrapped in brown paper. It must have been hidden in our secret spot; a floorboard that came undone partially under my bed that no one knew about but us. I already knew what it was. It had been her tradition every single year to get me a book. She was the one that taught me how to read as I had never attended school, and I have loved stories since the moment she started reading them to me. We didn’t have many books as Omegas or access to the sparse pack library. Even if we did have books, we didn’t have much free time to read them. I was still unsure where Abigail got all the books, but she procured me a brand new one every year. They got worn out quickly due to me reading and then re-reading them almost every night. She used to mix them up by different genres each year, but she noticed that I loved a good fairytale more than anything. I loved that it transported me somewhere different. As content as I was with my life, it was nice to have dreams and feel they might actually happen - even if it was for a few minutes a day. I was excited to see where this new book would take me. I set down my coffee next to my mattress and eagerly reached for the parcel. I opened it and pulled out a gorgeous book with a deep blue cover, and gold embossed flowers decorating the book's front and spine. I looked at the title ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ I had never heard of it before, but I remember Abigail mentioning the author, Jane Austen. The book was beyond gorgeous. I didn't know how much it would have cost her or where she would have even gotten the money for it. “It’s my favorite; I’ve read it over and over again,” Abigail said, "Not quite a fairytale like the ones I've gotten you the past few years, but it is an amazing love story with a strong female lead." She winked at me. I ran my fingers over the cover as tears pooled in my eyes. Abigail placed her hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it. Her face was more familiar than my own; her straight black hair with a few strands of gray matched her churning gray eyes. She had the faintest markings and wrinkles forming around her eyes and her laugh lines. She was absolutely beautiful. “Thank you,” I said, but it came out as a whisper. “Happy birthday, Isla. I remember the first time that you told me about your birthday. The only memory you’ve ever shared with me” She pulled me into a big hug, and I stayed there, content in her comfort for a few too brief moments. “The only memory I had, but I can’t remember anything anymore,” I whispered, looking at my hands. “You walked up to me all sweet and whispered that it was your birthday when you were four or so? Honestly, it took me by surprise. You didn’t talk much before then.” She looked at me, and something indecipherable crossed her face, “I fell in love with you at that moment.” I gave her a wide smile, my heart clenching at her words. “I still don’t know how I knew it was my birthday. Honestly, I’m a bit worried I was wrong about it, and I won't get my wolf today,” I said, finally stating my fears out loud. I wanted my wolf, I wanted a chance to know who my mate was, and I didn’t want to wait any longer. I was more excited than I cared to admit, even to myself, to turn eighteen. “I’m sure you were right. You probably had more memories you didn’t share, and if for some reason you were wrong, your eighteenth birthday will come soon enough.” She patted my knee. “Enjoy your coffee, and meet me downstairs in a few minutes; I’ll try to get us assigned to something easy and out of the way.” She said with a wink. I smiled and nodded at her, taking my coffee mug into my hands. As much as I would love to savor this, I knew today would be hectic, and I didn’t want anyone, mainly Meghan, to realize I was missing. The coffee was cooled enough that I could finish it quickly. I took one last look at my gorgeous present, tucking it behind my pillow before getting ready as fast as possible and going downstairs to face the chaos.
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