Chapter 5

1054 Words
Jessey moved her head in a shaking manner. She couldn't keep thinking about what occurred that night. It was time for her to go on with her life and devise a plan for healing the damage. Whoever he was, he was most likely a family acquaintance who spent the night. Roxanne gave a bright grin. "How are you going to handle Dodge?" This is the crucial question. Jessey imagined his tall, slim face, bright blue eyes that fascinated her, and short enough blond hair. His tattoos, shredded body, and damaged nose revealed his lack of delicacy. Roxanne glared at Jessey as she said that. "Oh, please. Your father complains because she places too much attention on the sound of her own voice. You can't tell her what you need." "Please keep me updated on how things are going." “Roxanne.” “What? To be honest, I'm impressed; afraid, but delighted. Dodge, by the way, is not a homophobe. One of my female friends dated him a few years back. How long did you play with him before you realized he wasn't Dodge. Jessey had never felt this way before, had no clue it was possible, but she was too embarrassed to tell even Roxanne how much she had enjoyed herself Roxanne tapped her nails on the table once again, drawing Jessey's attention back to the present. "How can I learn from your mistakes if you don't share them with me?" Jessey rummaged through her purse for her wallet. When she flung a 10 on the table, she stood up. "If I don't want to be late, I need to go right now." Despite the fact that she would rather be doing anything else than heading to work this morning. "I just need some time to process everything. She hoped that by dragging it out long enough, Roxanne would give up. She laughed as she hugged Jessey in a sea-scented bear hug. "You may procrastinate all you want, but I bet you'll open up and start passing the trays around after a few martinis. Remember, the girls' night out is next Friday When it came to drinking, Jessey lacked self-control. Roxanne had brought her to a karaoke club the previous time they went out, telling her they would just sit in a booth and watch. Jessey began singing after two martinis. She still denies ever saying such a thing. Roxanne continued, a smile on her face. "Let's meet someplace calm, and I'll gather all the details," she said. Jessey determined to limit herself to one martini on Friday evenings and keep the conversation focused on Roxanne's employment as a party planner. The woman's obsession with planning perfection was unsettling. What a brilliant concept! "You're a terrible liar, but that's all right. That is why I appreciate you even more. She rushed out the door, giving Jessey a brief air kiss on both cheeks." Jessey shook her head and proceeded to walk two blocks to the art gallery. The sky was clear and a warm blue that only appears in the summer, and it appeared at a fair hour in the morning. She pondered calling in sick, getting back in her vehicle, and driving to one of the neighboring lakes. The prospect of lying on a towel and watching boats go by seemed much more attractive than meeting Dodge head-on. She was a coward, but she didn't want to be one. In every sense, this role was ideal for Jessey. Dodge was the perfect employer, and being able to make art that she was passionate about was a dream come true. Perhaps Roxanne was right in advising her not to try to balance her career and personal life, but there was no need to linger on the past. Dodge would never consider her the sort of respectable woman he'd want to date again if he discovered her mistake, so she wouldn't have to worry about balancing a future relationship with employment. Her shoulders dropped as she searched for her keys and then came to a halt in front of the gallery's massive windows. The underwater pictures had been replaced with a new series that was considerably louder than the ones she was accustomed to. She moved closer to the window and examined the artwork behind it. In their startling darkness, the sights were evocative of Dante's Inferno. Even though Dodge's choices made Jessey want to look away, she couldn't deny that they were enthralling. The man opened the door and walked out onto the street. Jessey's focus shifted away from Dodge and toward the center image showing the second circle of hell. A couple stood in front, their nudity concealed by the wind that blew their hair over their bodies. They reached out to touch, desperation engraved on their bodies, yet their fingers were separated by just a hair's width. It was one of the most heartbreaking things she had ever seen. Jessey took a deep breath and peered at him from the corner of her eye, hoping he'd heard what happened on Saturday night. He had to say something, right? It would be even worse if Dodge discovered she had had s*x with one of his pals or, God forbid, his girlfriend. She could never hide the fact that she was looking for s****l experiences with him. His whole focus, though, was on the artwork. "However, I saw them at a gallery event and wanted to get one." She listened attentively for hints in his speech, but she couldn't find any. His remarks had to be taken literally, with no opportunity for interpretation. Nonetheless, she couldn't stop herself from probing him for hints about what he knew. When he peered at her eagerly, evidently seeking her response on the artwork, she realized he was dumb. No way could he have known and behaved in such a manner...Dodge. She returned her gaze to the artwork and mumbled, "They're..." in a foreboding tone. Beautiful. That's some fascinating darkness. He reddened as a result of what she had just said. Maybe the earth would give way and she'd plummet into the abyss. "I'm sure you understand what I mean." "I do." Dodge laughed and followed her, grabbing her elbow and leading her out. Please excuse me. There's a lot to talk about with the impending gallery show.
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