Chapter 6

2038 Words

Six “Wait up.” Bash paused outside his car—a Land Rover he’d purchased in Anchorage after he’d landed. Mud squished under his boots. Spring was still working its way up the elevations, and here on this ridge, the ground was barely thawed out. Toni was loping after him, just as graceful at a run as she was walking across a room. “What’s up?” He braced himself, sure she was going to announce that she was quitting the Olde Salt. “Couple things. First of all, even though I made fun of your offer, I’d love to have you do something at the karate studio with my students. It would be very cool for them.” For them. Not her. She was still doing the arms-length thing, and he still didn’t really know why. “All right. I’d be happy to. Just tell me when and where.” She eyed him suspiciously. “Yo

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