Chapter 11

2490 Words

Eleven After running into Toni and the Scottish dude at the lake, Bash spotted the two of them everywhere. It felt like every time he came out of the back office, he found Alastair at the bar chatting with Toni. Did the man have to come in every single night? It was obvious that he was only interested in seeing Toni. But he tipped generously, behaved himself, bought a few rounds for the regulars, so Bash couldn’t complain. He kept an eye out for signs of a secret crush, but decided that Tristan was full of it. If Toni had ever felt that way, it was over with and she’d moved on to a Scottish chef who seemed to really like her. Good, he told himself. Toni deserved a good guy. She deserved someone who wasn’t carting around enough bad childhood memories to fill a container ship. So he’d be

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