#Chapter 122: Heart eyes

1391 Words

Fiona I was back in my office already when Conrad called. “You still doing alright over there?” he asked, loud and fast-talking as ever. “Yes and no,” I answered. “Things are fine, yes. We’re handling it. But we hit a snag with the expansion project. And by snag, I mean a dead stop. It’s a huge problem, actually.” “Yes,” he said. “I heard.” I wondered if he heard about this from my fiancé, the owner of the company and the man with whom I’d chatted about my work problems over breakfast this morning. Could just as easily have been any of the other, many people the CEO regularly communicated with here. It didn’t really matter either way. But I wondered. “I’m coming back earlier than I told you last,” Conrad continued. “I will be back by Friday. I still need you running the meeting

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