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Noah lowers me into his bed and climbs in next to me and just wraps his arms around me I flinch a little at his touch and he pulls back and asks "Is it too soon"  I shake my head and tell him "no, it is just I am still in pain."  he turns me on to my back and asks if he can see and I slowly pull off my shirt, so he is able to see everything.  The look in his eyes breaks my heart, and I start to pull away and curl in on myself, thinking he hates me now.  Noah gently grabs my face and turns me too him "don't, please don't turn away from me. I love you I meant what I said asking you to marry me tonight I will love you forever Shelly I just hate seeing hurt like this."  I kiss him gently and curl into his arms.  He just rocks me back and forth, and before I know it, I have fallen asleep.  The last thing I remember hearing is him telling me how much he loves me and nothing would ever change that. I wake up the next morning the familiar scent of citrus and something woodsy with strong arms around me, and I instantly know I am In Noah's arms.  I look up at his handsome face and tears start streaming down my face I don't understand how I got so lucky to have him.  I couldn't help myself and start sobbing, and I bury my head in his chest.  Noah wakes up and brushes back my hair I hear him say "Hey Shelly, I'm here don't worry I am not going anywhere I'm here just let it out baby it is all over. "  I just wrap one arm around his waist and pull myself closer.  Next thing I know he says "I hate admitting this because I love you and would really like you to come to me for this but do you want me to get Lee" I shake my head and say "please just hold me Noah, every time he touched me I kept wishing it was you, hoping it was you, but I knew it wasn't because my skin would crawl just hold me so I can forget"  He pulls that stupid grin I love so much and says "Like I said last night anything for you."  I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually, June was knocking on the door asking to come in.  Noah looked at me, and I shook my head yes and he said "come in mom" next thing I hear is "hey you two I just spoke to your dad Elle he understands if your not ready to go home yet and says you can stay here until your ready, but he really needs to see you so he will be over in a half-hour.  Is there anything I can do to help you with till then.  I ask if she has my ointment and next thing I know Noah said, "nope I have it don't worry Shelly I will take care of you.  You can wear one of my shirts or Lee's, so it doesn't brush up against the burns you dad said the Dr. doesn't want you to wear any clothes that will rub on them for a couple of days."  June looks at us and says, "o.k. it looks like you two got this just, please be downstairs before he gets here in a half-hour."  Noah replies no problem, mom,"  right after June leaves Noah sends me in to take a shower and leaves my clothes on the counter before leaving.  Afterward, he gently applies the burn ointment on and makes sure everything has been done.  I pull on Noah's shirt and head downstairs to wait for my dad.  I never realized how much Noah was willing to do for me.
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