Chapter 18

1800 Words
She stepped and crouched closer to where Jaden and Justin were, her hands strongly held onto Jaden’s, and her eyes were soft, mixed with guilt and sadness and gratefulness, “Jadelyne dear, I’m sorry big sister took too long to save you. But I managed to kill the bad guy tonight. I managed to be your Black Fairy…” her voice came out so gentle like she was talking to Jaden as though she was a little girl, explaining things slowly and with subtlety. And when Jadelyne only sat there, with tears running freely on her cheeks, unable to say anything, as she realized how much her sister had struggled for her sake and her ownself, Cassandra bowed her head to where their hands held, as though pleading for forgiveness for comfort, just like she always did when she was insecure. “I’m sorry Justin”, Cassandra spoke. The informality surprised Justin a bit. Usually, the Queen was eloquent and regal with her words but hearing her said his name at this moment took him off guard, “I have caused your wife to suffer and I’m truly sorry for failing as a sister-in-law…” Somehow at the word ‘sister-in-law’, Justin suddenly chuckled. Both of the women looked at him dumbfounded with their eyes still red, not from the poison but from the tears. “Look, if you are sorry, I’m even sorrier”, said Justin with finality. He stood up, followed by the two Queens and his arm found around Jaden’s waist, holding her really close to him. For a moment, Jaden was surprised but she didn’t protest and led him lead her. “I don’t know about you, Your Royal Vastness, but I wouldn’t leave the kingdom in the hands of some red-head twins I knew of”, Justin spoke smugly and of all the events he had seen before his eyes, he managed to pull a smile, crooked, but still some form of smile. Cassandra was grateful at Justin. He’d sure matured, huh? With that notion, she too gave a warm smile and uttered, “I appreciate the advice Young King, but I know what I’m doing and I trust my insolent twin brothers to at least protect the kingdom for a while”. The three people gave a small laugh hearing Cassandra talked about the twins behind their backs. “And you, my dear brother-in-law”, she continued, “Has a duty to protect the kingdom and my youngest sibling. Take care of her”, she started to take her leave and with her back turned, she spoke, “Oh, and since I am somewhat also involved in this, we will deal and clean this mess together but not tonight, Your Highness. For now, please comfort each other…It’s an order…” And she waved lazily from behind and walked on her own, and blended into the night. Now it was just the two of them. Jadelyne’s heart was growing queasy with Justin so close by her side. She knew she had to say something. Even if he knew, she needed to apologize, to make amends and thanked him… As though reading her mind, he stopped and looked at her face, eyes filled with warmth and concerned, they made Jaden felt safe and guarded. But she knew as an assassin she shouldn’t deserve this kind of treatment. These are luxuries to be exact. “I’d still have to punish you…” said Justin. “Ah…I knew that”, Jaden spoke softly without eyeing him. She knew he wouldn’t kill her but he was a King and she needed to atone for killing his father and she was also responsible for the death of his cousin. To not kill her was already kind of him. “From tonight onwards, you will be imprisoned by me”. “Huh?” she didn’t understand which made her lift her head looking at Justin who was giving a small smile. “I’m telling you”, as Justin brought his forehead to hers, “that your punishment is to stay by my side forever. I want you to live and remember the horrible and good things you did. And I want us to move on and live life without our pasts holding us back”. “But…” Jaden’s words faltered. She couldn’t bear to be by his side in the state she was now. Infact, she could never deserve him – Justin was still untainted by the war and naïve while her life was twisted and scarred. Sensing her uneasiness, especially the lack of words uttered by his wife, Justin took another breath and lifted his face. “I knew you would be uneasy, that is why that is the best punishment…and the best remedy”. Jaden finally realized the wisdom and cunningness of her husband, Justin. He knew she could endure physical pain and though she felt a hint of hope, she knew with all the sins she carried, to live a life with him would be harder for her. She shook her head in disbelief of Justin’s words with slight amusement, “You’re so cruel, Justin”. “I know”, he said so easily. “I’m cruel and I’m selfish. I want to keep my precious wife away from any pain so that the only pain you would receive is only from me. Assassin or a princess, I don’t care what you are. I care for who you are. I want to break those walls that guarded your heart. That’s the only thing I’m greedy of – conquering your heart. They say all is fair in love and war. And now that war is over, I want us to choose the first choice and I will go for any means to make you fall in love with me, including binding you to this kingdom, making you my Queen. And this time, you have to accept this punishment”. He said with such determination, Jaden felt a loud thump in her chest. It was like standing on the edge of the cliff, wondering to take the jump or standing there admiring the view or acknowledging the fear of falling – that was what Jaden felt. Various emotions were spinning wildly in her heart and head. “And besides, you’re not the only one to be punished, you know”, said Justin, his eyes still twinkled and patiently waiting for Jaden to respond, “So help me out, okay?” He let go of her waist and stood apart. Then, he offered his hand. This was the moment Jaden had to decide – to stay or to flee. She hesitated and then, looking at Justin’s eyes, searching for signs of hatred of her, she resigned herself and entwined her fingers into his. From the clasps of their hands, Justin pulled Jaden into an embrace. Jaden was engulfed in his hold as his other hand patted her back and held tightly. For a long moment they stood there until Justin pulled apart and said to her, “But first, lets have a proper burial for Ethan, shall we?” And at the mention of Ethan’s name, Jaden finally spoke clearly, “Justin, aren’t you…mad at me? Or my sister?” “Mad? I’m shocked to be exact at the both of you”, he said coolly and then he looked serious again laced with a concerned look in his eyes, “But to be more specific, I’m mad at the punk who scarred you, body and soul, and at myself for being ignorant of all your sufferings”. “You didn’t know…” “It was still no excuse”, Justin cut her off, “You’d think I didn’t notice the long scar running up to your thigh?!” he suddenly swept his hair back in frustration, more at himself. “Oh yeah, that”, Jaden’s mind took her back to the time they were at his castle’s old library. While her insecurities at the time took over, he was actually already concerned of her? “I know I can’t heal you completely, I can’t guarantee you that because as much as I hate to admit it, I’m not strong so that’s why…I’m going to cherish every inch of you, Jaden. Even though, Ethan was my friend and cousin, he had hurt you, and your sister, people I care for, how could I not be mad? So please”, this time his voice almost sounded pleading, “Trust me, alright?” Despites the haunting feeling she got when someone beyond her family members requested for her trust, and the fear of being betrayed, knowing it was Justin, Jaden chose to look at him as an individual, not just another enemy or foe but Justin, the one and only King and husband. So many times, she pushed him away, this time she had to let him in, someday, eventually. And apparently, this someday seemed like now. She took a deep breath. She was feeling a wave of headache coming over her. She really needed to sleep. “I will trust you”, she stated slowly. “Starting from now, I’m going to trust you, Justin”, her voice eventually became firm and determined. It wouldn’t be easy but as she weighed deep down in her heart, it wasn’t really that bad to stay by his side forever. But she would never admit this, at least not for now. Jaden took his hand and they walked back into the castle. “So lets start this over, slow and steady, alright?” Hearing Justin’s words and seeing his wide smile, Jaden also beamed. “Ah…finally you’re smiling only at me. I’m already so happy”. Jaden almost snorted, “But I won’t guarantee that this ride would be a bed of roses, okay?” “On the contrary, of course it is. Every rose has its thorns”.
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