Chapter 3

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"This is Trystan. I got your number from Kali. I hope it's okay that I asked her for your number." Upon hearing his raspy voice, Abby becomes in a daze. She started to think about everything he could do to her. She quickly pushed that thought aside before it progressed any further. She didn't know who he was. "Yeah, of course. So why did you call me?" "I wanted to see if you'd like to come over and help me get caught up in school." She hesitated before answering, "Can it wait until tomorrow? It's already 1 in the morning." She tries to sound tired, but she's still awake. She took another bite of her food before she heard him sigh. "Yeah, sure. I'll come by your house to get you tomorrow." Trystan says with no hesitation. "I'm at my grandmother's house for the weekend, but I'll send you the address." She says a little too eagerly. "Okay," he chuckles, making Abby melt with the sound. "It's a date. See you tomorrow Abby." Trystan hangs up the phone, leaving Abby speechless. Without finishing her food, Abby hops off the stool where she is still seated, runs into the living room, and excitedly hugs her grandmother. Surprised by what was happening, her grandmother only laughs and asks, "What's going on?" Abby stops hugging her grandmother, takes a deep breath, and says, "I have a study date tomorrow. What am I going to wear? How will I do my hair? You have to help me; I'm begging you!" "Okay, okay. Settle down. I will help you first thing in the morning. Now go clean up your dishes and go to bed. You want to look your best, not tired." Abby scurries off into the kitchen, beaming with happiness. Abby goes back to the stool and hurries to finish her food, not wanting to waste any time. She washes the dishes and dries them before putting them away. That has always been a habit of hers. With everything at home being a mess, she has to have everything clean. She runs upstairs to her room and changes into her oversized tee-shirt and spandex shorts. She goes to her huge bathroom and sits at the sink, with no mirror to look at, the signs of happiness and relief. This event is the first date she's ever been on. She wets her hair to make it easier to brush her curly hair. She puts on face moisturizer before brushing her teeth. She goes to her bed and starts to read her favorite book. Thirty minutes go by before she finally feels tired. She puts her book on the nightstand beside her desk, turns off the lights, and closes her eyes. She tosses and turns all night before giving up on sleep. She goes back to the kitchen at about 6 a.m. for a glass of water. "Good morning Mrs. Abby. Would you like some breakfast?" says one of the chefs. "No, thank you, Mariah. I'm going to try to fall asleep one more time." Abby said as she walked back to her room. She drinks the glass of water before going back to sleep. Abby wakes to the sound of crying in the next room. She hops up in a distressed state and runs to the other room. "Derek, what happened? What's wrong?" "I don't feel well, Abby, and I think Lily isn't feeling well either." Abby goes and picks up the crying baby and takes her temperature. The thermometer showed Lily's temperature to be 100 degrees. Abby runs her through cold water to get her temperature down. She turns the water off and goes to Derek to get him into the bathtub when a servant walks in. "Mrs. Abby! Let me take care of the kids. You need to get ready for your study date." Abby typically does everything on her while at her grandmother's house. When there's something she wants or needs to do, the servants take over for her. Smiling at the servant with thanks in her eyes, Abby says, "Thank you, Annie. Please text me with any updates about them." She looked at her phone to check the time, not realizing that she still had not sent Trystan her grandmother's address. She kisses Derek and Lily's heads before leaving the room. She heads to her room to take a bubble bath. She runs the hot water while putting bubble soap in the tub. After the tub fills up with water, she slides into the tub. Wanting to relax, she pulled out a book to read. Twenty minutes went by before she realized that she hadn't sent her address to Trystan. She quickly gets out of the tub and rushes over to her phone. She pulls up Trystan's phone number under Trystan with a heart emoji next to it. "Hey, Trystan! I am so sorry, here is my address. 103 Hickory River." She looks at the message and reads it a couple more times before feeling satisfied enough to send it. Setting her phone down, Abby walks over to the sink and brushes her hair. She stops mid brush when she hears the door to her room open. She rushes out to find her grandmother has brought her an off-the-shoulder white shirt with puffy sleeves, black leather pants, and knee-high-heeled boots. Abby looked at the clothes, astonished by what she saw. "Here you go. You should look cute in this outfit. Let me do your makeup since you don't look into mirrors," her grandmother says as she guides Abby to sit down. "Thank you, grandma, but please keep it natural." Within one hour, her grandmother had finished her makeup. "Oh, Abby, you look so beautiful." Her grandmother says as she tears up from tears of joy. "Thank you, grandma, but I'm just in a robe. Now please get out so I can get changed." Abby started to push her grandmother out of her room when her grandmother turned around and said, "Honey, you will look beautiful, even covered in mud." Abby stops and guides her grandmother to her bed. "Stay here while I go change in the bathroom. I want your opinion on how I look." Abby snatches the clothes her grandmother brought her and heads for the bathroom. After putting on her outfit, she got a text from Trystan. "It's okay. I'll be there about 4 o'clock." She noticed the time was 3:30 in the afternoon. She rushes out of the bathroom and asks her grandmother how she looks. "Darling, you already know my answer," says her grandmother with a soft smile. Her grandmother gets up and walks to the door before turning around and smiling once more at Abby. Abby and her grandmother had always had a very close relationship. Feeling shy from the attention, Abby only gives her grandmother an awkward smile back. Her grandmother walks out of the room while Abby collects her school work and supplies. With ten minutes to spare, she decides to go to the kitchen for a quick meal. She ate a sandwich with mustard, mayonnaise, turkey, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and cheese. She gets done eating. She sees a Mustang GT pull up into the carport. She realizes who it is almost instantaneously. She goes over and washes the dishes she used for her sandwiches. She put the plate and knives up before the doorbell rang. She had one of the servants answer the door instead of her because she was too nervous to. Abby heads upstairs to tell Derek that she is going out for a little while, but she will be back. Once she was done, she kissed him on the head. "Now you be good to Annie and Grandma, okay?" Abby says with worry in her voice. She has never gone anywhere besides school without her siblings. She knows that they will miss her until she comes back. "Okay, but can you read me a bedtime story before you leave?" "Of course. Go pick out a book." Derek comes back with "Peter Rabbit" in his hands. They both sat on his bed and began to read the story. When Abby finished the book, she looked up and saw Trystan standing in the doorway with a big smile on his face. Abby kisses Derek on the head one more time and gives him a big hug, not wanting to let him go. This is the first time she's been away from them, besides school. Abby says, "I love you, Derek, with tears in her eyes. Don't you ever forget that? Now go play." Abby lets Derek go and gets off the bed to play with the train their grandmother got him. Abby turns to Trystan and smiles. "How long have you been standing here for?" "Oh, only for a few minutes. Come on, let's go. It's a long drive back." Abby goes and gets the bag she already had packed. They walked down the stairs when they saw Abby's grandmother. "Grandma, this is Trystan." "Hello, Trystan," her grandmother said before extending her hand. Trystan takes her hand and shakes it. "Hello, Mrs. I'm sorry, but what should I call you?" Trystan says nervously. "Please call me Stacy. I hate all the formalities." Her grandmother says. Trystan laughs and says, "It's very nice to meet you." Abby and Trystan head for the front door before Abby needs to find Annie. "Annie, make sure the kids are in bed tonight by 9 or 10 o'clock. That is their bedtime." "Yes, Mrs. Abby." "Thank you," Abby said before turning back to Trystan with a sorry look on her face. "Okay, now we can go. I have everything settled." Abby and Trystan walked out to his car. He opens the passenger door for Abby. Once she's inside, he closes the door and walks around the front of the vehicle. He opens his door and gets inside. He takes a sigh of relief and starts the engine before leaving the car's port. The drive to his house was a 45-minute drive from her grandmother's. They began to ask simple questions, trying to start friendships. "I'm sorry, I know we're almost to your house, but I need to go to the bathroom. I can't hold it anymore." Abby says. Trystan spots a gas station ten minutes away from his house. He pulls into the gas station to let Abby go to the bathroom. She walks inside the gas station and finds the restroom. Once she was done with the toilet, she opened the door to find Trystan waiting for her with drinks and snacks at hand. "I didn't know what you liked, so I picked up a little of everything." Abby giggled and let Trystan guide her out of the gas station. "Thank you, Trystan. You could have just texted me asking me what I would like, but you wanted to take a guess," Abby says as they approach the car. Trystan puts all the bags of food and drinks into the trunk of his car before opening the door for Abby once again. Abby blushes as she gets inside, making Trystan smile. He gets into his car, starts the engine again, and takes off to his house. Abby was getting more nervous with every passing moment, wondering how her night would turn out. They pulled into his driveway in no time. They sat in his car for a while, talking about what they liked and disliked about the school, food, and drinks. They talked about their favorite animals and their favorite movie. Abby looked down at her phone and saw a message from her dad. "Grandma told me about tonight. Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do." There's nothing you wouldn't do, Dad, Abby thought before putting her phone down. "Come on. It's already 5 o'clock. We need to study and get you caught up," Abby says before stepping out of the car. Trystan gets out of the car and walks towards her slowly, not making a sound, with a dark look in his eyes. Making Abby even more nervous, she only took a step back to see him coming closer. "Come on, Trystan; we need to study." As she moved closer to his house. Trystan slowly caught up to her with the same dark look in his eyes. He grabs Abby by the arm and turns her around, and kisses her with deep passion, making Abby's knees weak. Barely breathing, Abby pushes back, blushing, looking away. "There's more where that came from," says Trystan. "I would like to build a friendship first before jumping into anything, but we will see where the night takes us. Come on; we have to study." Abby says, pulling her arm away ever so slightly. Trystan moved to the door with a sigh but with the same dark look. He opens his front door and says, "After you." Upon entering Trystan's home, Abby is greeted by a tall man with jet black hair and perfect facial features and a short woman with strawberry blonde hair and perfect excellent facial features. The man extends his hand for Abby to shake with a smile on his face, "Hello and welcome. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Mike, and this beautiful lady standing next to me is my wife, Sarah." Abby feels embarrassed about meeting them. They look way too perfect for me, Abby thought. Abby smiles and shakes Mike's hand. "Nice to meet you both also. Thank you for having me in your beautiful home." The pair just smiled and walked away, giving Trystan a better look. Trystan takes Abby's hand and guides her up the stairs into his room. The room was dark at first. Abby couldn't make out all the details. Trystan turns on the lights so they can see where they're going in the room. The room is massive but also empty. They only had a solid oak dresser, a big flat-screen TV, a desk, and a king-sized bed with only one nightstand beside it. With no traces of trash or clothes on the floor, a very well-organized room with no evidence of paint on any of the walls. It was like no one had lived in the room for quite some time, and Trystan's family disrupted the house's peace. They walked to the desk to start on their homework. A couple of hours went by when Abby asked, "So why did you move?" Trystan sat up and turned to face Abby without skipping a beat. "The family needed a fresh start where no one knew us." Abby began to ask what he meant by that when she looked up and saw the angry expression on Trystan's face. Abby quickly closes her mouth and starts her homework some more. A few more hours pass before Abby looks at her phone and sees that it is already 10 p.m. Abby starts to pack her things when Trystan stops her. "Where do you think you're going? You're staying here tonight. I need a lot of help getting caught up." Confused by what Trystan said, Abby says," Hold the f**k up. What the hell do you mean I'm staying here? I never talked to my grandma about that." "Oh, but I did. I asked her before going up into your brother's room. We just pretended to meet when you introduced us." Trystan says with a proud smirk on his face. Abby goes into a panic. She never even had a boyfriend, let alone spent the night at a boy's house. She fumbles to get her phone out of her bag to text her grandmother but quickly gives up, knowing her grandmother would be okay with something like that. "Fine. I'll sleep on the couch if I stay here," Abby says as she hurries to the bedroom door. Trystan hurried to catch up with her before she reached the door. Abby pulls on the door handle only to feel and see it shut by Trystan. "Oh no. Please take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Abby sees Trystan has already left his room without a fighting chance, leaving the room in complete silence. Abby turns to the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth with the extra toothbrush left for her, as he had this already planned out. Abby looks up and sees her reflection in the mirror. She turned, put her back to face the mirror quickly, and averted her eyes away. Once she finishes her teeth, she puts her hair into a messy bun. She finds Trystan looking for a tee shirt for Abby to wear. Abby screams with fright at the sight of him, thinking she is alone in the massive room. "When did you come back? I didn't hear the door open and close." Says Abby before sitting on the bed and watching Trystan. "I came in a few seconds ago. Here is a shirt that I think you could use as a pajama shirt." Trystan says, turning around, smiling while holding a black AC/DC shirt. Abby hesitates to take the sweater but finally gives in and takes it. Abby goes to the bathroom to change out of her clothes to put on Trystan's shirt. She sees Trystan still in the room but leaning against the bedpost with the same devilish grin he had on before. "Um, Trystan, I'm tired and would like to build a friendship with you," Abby says, fiddling with the hem of the well-oversized shirt. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Trystan walked to the door, still grinning at Abby, never taking his eyes off of her. "One day, we will be together. I will wait for you until you are ready. We will do things your way. Goodnight, Abby." He says before walking out the door before Abby can respond. Still, in a haze from what she just heard, Abby numbingly walks over to Trystan's bed and gets on it, just sitting. She replays the scenes that happened just moments before in her head. "Goodnight," Abby whispers as she snaps out of the haze. She gets out of bed to turn the lights off, strolling, not wanting to make a sound. As she walks over to the door, she notices a note slid under the door from Trystan saying, "There's a glass of water outside the door." Abby smiles at how thoughtful he is. She had always gotten herself a glass of water before she went to bed, and no one had ever thought about getting her one if she forgot to get it herself. Abby opens the door to find the water in the most expensive glass Abby had ever seen. Abby squats down to get the glass of water, holds it with extreme precaution, and slowly turns to the nightstand by the bed before strolling. She sets the glass of water down before shutting the door and turning the lights off once again. After shutting the door and turning off the lights, Abby walks over to the bed and grabs her phone. She sends Trystan a thank you message while smiling at her phone. I told him that no one had shown her the kindness to get her a glass of water before she went to bed when she forgot to. She always had a glass of water next to her because she would wake up during the night sweating even with the fan on and a window open in the dead of winter. She sets her phone down on the nightstand before drifting to sleep.
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