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With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. For information contact: Pink Flamingo Publications P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083 USA Email Comments: comments@pinkflamingo.com Author note: Desperate is a work of erotic fiction intended for adult audiences only. The story and characters are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Preface Fantasy novels are full of plots where American tourists end up in less than pleasant situations at the hands of unscrupulous foreigners. Many of the tales are based on more than a bit of truth. As long as they have been going East across the big pond, Americans abroad have historically run afoul of the crooks, the con men, and deceivers that prey on the innocent, ignorant, and stupid tourist. The players in this story are fictitious and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is pure coincidence. But the story also captures many elements of a saga I personally heard from knowledgeable sources in Germany a few years ago. Long before it was possible to digitally alter photographs, I saw photos, films, and videos that convinced me that the concept of human ponies in various stages of s****l change was not only possible but also quite real. There is no argument among learned folks that pony men and pony girls do exist. There are thousands, perhaps millions, in the U.S. alone and millions more the world over. They occasionally meet for outings in secluded areas, and I have met many in fine hotels and resorts around the globe. There is, I believe, a question of exactly how much of the pony fetish is voluntary and how much is, shall we say, not coerced, but visited upon the pony person by other influences. The participants in this tale are, it would seem, victims. But not too far below the initial potential thoughts of distaste and resistance, there lies in each of them and in each of us, a desire to indulge in what they accidentally become. Take care as you read this. There is always the possibility that our darkest and deepest desires may be brought to the surface, willingly or unwillingly. Jurgen von Stuka Munich, 1998 *** A Further Note of Caution: When we were kids, we’d go to the movies on Saturday afternoon and see action thrillers that often featured bondage scenes with the hero or heroine in grave distress, tied to a chair, or chained to a dungeon wall. At times, we went home and emulated parts of these movies alone or with others. Today, many of us still seek to reenact that which we know is only fantasy. A word of caution about such practices: Between informed, understanding, and mutually consenting adults, much pleasure can be derived from exploits into the worlds and scenes of fantasy that we all know and love. Three cardinal rules must always, however, apply: • All parties must agree to what is being done. No exceptions. Anything else may be a crime and most certainly is unforgivable in fantasy scene behavior. • Safeties must be understood and agreed upon BEFORE play begins. ‘Enough’ means ‘stop’. Failure to respect this tenant could be fatal! • The real and healthful safety limits of all parties must be known and understood. Jurgen von Stuka DESPERATE Part One
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