TRIVIA I: Story Idea

362 Words
Hope y’all enjoyed reading Royal Assassin, and if you didn’t, well, there would always be next time. I hope you could endure with me, please….with the cherry on top! Anyway, if you have time, I put a few trivia aka my rambling on the process of how some characters of the story developed. If you’re interested, which I’m so happy to hear, please continue to read, and if you don’t, you may continue your life as usual…boohoo… **** The idea of the story began with anime. Well, for those who watch anime, you will notice how every character has different and vibrant hair color and so I was intrigued of the prospect of creating a main female character with locks of greenery. To top it off, at the time (and I probably still do), was having fascination toward gemstones, which led me using names of gemstones to describe the characters’ hair colors. To be honest, I was going to research about gemstones first, then start writing the story. But I was quite lazy to surf the web and by the time I was typing the story, the characters appearance in the storyline came out naturally, which means most of the stuffs I put were merely some random rambles, which I planned on looking back once I did my research. But once I found a book at my college’s library which was an encyclopedia on minerals, rocks and fossils, I quickly borrowed it and read the parts that fit my characters’ appearance. And it turned out a lot of my choice for my characters’ hair color matched well with the gemstones’ appearance and qualities. I’ll be honest; I was rather smug when I found out that what I wrote had some strong inkling to the real facts of the stones. It was like my instincts were spot-on and I was some kind of a visionary. And I’m still contemplating that. But let me explain a little fact about the important characters and some gemstones in the next trivia;
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