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CHAPTER TWOJustina was amazed at the size of the ship that was to take her to India. As she and her family walked down the quay-side, it seemed to tower over them. “My word,” exclaimed Lord Mansell. “I remember the ship I sailed in when I first travelled to Bombay was a minnow compared to this one. It was a steamship, of course, but it carried sails as well.” “Let us go aboard quickly,” suggested Lady Mansell. “I cannot wait to see what your accommodation is like.” “Fancy it being a maiden voyage,” said Victoria. “Oh, Justina, I almost envy you.” “Do you want to change places?” grinned Justina. “Leave your beloved Edward behind for India?” Victoria slipped her arm through Justina’s. “Never! I cannot wait for next summer – for our wedding.” Justina no longer worried about Victoria’s

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