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Warning extremely graphic content can also cause emotional triggers.  Sorry I took it this far, but the scene kept calling me back that it needed more Tonight was terrible.  I hated being in the Flynn's house with him.  All I wanted to do was run into Noah's room and lock myself in.  Tuppen was driving me crazy he almost ended up with a broken nose last night.  Thank goodness I remembered that Tuppen said he would have my back no matter what which is why when I got home I left my window open for him.  I even made sure to put on a pair of shorts and a sports bra on.  I had decided at Lee's if Tuppen showed up I would tell him everything and show him everything. As I await for Tuppen to hopefully appear I write a letter, I hope I never have to leave. I can't take it anymore Justin keeps burning me with cigarettes and reminding me of our pact I am his girl or Lee is put in the hospital or worse and with him telling me that next weekend will be our weekend to take have s*x and to be ready to put on a good act or else I have decided that will never happen.  I know it might destroy everyone I love, but Noah is the only man I want to give that part of myself to.  So if I can't get out of this, he will be the only man to ever share that part of me.    I am sorry all of you. I love you all.  Support each other, please.  Joan Mathew, please take care of my dad and Brad.   Lee Noah, please take care of each other. I fold the letter and slide it in my drawer just as Tuppen drops into my room.  O.K. Evans what the hell is really going on.  I tell him everything.  How he tells me what to do and if I don't respond quick enough, he punishes me.  Tuppen looks at me, and I lift up my shirt and show him my sides. I realize he has his eyes covered.  "Tuppen just looks please I need someone to know" "yeah man but Flynn will kill me"  "no he won't he will understand I promise please look"  Tuppen looks at me and he walks over pulls my shirt down and hugs me.  I cry in his arms I had to.  I couldn't let him hurt Lee anymore.  Tuppen tips my head up and tells me, "I know Evan's I know.  I get why you were the lucky one to steal Flynn's heart now.  No girl stood a chance against you.  Flynn is one lucky dumbass."  "Thank you, Tuppen Thank you"  Now you need to leave he will be calling me soon and if you are here or he suspects"  "o.k. got it" He lets himself out, and I instantly change into what he likes me to wear, which is absolutely nothing except my panties.  I grab a robe and make sure to close my window when I see him he has seen Tuppen leave.  He climbs up into the window.  I back up slowly "you b***h so he can have you but not me"  next thing I know he has me pinned down on the floor.  I scream, begging him not to do this all of a sudden, my dad is in the room.  He yells what the hell tries to pull Justin off of me and all that got him was a punch to the gut he falls to the floor and hits his head on my desk.  Brad comes in, and I yell run just run.  Thank God Brad did what I said and ran. While my dad was out of it, he ties him to a chair and me to the bed.  He tells me the fun will begin when daddy wakes up.  I know what is coming. This past week he has already burned me ten times for little infractions.  Looking at Lee, not letting him grope me in class, things like that.  I had no idea what lied ahead.  When my dad came too, he said well well I guess you now realize our little relationship is a scam.  So that you know dude first this little b***h will pay then you and when I find him your son oh and let's not forget poor little Lee he is dead because of you Elle we had an arrangement.  The first thing he does is light a cigarette and starts to burn me with it I lost count after awhile.  I could hear my dad begging him to stop.  I guess at some point I passed out because I am on the floor with just my robe on.  Let's just wait till she wakes up, and I will take her right here, and you can't stop me.  He finally realizes I am awake and undoes his pants stripping them and his underwear off.  All I keep thinking is no please I only want Noah as he lays on top of me.  I look around terrified, and my eyes land on one of the things he absolutely loves me to wear that I hate — four-inch stolleto heels.  I grab one, and without even thinking, I plunge it into his neck.  He looks at me and falls he is blood flowing everywhere I scream.  
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