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Shortly after getting downstairs June pulls me into a hug and says, "you were always special to me Elle I always thought of you as my own daughter.  You became more important when you became Lee's best friend and now more so being with Noah.  I never thought you could mean more to me than you already did until last night.  I hate and I mean I hate well all of us do, that you put yourself through this torture to protect Lee but thank you so much."  I looked up at June and said, "you know I have always loved you like a second mother and Mathew is a second dad not to mention Lee being my bestie for life.  This family became even more important to me when I fell in love with Noah and realized he loved me as well I had no other choice everyone I hold dear in my life would have shattered if I let him hurt Lee again.  It was an easy decision to sacrifice my self to save you all the hardest part was to break up with Noah; I cried myself to sleep that night."  Again I was enveloped in a Flynn family hug I didn't realize that Lee and Mathew had walked in during our conversation but having them all there made me realize I would be whole again. It turns out dad and Brad came over for breakfast and brought me some more clothes and more instructions from the Dr.  No submerging the burns for a week only quick showers once a day.  Apply the ointment once a day or as needed for pain.  No strenuous exercise for a week I saw how he glanced at Noah on that one.  And no perfume or make-up allowed.  Noah reached down and grabbed my left hand and pulled a really annoyed face at me and looked at my dad and shrugged his shoulders.  He then asked if we could be excused.  He pulled me far enough away so we could talk but not out of my dad's sight.  then he asked me "where is it while holding my left hand" I look down and say oh up in your bathroom I wasn't sure if we were going to announce it yet we hadn't discussed that so I left it behind."  he looks at me "Shelly if you are not ready I understand you have been through a lot I can wait"  I look at him and say "no I am ready Noah I have known all my life I wanted to marry you let me go get it to wait here o.k."  I run upstairs, and Lee follows me "hey can we talk"  I look at him and say sure and follow him into his room "Elle I need to know am I losing my best friend to my brother" I look at him and tell him "no of course not'  he then tells me "why were you sobbing and why didn't Noah come get me I heard you I was on my way down and so I paused thinking you needed me"  I looked at Lee and told him "I do need you Lee but what I needed this morning was just to have Noah hold me.  What he was doing was chasing away the memory of Justin's hands-on me something you couldn't do, but I know I will need to chase the memories away and that is where you come in I will still need to talk about this and how it made me feel emotional o.k."  Lee smiles and hugs me gently and o.k. just know I am here for you no matter what"  I smile and say "I know now go downstairs you know our parents want us all in their line of sight today"  He chuckles and says o.k. And heads downstairs.  I walk out of Lee's room and head into Noah's room and then his bathroom and pick up my ring and slide it back on my finger.  I take a deep breath and slowly head back downstairs since I know why Noah wanted me to get right now, and I am so happy he is as excited as I am about me becoming Mrs. Noah Flynn.
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