Chapter 10

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The next day when Justin woke up, Jaden had already disappeared. As expected. He got up and readied for breakfast. It seemed he was the latest to come to the breakfast hall as Cassandra and all her younger siblings were already finished eating and conversing like a family does. They seemed lively but he saw Jaden was still sipping her soup, rather quiet among her siblings. He quickly took a seat beside her. And a few of the royal maids poured warm drinks and served him some dishes. “You’re touring the market together, aren’t you, Justin?” asked Cassandra, reminding them of their tentative today. “Oh! We’re visiting the village area too!” exclaimed Robin. “Let’s go together, after breakfast”. “I would love to, Robin”, replied Jaden with a sincere and warm smile. Justin looked at his wife’s soft expression and thought of the last night’s event. He was concerned of the things she dreamt – the nightmare that made her whole body trembled, he wondered if she was really okay. “Did you know? The Minister that was in charge of the village’s welfare, died last night”, Robert suddenly added. Justin almost dropped his spoon. He looked around him and saw the siblings were receiving the news quite well. They didn’t give out an expression at all – stoic as ever. But then, Cassandra spoke, “How is his family faring?” “In grief, but they will manage”, answered Robert. “But the Councils are in a panic. They think this had a thing to do with the intruder, last night”. “Aren’t they always?” said Robin, swallowing another bite of bread, without manner. Justin couldn’t really follow their conversations. The way they perceived things here were still quite different from him. “I apologize Justin that you have to hear such news, but I assure you, his death has nothing to do with the person you saw last night”, said Cassandra. “How can you be sure?” Justin asked back. “Because I know how he died”, replied Cassandra. Justin almost froze at the statement. It was almost as though she was implying that… “Geez, Sis you always talk in riddles”, said Robin. “We know you have the gift of wisdom of words but can’t you be more straightforward?” Cassandra smiled at his brother’s antics, “I’m really sorry Justin to startle you with my words. Honestly I have no idea how he died but my guess that his death has nothing related to the intruder is that Sir Allan was already old and suffering from a sickness before. I guess his time was due”. It didn’t convince Justin, though. “I think we should get going, or else it would be too hot to travel if we leave noon”, said Robert as he stood up. And Jaden finished up her breakfast and quickly followed her two brothers. Justin, who realized he was being left, hurriedly ate his meal and pursued after his wife and his brothers-in-law. Cassandra who watched at the scene felt amused. Unlike his wife who was still unaware, Cassandra felt and knew that Justin was someone who could be trusted and relied on. She had confidence that he had the power to rescue and free her sister from her own self. Justin thought when he visited the market, the area would be grieving but it didn’t. Infact, he felt the atmosphere was unusually cheerful for some reasons. It was as though, the village area and the people here were liberated from something, from someone. He looked over Jaden, who was instantly popular with the children, which contradicted her cold treatment towards him. And then, he couldn’t help overhearing what the children were talking about to Jaden. “Princess Jaden, did you think it was the Black Fairy’s doing?” asked one of the children, a small boy who looked four. “I don’t know, dear. But Black Fairy is a legend…” said Jaden affectionately, which Justin thought she was charming if she was a mother...wait, what was he thinking? “But I believe the Black Fairy is real, and that he’s a hero!” said the boy with full spirits. “And why is he a hero, boy?” Justin stepped in and intruded into their conversation. “Because he killed bad guys!” said the boy. “He saved us from villains!” a small girl also piped in. And other children were also supporting this mysterious Black Fairy. He wondered…Ruby Assassin, dark hero, Black Fairy…were they all the same? Fairytale, myths, legends and stories… what do these things have in common? What do these people have in common? But he saw the look on Jaden’s face. It was a smile…of relief, of appreciated. He was puzzled. He didn’t want to think badly or negatively. But about Jaden, he was beginning to piece something…or maybe nothing at all. She was such an unfathomable being. After the visit to the market, the village was entertained with a sword-fighting of the two brothers. Jaden and Justin stayed to watch, along with the children and the folks there. “So your kingdom even do dueling”, said Justin. “Only for entertainment and not for tourism purposes, like yours do”, said Jaden, finally speaking normally like she used to, thought Justin. The children were the most enthusiastic watching the two brothers. Half of them cheered for Robert and half cheered for Robin. But alas, the game came to a draw. As the twins shook hands, the crowd was still unsatisfied with the show. People demanded some more fighting but the young men tried to decline gently. “Princess Jadelyne, I want to watch you sword-fight with your brothers”, a young boy tugged the fabric of her pants. Justin heard the small child plead by Jaden’s side. Jaden could fight? With a sword? “I don’t know…I haven’t practiced these days…” said Jaden, rather unsure; when the truth was she didn’t want to grab attention, especially her husband’s attention for that matter. “Aww…please! Please…” before she knew it, the children surrounded her and plead with those cute and teary eyes. And what was worse, her brothers even stepped into the scene and both of them took off each of their gloves, to challenge into a duel, a two-versus-one duel. “B-but…” Jaden tried to decline. Her brothers only smiled, “We used to think it wasn’t fair for both of us to fight you who was alone, but if you claim to lack practice, then this would be a fair fight, right?” said Robert. “Don’t worry…we’re not going to hold back either, even if you’re our youngest sister”, added Robin with a wink. Jaden was rather irritated at her brothers’ confidence. And the crowd was calling out to them. The way they talked made Justin to think that Jaden was quite skilled in sword-fighting. It was as though she could defeat the brothers, both at once, and all on her own. “Fine…” she said. The crowd soared even louder. Justin was amazed. How good was Jaden actually? “Besides, I couldn’t refuse a duel from my brothers, could I?” she gave a winning smile, which made the whole audience screamed and cheered. Justin didn’t do anything and watched as his wife stepped down to the arena. Suddenly, he felt rather left-out. This was boring…he pouted. And then, a shadow fell upon him. “Justin, could you hold these for me?” Jaden suddenly appeared in front of him. He almost staggered. “S-sure…” he held her tiara and watched as she unclasped her robe. The way her hair fell and waved as she undid her cloak. In front of him, stood a magnificent woman, beautiful and intelligent and compassionate to her people but why couldn’t she opened up to him? Was he that undeserving to be her husband? Those insecure thoughts ran through his mind. “Thanks…” said Jaden and she took off but Justin called. She stopped in her tracks and turned his way, “Yes?” “Good luck, dear”, he said with a sad smile. “Oh, thanks…” she said slowly. As she descended the steps, she could’ve sworn Justin seemed rather sad, but why? Ugh, Jaden, you are not supposed to be concerned with him! Focus! The three opponents were already cladded in their armors. Justin and everyone who was watching could tell that Jaden was the smallest one, and she was wielding two swords. “I’ve never seen the last princess fight with two swords”, Justin heard an old lady commented to her husband, he presumed. “That’s the Vast’s Royal Ladies – they have ways to entertain us people”, said the old man shaking his head in amusement. The Vast’s Royal Ladies – Queen Cassandra and Princess Jadelyne. They were quite popular with the grassroots, despites the Council’s skeptics of them. It seemed there were more than meets the eyes of those two ladies – his wife and his sister-in-law…Justin pondered. Truthfully, the battle could end quickly. But that was not Jaden’s intention, Justin guessed. She was very swift in evading attacks. It was as though she was dancing, gracefully infact. But that was the introduction, because after that, the battle was rather intense. Though Robert and Robin seemed to be losing, they were really good to hold out for this long. And it wasn’t because they were exhausted; it was because Jaden was just exceptionally amazing. The suspense of the event was when one of Jaden’s sword fell from her grasp by Robert’s doing. And the two brothers ganged up to beat her down. But Jaden who was almost cornered became more cunning instead. She suddenly let go of her other sword, rendered her weaponless. “That’s a surprise”, said Robin as they walked slowly to pin her to the wall. “Are you surrendering?” asked Robert perplexed. “And we were finally starting to have fun, sis”, said Robin. “My kind and strong but naïve big brothers…” Jaden spoke with amusement, “The fun has already just started…” And before they knew it, Jaden caught an opening and kicked both of her brothers’ wrists, making their hold on their swords to fall and Jaden to steal from them. The brothers realizing they were weaponless backed off and thought to run and snatched their sister’s swords on the ground but Jaden was quick to catch up to them and she jumped grabbing both of her brothers’ necks and they fell to the ground in Jaden’s embrace. How cute, Justin smirked. She truly made people laughed and anticipated. ‘That’s not fair, little sis…” said Robert as he patted her back. “At least make us look cool in front of your husband”, said Robin caressing his sister’s wavy hair with care. Her brothers’ affectionate gestures only made Jaden’s hold on those two even tighter. She really missed her siblings. “Well, they only have each other”, said the old lady wiping a small tear in her eyes. Justin knew that Jaden and her siblings had lost their parents when they were young and during the war, even before he was born. But he felt guilty and ashamed that his father’s doing was the cause of this. But seeing the bond Jaden had with her family members, her siblings, it made him rather jealous and envious that she wouldn’t be that sweet and loving to him. “Sir, can you fight with swords?” the boy who mentioned Black Fairy earlier approached Justin. Justin was taken aback when the boy spoke to him. He realized people didn’t pay attention to him or maybe feigned ignorance at him. Maybe they were actually still reserved of him. Though, he was not scorned or condemned, being ignored somehow was worse than he’d imagined. So when the little boy asked him, he felt a warm feeling growing inside of him. “Well, a bit…” he replied. “Then, go practice with Princess!” the boy suddenly pulled his cloak. “Oy! Hey!” “Everyone! Prince Justin wishes to duel with Princess Jaden!” the boy shouted. Everyone turned at their direction. Justin was growing red. “This is a bad idea, boy!” “What are you so afraid of? Princess is your wife and Prince Justin is her husband. I’ve always wanted to see a Couple’s Fight…” he trailed off. A Couple’s Fight? What the hell was this? “Long ago, the old folks here said that the King and Queen always dueled. It was a fun thing to watch because they were both good. It was a way for them to let out their anger or frustration at each other. And then after the fight, they would hug each other and they thanked the people for coming up with the idea. After that, it became a special event every year. But they died and we haven’t seen a Couple’s Fight ever since…” the boy sounded sad as he told the story to Justin. “But still…” “Don’t worry, I will support you!” the boy said with a big smile. “Gee. Thanks kid…” At least he had a supporter. “Make way, people, Prince Justin is going to fight Princess to a Couple’s Fight!” said the boy enthusiastically. The adults that were crowding didn’t understand until the word Couple’s Fight dawned at them. Realization turned into a murmur. And before they knew it, the audience was loud again with the confusion and curiosity of Prince Justin’s next action. Justin staggered into the arena as the boy pushed him off the steps. Jaden and her twin brothers looked at him perplexed. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” said Jaden displeased. “Aw, come on lil’ sis, cut him some slacks”, said Robin, “After all, he’s your husband…” he smiled teasingly. But Jaden only punched him by the arm. “Okay…okay”, Robin walked away fast. “Good luck Justin”, he said as he passed Justin. “You’re really going to need it”, said the twins in unison. Justin forced a gulp. He could already feel the woman in front of him was different. She seemed commanding and ready to bite him off. He had to think. At least, he needed to make this fight entertaining. Well…there was one thing he was good at…at least when it came in front of the public. “If I win, I request that my wife will kiss me on the cheek like any hero will get!” Justin suddenly declared. The crowd hooted, whistled and screamed. They were looking forward to what Justin had to offer. “What!?” Jaden was appalled. Her twin brothers only laughed at those couple. Justin felt a bit confident. At least Jaden was giving him a reaction – a blushing and embarrassed reaction. “Dear, are you afraid to lose?” Jaden was really annoyed with his cockiness. But she needed not to get so worked up about it. Just get this thing over with. She could finish off her brothers, how hard was it to defeat her own husband, her enemy and the closest person by her side? She unsheathed her sword. And the crowd was already screaming, once again. Her confidence was growing. She had to admit. She actually enjoyed the crowd’s attention. “Prince Justin! I know you can do it! Be like the Black Fairy!” Justin heard the small boy cheered him on. He felt a deep sense of warmth. He was touched and motivated. He put on his armor and chose a sword and some other weapons. This Couple’s Fight was actually sensational. The rules hardly apply and opponents can use and choose any weapon at any amount they want. This was sure a strange kingdom. They enjoyed seeing fights. And the people who fought looked to him like a come-cross of a sadist and a masochist. He was shocked to see the various types of weapon in stored for him. He didn’t know what to choose from, let alone figuring out if any weapon could render his wife to defeat. It was no wonder if Jaden was easily bored at his own kingdom’s duel. Here, even in the small village, the atmosphere was so energetic. When they had decided, the couple readied with their fighting stance. Justin knew he was not as skillful as his wife seemed to be, but he could try to make the situation favourable for him. After all, he was good at escaping such things when he was single and playful. “Lady first”, he said, inviting her to start even though he was extremely nervous. “Don’t mind if I do…” said Jaden and she lunged at him, striking her sword without restraints. Justin didn’t realise the speed and force she was projecting were this fast. He managed to block with his sword but he could feel his body moved an inch from his original position. It seemed she didn’t want to play this fight too long. She was going to finish him off in one go, Justin could tell. But he couldn’t just lose, not yet. Fine, he resolved, if she wanted to be serious, then he just needed to do the opposite…only in a serious manner. But honestly, Jaden was playing rough. It was like she had no restrictions. Justin only managed to hold on by blocking all her attacks which actually impressed the crowd. “He’s quite strong for persevering this long”, Robert commented to Robin as they watched the couple battled. “I agree. Do you think he could win?” asked Robin. Robert stared at the fight and pondered for a while, “Who knows? We never really duel with a Gallant’s – and what’s more he was the country’s enemy, who had the upper hand in the war…” “Ah…” Robin began to understand. Jaden stroke and slashed and swung her sword and even threw small flying blades at Justin, but he avoided them. For the first time, she felt sweats dripping from her forehead and her breath was panting. Ugh, he was really stubborn when it came to losing, Jaden felt annoyed. Justin noticed that her wife was growing tired. Maybe this was his chance to turn the tides on her. But still, he needed to be cautious. Jaden, on the field was unlike any other women or any warrior he had met. He couldn’t tell if she was genuinely exhausted or this was one of her ploys to bring him down. Her movements had become more relaxed and not full-forced. Maybe she was really tired. The fight was somehow intense with the clashing of swords and no one was backing down. “You must really hate me, Jadelyne”, said Justin as their swords met again and his voice panted. “Shut up…” Jaden lifted and stroke again but only to be blocked. He really had the nerve to strike a conversation now and then. “Don’t you want to say anything to me?” “Why bother?” said Jaden with eyes that kill. “The dream you had last night”, Justin bravely spoke. Jaden’s eyes widen. Why must he bring that up? “I’m especially not telling that”, said Jaden. “Fine, then tell me about the legend of the Black Fairy”, Justin’s voice sounded like an order. Their swords and blades continued to clash and made sounds. Jaden could already feel that her red circles were fainting. Fighting him was draining the energy she just attained last night. “You heard what the children said just now”, uttered Jaden with short breaths. “I want to listen to the tale personally from my own wife”, said Justin firmly. They paused with their fighting stance on, regaining their breaths. “Why? An excellent warrior like you can’t multitask?” Justin was growing cocky when her wife was ignoring him. And Jaden could’ve sworn he’d sounded slightly cold – or angry to be exact. The man in front of her seemed different. He seemed sad and pissed. Jaden couldn’t put it down because Justin appeared to be more regal than usual. Was this the effect of the Couple’s Fight? Jaden knew that her coldness was reaching his limits. But Jaden was hard-headed too. You were the one who said I didn’t need to pretend if I hate you… Jaden dived straight at Justin, “You want to know about the Black Fairy so much?” Justin was really surprised that she’d still have the strength to pull such attack. “He is a dark hero that kills filthy monarchs”, Jaden slipped. “It’s a legend convincing enough to ward off invaders”. She covered it up, barely. Justin’s guess was right. The Black Fairy was equivalent to the Ruby Assassin, and that maybe he wasn’t a legend at all. He thought back last night. Was his father’s murderer, the assassin he wrote about in his diary? And did that meant the assassin was lurking around the kingdom? Was he hired by the Royal Vast to kill brats from the higher class? Was the death of the minister caused by him? I know how he died…those words that were uttered so smoothly by the Queen. There was something that he felt certain – the Vast Kingdom had a Royal Assassin in their lineage. “Then, why doesn’t the Black Fairy kill me?” Justin suddenly asked. “Wh-what…” Jaden didn’t understand him at all. That question. Why was it posed directly at her? It was like he saw right through her and yet she knew he wasn’t aware. But somehow…she couldn’t answer him. “I’m bad too. I let my family down and my people starve and along the way hurt your people too…I’m a worthless King”, Justin explained. Jaden was irritated enough today. But this one she couldn’t accept. He was reverting to that weak Prince he used to be. She needed to teach him a lesson. She crouched down and kicked her husband’s legs, making him fall on the ground hard. When Justin tried to lift his head, the tip of the sword was at his chin. It seemed his wife had won. “Maybe it’s because you still hold some worth to this world. So value more of your life and duty as King”, concluded Jaden with a firm tone and her eyes looked serious. But deep down, Jaden couldn’t believe she was saying such things. Justin just noticed that his wife was suddenly covering her mouth, as though concealing a blush. Jaden pulled her sword and sheathed it. The crowd as usual was cheering. Justin was a bit dazed as he stood up. He wiped off some dirt on his clothes. Jaden didn’t wait and made an attempt to leave the arena, fast. “Wait!” Justin called her. “What?” Jaden turned though moodily. “Let’s shake hands…please”, he offered his right hand. For a flash second, Jaden was reminded of the hand held out by Ethan. And she almost retaliated. But she reasoned herself, enough to convince herself that Justin was not the same as his cousin, though they shared the same blood. She slowly held out her right hand. And then, Justin took her hand and they shook. “That was amazing, Jaden”, he said, sincerely praising her. Jaden was taken aback by his compliments that she didn’t expect the next action that was going to happen – because Justin suddenly pulled her whole body into an embrace. “Aww…” the crowd uttered. “Oy! Let me go, Justin!” Jaden growled in his ear. But Justin’s hug became even tighter. She felt really embarrassed. “But wait! Look!” the small boy that was supporting Justin pointed something at the arena. And everyone was suddenly murmuring and whispering something unbelievable. “Wh-what are they looking at?” Jaden tried to break from his embrace but only to be pulled even tighter by Justin. Tch, he was lucky to trap her like this, Jaden cursed. “Don’t move…yet”, Justin’s voice didn’t sound so warm, infact it sounded dangerous, like a warning. “Prince Justin won! Yay! The Prince, no I mean the King beat the Queen!” the boy shouted despites everyone’s disbelief. “What are they talking about…?” Jaden didn’t understand until she looked for the first time into Justin’s hazel eyes. And what she saw mirrored her defeated self. Justin smirked at the look of his dumbfounded wife. What really happened was that as Justin pulled Jaden in his embrace, he quickly pulled out a pocket knife on his left hand and proceeded to position his knife directly besides Jaden’s neck. He carefully positioned his knife so that its sharp point barely grazed her fair skin. The spectators slowly applauded, in which it grew into a standing ovation. Justin looked at the crowd behind them. He felt a glint of hope, that maybe, they had accepted him. The twin brothers laughed at the sight. Who would had thought that Justin could render their youngest sister defeat? And his technique was cheeky too… Finally, Justin stashed his pocket knife away and bowed in front of the audience, enjoying a moment of his glory. But meanwhile, Jaden was speechless as ever. Out of reflex, she let her hand feel her neck that was pointed with Justin’s knife. Even though, he didn’t mean to harm her, she could’ve sworn his knife managed to slightly bore a hole into her pore, into her skin. And though, he didn’t mean to, he had every reason to. It was a mistake, she felt like banging herself. When you pushed someone to the corner, he would retaliate and overpower you. And Jaden let Justin become that. She should have realized the country’s enemy upper hand in the war was truly of sheer power and strength. And Jaden finally saw for the first time the ability of the King of Gallant. He could kill. The area quieted down. And Justin suddenly turned at Jaden’s direction. “Now for my prize…” said Justin taking serious steps approaching Jaden. Jaden didn’t know why but she wanted to run away. She tried to turn and dash away from the scene. But Justin caught her hand and pulled her again. Jaden closed her eyes, bracing herself for the aka Justin’s kiss. But nothing. Jaden was surprised. She only felt Justin’s warm hug around her. His hands securing on her back. And the weight of his head besides hers. “Hmm…you’re really warm, Jaden”, said Justin holding his wife even tighter. “Of course I’m warm. What do you think I am – a ghost?” she said rather harshly but in truth she was hiding her embarrassment. “Nah, I thought you were a tree”, Justin teased her. “Ouch!” Justin hopped as his right foot got hit by Jaden’s sword. He was lucky she sheathed her sword or else it would be pretty bloody. “Think I’m a tree, sweetie?” Jaden spoke icily and hurriedly made her way out of the arena. But deep down, she was relieved that Justin didn’t demand so much of her. Wait, no that was not it! She just wanted to get her head clear, right now. Jaden hopped onto her horse and headed to a forest that was a shortcut to her palace. She needed to get away fast and retrieve the book in Justin’s room. She had enough of her own slacking and needed to do her mission her own way.
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