Chapter 8

3984 Words
Justin liked astronomy. He was always fascinated of the dark sky that could light up with dazzling tiny lights over the night. And when the dinner went really well and he’d actually felt elated about it, he couldn’t go to sleep. So, he took a stroll around the Vast Palace compound. He thought back of how he used to find Jaden in odd areas of his castle and realized that being in a new place could really raise a person’s curiosity. The place was beautiful and he realized that the Kingdom’s lighting was powered by jewels, crystals and diamonds. He’d noticed the subtle signs of the glow in the walls that he didn’t see before. And it sparked his interest. It was no wonder Jaden was always vibrant when it came to such discussions on technology, business and philosophy. The place had an aura that made people want to learn more, cultivate the knowledge, the mysteries and the wonders of this land. But even so, he realized that his kingdom was the one that inflicted war and pain to this graceful land and it pained him – made him guilty, that he could turn a blind eye on this matter. Though, the people here seemed forgiving, it even made him feel worse about his self. It was because the people didn’t punish him. Maybe because they didn’t know that he could actually stop the war if he’d fought for it, fought for peace. They probably didn’t know that he existed until now. But still, he was still a stranger to this land, an ex-enemy infact. Shouldn’t they be remorse about him? Or were they actually more rational and sensible? Justin had enough of walking on the ground. He looked up and saw the night’s sky, dark and inviting. The wind was cool and blew his hair slightly. He looked at the tall castle that shadowed him. Maybe he could see how the stars and the constellations looked like from above this land. It was quite easy getting past the security that guarded the upper level. After all, he was quite sneaky when he wanted to be. So when he finally reached the rooftop, he realized he wasn’t the only one there. What he saw was a black figure that used to haunt him in the night. He noticed a red glow in the eyes. The only thing he could make out in the night. He was stunned, because even if he didn’t know the person, he exactly knew who this person was. And all those dark memories he used to lock them safely in the corner of his mind came rushing in. His heart began to race. He knew who he was up against. A skilled killer, his father’s murderer – the person who came like a dark fairy granting his wish of his own father’s death. Justin realized he wasn’t the best in combative skills but he had his hand readied to unsheathe the sword by his side. “You…” he tried to reason but before he could do anything, the black figure jumped off the roof. Justin was shock. He chased over the edge, shouting, “Hey! Wait!” But the figure vanished; there was no trace of that person. He looked down and saw nothing, but then again, it was hard to see in the dark. He blinked a few times trying to make sure that what he saw just now was real and not a ghost. **** There was a black creature slipping through the last princess’s chamber. Any human who was awake and saw it would assume that way but apparently that black creature was a woman. Jaden managed to unlock the window and hopped into her room. She panted. She hurriedly undid her black attire and quickly made her way to the washroom to clean herself. In the shower, she thought back how she freaked at the sight of Justin. What was he doing up there!? How did he get up there!? And why of all rooftop, he had to come at her favorite spot!? Meanwhile, Justin was rushing to Jaden’s chamber. He had alerted the castle’s guards to tighten security after the event he just encountered. No doubt that the assassin was still lurking around. He had warned the Queen and the Queen listened to his report and ordered more guards to patrol the palace and the area near the building. But Cassandra only listened to his concerns as any ruler would but she knew who the assassin he had encounter was. She felt amused at Jaden’s act. Please be careful, dear sister, she prayed. Justin was walking very quickly. He had entered into a very secluded area of the palace. It felt like the room temperature had dropped drastically. He wondered a bit of why Jaden’s room was located very far from her siblings. But then again, the royal system here was a bit warped. He also noticed that this place was not heavily guarded as the common area was. And then he reached a corridor that ended with a door – the door to Jaden’s chamber. He was a bit puzzled that the area to her room was not guarded. Of course the place spelled creepy but this kind of treatment didn’t make sense to Justin. He even wondered how news in the palace could reach to her. Did they send her any updates at all? Did she know an intruder was lurking tonight – not to mention a dangerous one? He braced himself and knocked. Jaden was drying her hair when she heard a knock. It puzzled her because who could it be at this late hour? The guards? Her brothers? Cassandra? “Who is it?” she said across the room. “It’s me, Justin”. Oh, him. “Coming!” she quickly put on a long-sleeve dress and head to the door. She opened the door to only pop her head out. Justin was a bit surprised to see her right now. He noticed her hair was damp, and those shampoo scent still lingered was overwhelming him. It smelled rose. He didn’t know how to react. “What do you want?” said Jaden snapping Justin into reality. Geez, she could at least be more soft-spoken with him, he felt exasperated with her cold attitude. “Do you know that there’s an intruder on the loose? And he seemed dangerous”, he said with a serious tone. “My, that is a problem”, she acted a bit worried when infact, she cursed herself for such carelessness. “But the royal guards are taking care of it. So don’t worry”, Justin explained. Jaden restrained from rolling her eyes. Sure the guards were taking care of the intruder…For now, Jaden felt a bit relief knowing Justin didn’t suspect her, but then a princess who was now Queen and assassin don’t really mix in real life, do they? “Thanks for the warning, Justin”, Jaden said as she attempted to back up and closed the door. “And good night…” “Wait”, Justin stopped her. “What?” “I still don’t feel right leaving you alone…” “It’s okay, Justin. Don’t worry…” “No, I can’t”, he said it with a firmer tone. And his hand was stopping the door from closing. He had a serious and concern look. “You’re sleeping in my room tonight”, he said with finality. “Wait, what!?” Jaden couldn’t comprehend this turn of events. She could never predict her own husband’s actions. “You heard me. And I won’t take no for an answer”. He crossed his hands over his chest. “You wouldn’t dare…” “Yes, I would. After all I’m still your husband”. What the heck? She was really shocked up to the point speechless. “Ah, Jadelyne”, another voice was heard not far from the couple. It was Cassandra. “I was on my way to talk to you, but it seemed your husband has taken care for me. Thank you once again, Justin”, the queen of the land spoke with grace and curt. “I requested of my wife to stay with me for the night. And I know that she wanted space and I respect that but I would feel uneasy when she’s not by my side, especially with the intruder on the loose”, Justin spoke to Cassandra. Cassandra nodded at his words. “I understand your concern, Justin. And you have every rights to be, since you are her husband”, she then turned at Jaden. She noticed those subtle plead in her sister’s eyes but sorry Jaden, not this time, “Jaden, I think you should complied when the circumstances needed”. She gave her a meaningful look that meant a lot. Jaden had always lost to her sister’s argument and this one was no different. She nodded slowly. “Yes, sister”. Justin was surprised of how easy Jaden followed her sister’s words. It irked him somehow that she agreed easily to her sister and not him. “Well, your sister gave us the green light”, he smiled and for a moment Jaden thought that he was actually looking forward to this plan. “Or is it that you want to remain in your room? In that case, I will sleep here…” he attempted to push the door open. “Wait, no!” Jaden pushed his body gently from walking any closer to her chamber. This was bad, Jaden’s mind became frantic. She could see Cassandra creased into a sadistic smile. Sometimes, her sister could be playful at the wrong moment. And for a few seconds, she was considering whose lives she should wagered on. “What’s the matter?” Justin was perplexed by the change of her mood. Jaden mustn’t’ let him see her chamber. Not only it held a secret route to the weaponry department but her chamber itself held so many weapons on every corner, the walls, under the bed, on the dressing table – it was after all an assassin’s room. She couldn’t let him in. “I’ll sleep in your room. But let me take my key and some books. You wait outside”, she ordered and left him standing in front of the door. What just happened? Justin couldn’t guess. Jaden only grabbed a few items – the key to her room, some books and slipped a dagger by her thigh. She adjusted herself and got out of the room and saw Justin was still there. Justin took hold of her books and they walked together to Justin’s prepared chamber. Justin was glad to get out of those eerie corridors. He wondered how Jaden could cope sleeping so far from her siblings and among those dark corners. They walked quietly. Justin was thinking of a way to make conversation. And Jaden was growing nervous. She had also realized that she left her pills, the pills given by her sister, the special sleeping pill concocted for her at her room. She didn’t want to turn back to take it because that would mean inviting Justin, and Justin would ask questions, and questions could lead to trouble, serious trouble. “Were you taking a bath, just now?” Justin suddenly asked. “Isn’t that obvious?” she replied harshly, realizing her hair was still damp. “In the middle of the night?” he questioned again. “To calm me to sleep”, she lied. Why was he always posing such stupid and difficult-to-answer questions? The area became quiet with only their footsteps heard. He looked at her books and he continued, “Were you studying?” Jaden was being patient. She was really irritated at how persistent Justin was. Right now, killing him seemed to be not the point. She had to endure being alone with him for the whole night and she was not mentally prepared for this. “You could say that”, Jaden replied, but she felt like answering, “No, more like running from you”. This was just like last time at the Gallant, thought Justin, when he caught her wandering around the forbidden area of the palace. She was giving these short answers and not answering them fully, as though she was pretending to be uninterested or indifferent. She was definitely hiding something. Justin turned the knob and let Jaden entered the chamber. Jaden looked around as though it was her first time seeing the chamber of her castle. But truthfully, it was rather new for Jaden to see the actual chamber of her own castle, after all, her life had been dedicated to training and she was treated differently from her siblings. The chamber was spacious and had a massive bed fit for more than two people to sleep in. There was a study table, some tall shelves of books and paintings hanging. The room was lit by the jewel mineral energy and Justin’s light was of amber. Jaden stepped in cautiously, taking in her surroundings. Then, something caught Jaden’s eyes. An old unfamiliar but gripping book lied stoically at the bedside. Her eyes stretched and managed to read through the old title; Zachary’s Journal. That was the one! Her heart screamed! The late King’s Diary! But what was it doing here? Was it with Justin all along? She slightly gulped at the sudden thought of what the content could actually be about. This was going to be trickier to find an absolute answer, especially prying her hands into that book without Justin’s surveillance. She heard the door closed behind them. And it snapped her to the real world. She was now alone with her husband. Long ago, she might think this was the perfect opportunity to get her mission done with but now, the situation was still dangerous but it was beginning to be unfavourable for her. She felt she was the one who was trapped. She didn’t know why even if the castle was her home, the chamber did not. It was like she was entering a lion’s den. She felt her husband moved and almost retaliated. Relax, Jaden. You’re always so suspicious that even an innocent civilian, you could come up with such cruel intent. Jaden watched as her husband strode to the bedside and took the book. Jaden felt alarmed. She feared that the diary could expose her true self. Justin was going to read by the study table when he noticed that his wife was still standing looking slightly anxious. “It’s okay. I won’t be sleeping on the bed, tonight”, he said breaking her thoughts. “Obviously…” Jaden almost snorted but she was actually relieved. But the problem was still unsettled. That book was now in his hands. She took her own books and made her comfortable on the bed, stretching her legs and cushioned her back with some pillows. She was lucky that the view of the bed enabled her to see her husband who was at the study table. Jaden realized he was already reading. She flitted her reading to and fro as she peered through her book, watching Justin’s reading expression. This was really difficult. A few times, he looked serious and then, he looked bored but for now, there seemed to be nothing that could trigger the alarm and exposed her true intention. She was growing tired and she felt her eyes were getting heavier. But she didn’t want to rest, she didn’t want to sleep, not without the pills and especially not without the pills and with Justin around. She could endure nightmare alone, but she couldn’t risk exposing herself in her sleep when there was company. Who knows what she would blurt? Justin was engrossed in his readings. He had that book for quite a while, since the event that Jaden requested to go to the old library, he did some inspections and found the book and took it. He was already puzzled by the first page of the book. His father’s diary started with a short note for him which said; To my dearest son, I entrust you with this piece if I am unable to see you become a husband, a father and King. I know I have burdened you and your sisters terribly…Forgive me. What a strange thing to write, Justin thought. It was as though he knew he was going to die, at the time. Justin read through and the early pages recapped his youth days, his glorious moments, and his freedom and then it became more serious as the King began to take new roles and tougher duties. Justin was learning a lot of things about his father, even stuffs he thought his father could never pull it off. His father used to be innovative and popular but he didn’t understand. Justin figured he could piece the reasons his father initiated the war. But there seemed to be a gap in the diary. His father only mentioned about how Justin and his sisters begged, persuaded and advised him to stop the war. But it didn’t mention his real intention. He gave vivid descriptions of the strategy, the secrets, the time the war began, how the battle started but Justin felt unconvinced. Something felt odd. He flipped another page. This time, only a sentence was filled on the page. It read; I am going to be killed. Now, this sounded interesting. He continued reading… Lately, because of the war, people are beginning to be more resourceful, vengeful and more of a fool. Growing news weaving into a growing legend and thus the tale of the enemy reached my ears. It was recent but the tale sparked hope in the people and sent shiver to the royals. This tale was called The Ruby Assassin. It was a dark fairytale because the hero claimed victory through its piercing blade, killing people who were corrupted physical and soul, thus restoring order to the land. It was quite a tale and it warded off invaders. But I didn’t believe in fairy tale to begin with. What I knew was that the enemy’s land had come up with a, what you can say, a weapon, an invention, a tool to use against anyone that was opposing them. But I believed it had a much more sinister agenda to it. And I had a sense, because I knew what it was like living among malice – my brother was proof of a spiteful sibling feuds. And his son was the same. But what does all of this have anything to do with the Ruby Assassin? I finally realized that it ran deeper in our veins. The Ruby Assassin was the enemy’s weapon – a person, highly tuned to kill a creature of its own species, human. This person though highly intelligent and skilled was tied and caged and were fed with one-sided story of how our kingdom was the villain, how their holy land was tainted and how this person will learn and grow to kill in order to get rid of the villain that disrupt their peace. The assassin already had appearances. Some exaggerated and some nearly accurate but it does have a face. People say that it comes in the calm night and its body is always donned in black, but its eyes, its face and clothes would always be soaked in crimson blood. But the problem was that the assassin was never caught and yet no one had a slightest clue of its true identity. The only clue I could decipher after hearing the stories passed around from servants, maids and attendants, people from the castle was that this assassin is royalty. And I have a fair guess of who my first visitor of my deathbed will be… Thump! Something fell to the floor. It almost gave Justin a fright. Justin felt that his father’s diary was like reading a horror story. Justin raised his head and saw Jaden was already asleep with one book lying on her chest and he noticed her right arm was dangling. He realized what the sound was. He shook with amusement at his wife. He approached by her side and picked the fallen book and put those books around her, aside. He tried to wake her wife up and asked her to sleep properly but she looked tired and stressed. He could see her wife’s face was serious. He wondered what she was thinking. He pondered over her whole self. He pushed a strand of hair over her face and looked at how she was breathing slowly. His stare lingered over her closed eyes and then, his mind was coming up with something. The Ruby Assassin – did Jaden’s kingdom was keeping such person inside the castle? But then, it meant that the assassin came from this kingdom – the one who killed his father. What was worse was that the assassin was also royalty. He looked back at his wife. He was beginning to piece something, but it was still vague. He remembered Jaden’s words, “I’m the only kind with these eyes”. He wondered if she knew there was another person who had eyes like hers, or had she lied about it? “Soon, you are going to meet your demise” He thought of her first threat. Surely, she didn’t mean any of those. Don’t tell me, the assassin I saw just now was hired by the royal Vast in order to kill me? Justin felt a wave of fear. He knew there was something dangerous exuding from his own wife. He didn’t want to believe it, after all her wife, even though seemed distant; she and her siblings were all nice to him. But still, he felt afraid to turn the page. He feared of what the truth may reveal but then again, it could all be a lie. But it was unlikely people write a fake diary. But his action was stopped when he heard a slight sound from his wife. He turned and saw Jaden’s brow was furrowed. He saw that Jaden had her hand holding her leg tightly. And she was shivering. Before he knew it, she was trashing in her sleep. She was shouting and tears were pouring from her closed eyes, “Stop, stop…please stop! No!!! Help me! Please, Ethan…Make it stop…it hurts…” Ethan? Which Ethan? Was it the same Ethan, the same Justin’s cousin? Or was it someone of her past love or something?
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