2 minutes is too late

1339 Words
On the way, I saw that all the omegas were cleaning and working, unlike me who was walking with Camila towards her room. "I don't think I should be here" I said trying to stop my steps. But in response camila made a gesture and just held me tighter to get me into her room. When I looked at the place my eyes widened like saucers. It wasn't just an amazingly decorated room, it was huge with lights flickering on and off the pillars. "Do you like it?" she asked me with a brimming smile. "Oh yeah... it's very... crazy" I said. "I know. Luna hates it" she hinted making me let out a small smile "Now come, sit down here, I'd like to do your hair and make up. You're very pretty" she said. When I heard her I didn't have time to answer, she just took me by the wrist and sat me tight to a huge mirror. "So how does it feel to be demoted from beta to naughty?" she asked softly. At first I looked at her thinking she was making fun of me, but her expression told me the opposite "I don't know, I still don't know my wolf" I said shrugging my shoulders. When I said that, Camila's movements stopped and her eyes opened like two plates "What? But... Aren't you more than 18 years old?" "Yeah, I'll be 19 in a few days" I say in a low voice. "f**k, I've never met someone that age before without a wolf... Why are you whispering?" "If the triplets know they'll make my life hell" I mentioned looking towards the door of the room. Camila arched an eyebrow and smiled "I know, they're demons with muscular bodies" she said making me smile. She suddenly grabs a make-up bag and starts to make up my face, but the silence lasted only a few seconds. "Well, when is your birthday? 19 is important, I'm 20 now and I miss being a puppy" she said teasingly. "In 8 days..." I said For a moment camila started to do the maths and smiled for a moment. "Is this a joke? In 8 days the triplets will have their birthday!" "I know, it's been my torment" I said grumbling The reality is that every summer my parents and the triplets' parents used to celebrate our birthdays together, however, the triplets were always the centre of attention, so I wasn't happy to be back this year. Camila let out a deep sigh and continued to do my make-up until she put down the make-up bag and grabbed my hair. A couple of minutes had passed when Camila's excited voice was heard "Ready, do you like it?". I looked at myself in the mirror and opened my eyes in surprise "Oh, it's beautiful" I said I had never been made up like this before, it was something simple but beautiful that accentuated my light eyes and colourful hair. "I'd be happy to do your daily make-up for you. It's boring to do it just for me" said Camilla putting away everything she had used. "thank you very much, I have to go now" I added getting up from the chair. "You should stay, but I know you won't so I hope another day you can" she hinted shrugging her shoulders. I nodded and left her room. She was quite nice to me, which surprised me a lot. Without further ado I just walked back down the hall to my room, but when I was quite close I saw the triplets coming out of my room. "But... What are they doing here?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "Nothing" said the three of them with a mocking gesture. "You..." Without finishing my words, they ran down the corridor with a bag in their hand. I quickly entered my room and found all my clothes scattered on the floor. Without hesitation I rummaged through everything I had packed until I noticed that my intimate apparel was missing. "I said to myself!" those bastards! Those idiots had stolen my underwear, so now I had to expect the worst from them the next day. *** The night had been long, I couldn't sleep until it was almost dawn. However, in a few hours a loud bang woke me up. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the door. For a second I thought it was the triplets who had brought my underwear, but as soon as I opened the door, I saw a short woman with a furious expression. "What the hell do you think you're doing? It's 6 am! breakfast must be ready and the rooms have to be cleaned!" the woman shouted in annoyance. "I don't.." I tried to say , But before I could finish speaking, the woman interrupted me "Luna said you'd be a big problem, but I never thought you'd be clumsy!" she insinuated. I gasped as I listened to the omega. I had never been spoken to in such a rude manner, but I just nodded and clenched my fists. Anyway, my rank was much lower than a common omega. "I'm sorry. They didn't give me directions" I said to the omega as I lowered my face. The woman let out a grunt and entered my room scanning every corner. "You must put on this dress. Your schedule starts at 4:30 a.m., from there you will report to me and I will give you your daily tasks, do you understand? "Understood ma'am" of nodding. She looked at the mess in my room, and grumbled "Today you will be in charge of cleaning the triplets' rooms, but first, you will make them breakfast, today I will tell you what they eat, but then you will do it by yourself" said the woman glaring at me with her eyes. I wanted to say so many things, but I just nodded in response "Understood" I said again. She gave me one last look before she left my room, but before she left, she turned her gaze towards me "You have 5 minutes" When she disappeared into the distance I let out a deep sigh and felt the anger rush through my body. Not only would I be working at the mansion, but now I had to clean the rooms of these bastards who stole my underwear. I quickly took off my pajamas and put on the black dress the omega had given me. I wasn't wearing any underwear under the thin fabric so I felt f*****g uncomfortable. I kept silently cursing as I tied my hair in a high ponytail. This couldn't go on forever. A few minutes later, I ran up the stairs to introduce myself to the woman, but before I got to the kitchen, I tripped over something big and hard and fell backwards onto the floor. "Oh wow, but what do we have here?" I suddenly hear James' voice, and he leans down to shake my hand. I looked at his hand and quickly closed my legs. I had forgotten that I wasn't wearing any underwear, so I didn't even shake his hand to get up from the floor. I just looked away and ran to the kitchen. As soon as I entered the kitchen, the grumpy omega had her arms crossed as she glared at me angrily "You're two minutes late!" "I'm sorry, I tripped over..." I tried to say "I don't need excuses. Today you start with James's room" she said handing me a couple of cleaning things. I sighed as I nodded my head and imagined the worst. "You have 30 minutes for each room" said the woman turning her back to me. I smiled falsely and grabbed the cleaning stuff before heading upstairs to James's room. In fact, it wasn't the first time I had gone into that room, but I didn't want to remember that first time I hid under his bed, so he and his brothers wouldn't keep bothering me.
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