Chapter Two-2

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Gus was taken to one door numbered 3V, Bill to 3W. As they turned to face the door, Gus thought he saw someone at the end of the hall. He turned slightly and saw that it was a woman, bound similarly to the way he was, naked except for a small G string bikini, gagged and blindfolded with some sort of leather harness over her head. The light blond hair was mussed up, and the woman looked thoroughly exhausted. The gag, blindfold, and harness hid her face, but to Gus, in that fraction of a second before she was pushed into the cell, the face and stature looked familiar. There was a single guard with her; but, as Gus turned his head to look again, his guard poked him in the ribs with her fist, jerked on the leash, and forced him into the doorway, ducking under the low cement overhead, and into the tiny cell. They were each shoved through the low, cramped doorway, taken to the far wall, and their leashes attached to a heavy ring halfway up the wall. The leash ended in a locking snap hook. The guard stepped back out the door, closed it, and pressed the “lock” button on the keypad. A heavy metal bolt shot through the door and the surrounding steel and concrete frame. They were left alone, each with his own chilling thoughts. No one knew where they were. No one would ever think of looking for them in the Swiss Alps, and these people who were holding them were definitely not police. There were other questions that both men turned over in their minds. Who had actually carried out the robbery? How did the police know the men would be in the area? Was it chance? Had they been included in the entire plot or just fallen into the game at the last minute? What was happening to the girls? The cells were tiny, about six feet square. The floor and walls were concrete. There was no bed, no toilet. Only rings around the sides on the walls and on the floor and ceiling. Light came from an overhead grid sealed with wire-reinforced glass. As Bill was turning around to inspect the cell, the light went out, and he was left in the dark. The position he was in allowed him only to stand next to the wall and the ring. He could neither sit nor lie down. It would be a very long night for Bill and Gus. Meanwhile, down the hall, out of sight, the single guard had entered another cell with her charge, the blond woman with the head harness and short, messed up hair. The guard pushed her up against the cement wall and fastened the chains. The prisoner moaned as the front of her collar was attached to the wall ring and her chained arms pulled up behind her and chained to another ring on the opposite wall. She rested her forehead against the concrete to relieve the tension on her arms. Her small, but well sculptured breasts had large silver rings through the n*****s and were inflamed to bright red from the whipping they had endured earlier that day. The area under her leather g-string was fully devoid of pubic hair. She had almost no hips and her buttocks were small, more like a man’s. She wore black leather pumps with six-inch, pencil-thin heels and locking bands that encircled her ankles and instep. The instep bands came up over the top of the foot and held it immobile in the shoe. The second locking band was somewhat wider and encircled her entire ankle area. Over the ankle bands, her feet were closely bound with heavy, gray, metal shackles about six inches apart. The center of the chain between the shackles was locked to a ring in the stone floor with a combination padlock. Another set of shackles was fastened around her legs just above the knee and connected with only two small links, effectively hobbling the prisoner and allowing no more than a slow shuffle walk. The above-knee bands were very tight and compressed the thigh flesh against the bone, leaving deep indentations in the skin. The guard chuckled as she locked the arm chain to the wall ring. She spoke to the girl in Swiss German. “Back here once again, are you? Well, you are going to have a very long day tomorrow. Be sure to get lots of sleep tonight. No staying up late and watching TV. See you in the morning, Eddie.” The guard backed out of the cell and shut off the lights. Eddie, the former Eddie Wilson of Summit, New Jersey, was a long way from home and TV. The Consortium had abducted him over a year before as he traveled alone in France. His capture had come at a small country inn near the Rhine, when he had retired after a heavy, rich meal, and too much local red wine. Eddie had awakened alone in a cold steel cell in another country; kidnapped, imprisoned, and lost. No one had heard from him since. He simply disappeared. The police in his hometown listed him as missing, but they did little other than send a routine inquiry to Interpol, which accepted the inquiry without comment. They had thousands of missing person’s reports and couldn’t begin to follow up unless there was evidence of a crime, or the parties in the states had influence. No further investigation was carried out. Wilson disappeared. He wasn’t wealthy, had no immediate family, and was not part of any major corporation, so there was no ransom, no further contact. Eddie’s singular failing was his good looks. He was short, fair-skinned, light haired, and attractive; a bit small-boned, in good physical shape, and not over weight. His captors had taken advantage of this, paid a small ‘finder’s fee’ to the alert inn operator, and allowed him to keep whatever cash and traveler’s checks Wilson had with him. Eddie was removed, with the rest of his luggage, that same night. As was often the practice in Europe, there had been no sign-in, no registration, and no passport involved in Wilson’s check-in at the inn. When he left, there was no record of his ever having been there. His capture had been much like that of the two other Americans and those who had come before them. Eddie’s initial training, however, had been somewhat different because there was uncertainty about how he was to be ‘developed’ and what the final outcome, in terms of gender, was to be. Thus, in the early stages, Eddie was exposed to the torments of having his male organs pierced and confined in a variety of gruesome leather and metal restraints. These included a heavy, custom-made silver collar that enclosed the length of his p***s and was held in place by two silver pins. The pins pierced the under section of his p***s’ head and the loose tissue a few inches further back on the organ. The device fit tightly and could not be removed without shears or a saw to cut the pins. Fitted with this appliance, Eddie soon discovered the frustrations and pain of a beginning erection and the consequences of encouraging such. The collar was a straight tube of about five inches; and, after the piercing was carried out, his organ was inserted into the tube, and the locking pins inserted to close the tube around the now stretched length of penile flesh. The head of his s*x stuck out from the silver enclosure, somewhat swollen from both the extension and the compression of the skin behind it. This fitting accomplished, Eddie was then confined for several days in a small, hanging metal cage. His hands and feet were chained behind him and his p***s chained to a large metal ring in the floor. He could either lie on his side or kneel, but no other posture was possible. While hanging in the cage, he was forced to watch numerous s****l activities below him and these quite naturally brought him to an excited state, no matter what he did to try and avoid seeing or hearing the acts going on in the room below his cage. When his cage was lowered and Eddie was fed, it was by a voluptuous young woman who made certain to touch and fondle him before, during, and after his meal, which she fed to him by hand. The experience was intense for Eddie, who had never had a problem getting women into bed, and who was quite used to having his way with any member of the opposite s*x whom he encountered. This time, Eddie wasn’t getting anything except a great amount of pain as his captured c**k tried to rise and pulled at the retaining silver pins and collar. A week later, a much more contrite and aware Eddie was introduced to additional controlling devices intended to further alter his s****l activity and views for the future. The Consortium training staff of efficient and attractive young women fitted him with a very heavy, locking, silver collar around his entire s*x organ group. This collar pressed into his groin and held his c**k and balls in close restraint. It was kept in place by a thin chain that locked around his hips and mated with a second chain that went from the base of his spine, through the buttocks, and joined the groin collar beneath the tightly enclosed scrotum. A two-inch ring mounted in the crotch chain was centered over his anus and various probes and horse tails were usually attached through the ring, especially when he was being given pony training. The groin collar also could be connected to the penile tube by a variable length chain from the top of the tube to the groin collar, holding his organ aloft at different angles from his bound body. Teased and tormented hourly for days, Eddie’s red and swollen s*x oozed moisture constantly and was in a continuous state of semi-erection. The system guaranteed that he got no s****l release, and the metal devices were, by design, permanent. Eddie grew more and more frustrated as his training continued. His nose, tongue, ears and n*****s were also pierced and fitted with large silver rings. He was measured and soon fitted with a leather harness and bridle that attached to the head and body rings; and, at night, he was kept chained by these rings, in various uncomfortable positions. Day after day, for many weeks, Eddie was put through pony training paces and endlessly tormented while his photos and videos were circulated to potential buyers. On more than one occasion, he was displayed before male and female buyers along with other slaves. This event was always a frightening and exhausting experience. He was gagged and chained to the wall, or to an upright post, or to the overhead with his hands high above him. His genitals were teased and played with, but orgasm was never permitted. Monster prongs were inserted into his rectum, driven home with sudden force, and then tied there in place for hours. On other occasions, his captors had him mounted on a single upright post with a top that was shaped like an enlarged p***s. He was forced to stand on tiptoes while the thing was raised up into him. The top went deeper and deeper until he was screaming from the pain of the prong stabbing up into his stomach, jammed against his inner organs, holding him wide open, and mounted like a mannequin in a store window. Thus impaled, he was displayed for potential buyers or for the simply curious who sometimes wandered about in the Schloss’s training room where he was being kept. There was no way off the impalement. For even though his hands were free, there was nothing to hold onto, no way to lift his entire weight up and off the vertical shaft. The best he could do was writhe and squirm, trying unsuccessfully to lessen the pressure on his innards, to rise up a fraction of an inch and thus lessen the terrible invasion of his rectum and lower intestine. This occasional treatment was later varied in a more terrible fashion.
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