
2014 Words

“Yeah, Jake will let that happen,” Bryn said, “when real-time hell freezes over.” She added the “real-time” adjective because the last time she’d said this to him, he’d turned their VR world into a frozen-over hell. The guy had a puckish sense of humor. “The only time Dewey sees Phoebe is when he’s with one of us. You know contact with you would violate her parole.” “That’s why you’ll have to be our go-between.” “And why would I risk pissing Jake off like that?” “Because it could be my ticket—and yours—into the inner circle of Green.” Green. How had he found out she was investigating Green? For months she’d been trying to plant someone inside this elusive and crafty environmental action group. It was as if Green had a sixth sense for Feds. Or a contact in their office. She didn’t like

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