Book 2, Chapter 2

1853 Words
Zeke “So much for doin’ the right thing.” I muttered as I stepped inside my cottage and picked up my phone. I scrolled through it until I found Ricky’s number and hit dial. After a couple of rings, I heard the old man’s voice. “Zeke? Are you alright, son?” Ricky’s worried voice sounded through the phone. I smiled to myself. At least someone was worried about me. “I’m alright. Some wolves came onto my property. Bastards attacked me. I should have called, but I didn’t have a chance. I’ll head in now, though.” I said. I heard Ricky let out a breath. “Thank the Lord! I was about to head over there and check on ya. You ain’t never missed a day of work in two years. I just knew somethin’ had to be wrong. Are you alright? One of them things didn’t bite you, did it? Some of ‘em carry the rabies.” I couldn’t help the laugh that burst from my lips. “Naw, man. I didn’t get bit.” I wasn’t about to go into depth with the man about what really happened. Humans tended to freak out when they realized they weren’t the only beings in the world. “Listen son, just stay on home today. It’s dead here anyway.” Ricky said. “I need the money, Rick. I cain’t afford not to come in.” I said quietly. “Well, let’s call this a sick day, and I’ll pay you for it anyway.” he said. I felt my eyes sting at the old man’s words. “You ain’t gotta do all that, man.” I said. “Bullshit! You ain’t missed a single day since I hired ya. Now, just stay home and rest. Maybe fix that damn fence you been ‘meanin’ to fix.” He said, and I didn’t miss his implied air quotes. “Alright, alright. I’m catchin’ what you’re throwin’.” I said with a chuckle. “Alright boy, well I’ll talk at you later… and listen… I’m glad you’re alright.” “Thanks, Rick. That means a lot. I’ll talk at you later.” I disconnected the call and sat down, putting my head in my hands as the tears started running down my face. In the last couple of years I hadn’t shed a single tear. It didn’t matter how bad things got. But that old man calling just because he was worried about my well-being got to me. I was sitting there on the couch blubbering like a baby when there was a knock at my door that caused me to jump. I wiped the tears from my face before answering it. I took a step back in surprise as I stared at the three McCloud men and Emily standing on my porch. I cast my eyes at the old wooden floorboards. “Alpha’s! I didn’t know you was comin’ out here. Have I done somethin’ wrong?” I said as I switched my weight from one foot to the other. “No, son. You ain’t done nothin’ wrong. Raise your head up. They ain’t no need for that shit.” Lee’s deep voice boomed. I looked up to see the four of them wearing strange looks that I couldn’t decipher. “Can I get y’all somethin’ to drink? I quit drinkin’ a year ago, but I got some sweet tea and coke colas in the fridge.” I said, pointing to my little kitchen. Lee smiled gently. “You know, some sweet tea sure does sound good. Don’t it boys?” Lee said as he looked at his sons. Alec huffed, but, to my surprise, Adam gave me a small smile. “Yea. I reckon I could go for some sweet tea.” He said. “I brought you some pie as a thank you for your help today.” Emily said kindly. I just stood with my mouth open, staring at them. “Well now, Zeke, I know me, and your Momma taught you better manners than this. Ain’t you gonna ask us to come in?” Emily said with a motherly smile. I shook myself out of my shock and stood back. “Come on in. Sorry about that. I don’t get many visitors out here. ‘Cept Ricky, Curtis, and Cecelia.” I said quickly. I stumbled into the kitchen and poured four cups of tea and put them on the serving tray Cecelia had given me. She said I might need it if I ever got a girlfriend, but it has just sat there since I got it. I sat the tray down sloppily on my make-shift coffee table and handed out the red solo cups, which was all I had. “So what brings y’all way out here?” I asked nervously as I rung my hands. “To be honest, I think we’re gonna be goin’ to war soon. That’s the fourth rogue attack in three weeks.” Adam said as he took a sip of his tea. “A war? If you don’t mind me askin’, what does somebody wanna start a war with you for?” I asked as I c****d my head. “I wish we knew.” Lee said as he shook his head. “Zeke, you got some plates? I’ll cut this pie up if you do.” Emily said. I felt myself blush slightly as I cleared my throat. “Ummm… Well… All I got is them Styrofoam ones and some plastic forks.” I mumbled, embarrassed at my lack of dishes. The woman just smiled at me. “That’ll do just fine.” I jumped up and walked the three steps to my kitchen and grabbed the plates, plastic forks and a knife. I handed them to Emily and sat back down. “I ain’t tryin’ to be nasty or anything, but that don’t tell me why y’all come out here to me.” I said. Alec rolled his eyes. “Well, other than us, you’re the strongest wolf in the pack and right now we need all the help we can get.” Adam said as Emily handed him a plate of pie. He smiled like a kid and dug in. She handed me a plate and fork. I took a bite of the delicious treat and let out a moan. I hadn’t had anything remotely as good as this in two years. Emily chuckled and I blushed brighter. “I reckon if y’all want me to help, I’m more than happy to oblige. But it’s gotta be after I get off work. I cain’t just leave Ricky high and dry.” I said as I stuffed another fork full in my mouth. Alec raised his eyebrow at me. “s**t like that never bothered you before. Why do you care so much now?” he said sharply. “Alec Wayne McCloud! We come out here askin’ the man for help and here you are bein’ a jerk.” Emily snapped at him. Alec, however, was not swayed. He stared hard at me for a few minutes before I finally swallowed the bite of pie I was eating and answered. “Well, Ricky’s been real good to me over the past two years. He’s been like a second father to me, and I don’t think I would have made it out here if it weren’t for him.” I said quietly. The four of them stared at me dumbfounded. “You really have changed, ain’t ya?” Adam asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. “Y’all and Addy gave me a second chance. I ain’t tryin’ to waste it.” I said sincerely. Lee smiled at me. “Good for you, son.” I just nodded at him. “So listen, man. I know you gotta work and what not, but we really could use you to help train the warriors.” Adam said. “We need to help the pack, Zeke.” Zeus said firmly. “What about Rick and Curtis? We cain’t let them down either.” I said. “We talk to them, tell them the truth.” Zeus said. “Bud, I don’t think it’s that easy.” “Ask Lee.” Zeus said as he plopped himself down in my mind. “What the hell does Lee got to do with it?” I asked. “Just ask Lee, human. He’ll know what to do.” He grumbled. “Ummm… Lee? I got a question.” I said hesitantly. “Shoot.” He said as he sipped his tea. “Zeus says I orta tell Ricky and Curtis the truth, so we can help the pack. He says I need to ask you what to do. He seems to think you’ll have the answer.” Lee smiled at me. “I been knowin’ them boys for years. You think they don’t know what we are? Son, who do you think told them to keep an eye on you?” Lee said as his eyes twinkled. I stared at him with my mouth gaped open. “Yea. Me and Cecelia been in the same book club for years. I asked her to show you how to take care of yourself out here.” Emily said fondly. I felt the old familiar sting of tears building in my eyes. “But why? After everything I’ve done, why would you help me?” I asked in shock. Emily stood up and crouched down in front of me, her hands on my knees. “Because I remember Janey’s sweet little boy who used to bring me flowers when his momma would come over and have dinner with us and the boys.” She said as she wiped a stray tear from my cheek. “I figured that little boy was still in there somewhere.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a picture. She handed it to me, and I gasped as a fresh wave of tears ran like a river down my face. “He just needed a little help findin’ his way back is all.” She said, knowingly. “Where’d you get this?” I asked her. “I found it when I was cleanin’ out the attic. I think she’d have wanted you to have it.” She said gently. I looked down into the face of my mother. She was holding me in her arms when I was about four or five. Our foreheads were pressed together, and we were smiling at each other as I held her face. I looked up at Emily who was smiling down at the picture fondly. “Your Momma was a good woman. She was sweet to everybody she ever met. What Levi did to her was a God damn shame. I don’t know what’s worse, though. What he did to her or what he did to you.” Lee said sadly. I looked up at Emily and smiled broadly. “Thank you for this. I really needed it.”
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