12 - Coralanna Takes Control

1944 Words

Anton POV     When I sat back down on the couch, I looked over at Andrea and said, "She's been through some s**t, huh?"     Andrea glanced down as she shook her head sadly.  When she looked back up to meet my eyes, I could see so much sadness in them as they started to swell with tears.  She cleared her throat, then said, "It's not my place to tell you the details, but I will tell you, the things that pack did to her were absolutely brutal.  It's honestly a miracle the poor thing is still alive.  It was far worse than I could have ever imagined."     I could feel my own tears start rolling down my cheeks as my sister's words echoed in my ears.  I started to feel pure rage take over.  I stood up and ran outside.  I was worried that my wolf might take control.  He had been pacing in my he

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